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FAB 2005 Nr. 34 (01-04-05) (36p.)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Fables W11 Jack be nimble - Jack and Jill 4 1/10 1 4 David Hahn (t), Bill Willingham (s)
2 Fables W11 Jack be nimble - The testimony of Bernard Stein 4 2/10 5 8 David Hahn (t), Bill Willingham (s)
3 Fables W11 Jack be nimble - The testimony of Moss Waterhouse 5 3/10 9 13 David Hahn (t), Bill Willingham (s)
4 Fables W11 Jack be nimble - The testimony of Charlene Speck 5 4/10 14 18 David Hahn (t), Bill Willingham (s)
5 Fables W11 Jack be nimble - Other testimonials 4 5/10 19 22 David Hahn (t), Bill Willingham (s)