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Turner, Gil

Volledige naam:Gil Turner
Datum van overlijden:00-00-74

Meegewerkt aan de volgende stripverhalenseries:

Kleine Boze Wolf(st), Drie kleine biggetjes(t), Grote Boze Wolf(t), Barney Bear en Benny Burro(st), Benny Burro(t)

Meegewerkt aan de volgende stripbladstripverhalenseries:

Barney Bear en Benny Burro (st), Benny Burro (t), Bongo (t), Dombo (t), Donald Duck (st), Drie kleine biggetjes (t), Grote Boze Wolf (st), Kleine Boze Wolf (st), Mickey Mouse (t), Tokkie Tor (t)
Stripverhalen van Gil Turner (Nederlands)
Overzicht van de (andere) tekenaars en schrijvers

Stripverhalen van Gil Turner
serienaam nr. datum titel lengte Code/Pub 1e Ref.
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V1 10-47Are you sure it's ten 8 WDC 85 2.3+3
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V2 11-47Pop Pop Guess what I just 8 WDC 86 2.11+1
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V3 12-47Pop said he was goin' to 8 WDC 87 2.9+5
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V4 05-48Boy Oh boy A crook hasn't got 8 WDC 92 2.3+6
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V5 06-48After him son after him 8 WDC 93 2.10+3
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V6 09-48Hi Li'l Wolf The water's keen 8 WDC 96 2.5+7
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V7 10-48Help brother practical This is 8 WDC 97 Donald Duck : 31.9+7
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V8 12-48You put the nice fat 8 WDC 99 2.2+3
Drie kleine biggetjes GT.V9 01-49The mounties 12 FC 218 Donald Duck : 12.11+12
Grote Boze Wolf GT.V10 01-49Wie een kuil graaft... 1 FC 218 Donald Duck : 76.10+4
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V11 03-49Farmer Bear's watermelons are ripe 8 WDC 102 Donald Duck : 31.16+2
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V12 05-49Hey pop I've got great news 8 WDC 104 2.3+1
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V13 06-49Here's your bedroom slippers pop 8 WDC 105 1.1+3
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V14 07-49In navolging van koning Midas 8 WDC 106 2.2+1
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V15 08-49Well blow me down It's 8 WDC 107 Donald Duck : 31.15+3
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V16 09-49Pop He's coming The game warden 8 WDC 108 1.1+4
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V17 10-49Gee pop You look wonderful 8 WDC 109 1.1+5
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V18 11-49Li'l Wold is not a bit 8 CP 1 2.9+3
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V19 12-49Ahem Notice anything different about WDC 111 Donald Duck : 42.8+10
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V20 01-50Christmas Eve 8 WDC 112 Donald Duck : 46.7+2
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V21 02-50Bah I feel positively undressed 8 WDC 113 Donald Duck : 31.2+4
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V22 03-50I'd sure love to see 8 WDC 114 2.1+6
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V23 04-50I will too Oh no you won't 8 WDC 115 Donald Duck : 31.13+2
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V24 06-50Now's my chance While they're 8 WDC 117 1.1+2
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V25 01-51I just love Chrismas practical 8 WDC 124 1.1+6
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V26 02-51Willikers It just doesn't seem possible 8 WDC 125 Donald Duck : 31.11+2
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V27 03-51Boo Li'l Wolf wait It 8 WDC 126 Donald Duck : 31.14+3
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V28 04-51Li'l Wolf What kind of an 8 WDC 127 1.1+1
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V29 07-51Pop look at the nice puppy dogs 8 WDC 130 Donald Duck : 31.10+5
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V30 11-51Whillikers It was nice of mister Merlin 8 WDC 134 Donald Duck : 31.8+5
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V31 11-51De daklozen 8 CP 3 ( CP 3 ) Donald Duck : 43.20+4
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V32 12-51Hee hee look at him go 8 WDC 135 2.10+7
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V33 01-52Why there's s sheep bell 8 WDC 136 Donald Duck : 31.10+2
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V34 02-52Confound it I never saw anything 6 WDC 137 2.9+2
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V35 03-52And that's your fortune 6 WDC 138 2.7+1
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V36 06-52Just listen to that infernal frog 1 FC 403 2.5+6
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V37 06-52Talking through his hat 12 FC 403 2.6+6
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V38 06-52My good deed for today 1 FC 403 2.5+8
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V39 06-52I heard you were shopping 1 FC 403 2.5+2
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V40 09-52It's swell to come to 8 WDC 144 2.11+2
Drie kleine biggetjes GT.V41 09-52Er waren eens drie biggetjes die 9 SS 1 ( SSY 1 ) Kleine Boze Wolf : 2.5+1
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V42 10-52Whillikers pop You're tracking mud 8 WDC 145 2.4+1
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V43 11-52Trick or treat Trick or 8 WDC 146 2.5+9
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V44 12-52Look pop Ebert Eagle is 8 WDC 147 2.5+3
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V45 04-53Spring house Un-Cleaning 8 WDC 151 Donald Duck : 43.4+8
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V46 05-53Uh oh Do you know what today 8 WDC 152 2.5+5
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V47 11-53Pinocchio's visit 8 WDC 158-02 ( WDC 158 ) Donald Duck : 31.1+4
Drie kleine biggetjes GT.V48 06-54Ha Ha Practical pig's brothers 8 DDBP 1 ( DD BP 1 ) Donald Duck : 12.11+4
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V49 10-56Ah-h You can thank me for 6 WDC 193 2.7+6
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V50 11-56Guess I'll mosey over and 6 WDC 194 Donald Duck : 11.3+3
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V51 01-57Gosh The woodbin is empty again 6 WDC 196 Donald Duck : 43.13+14
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V52 02-57Replacing allen eggs again eh son 6 WDC 197 Sterstrip : 2.5+1
Kleine Boze Wolf GT.V53 08-57Look Li'l Wolf is busy 6 WDC 203 2.7+3