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FAB 2006 Nr. 50 (01-08-06) (50p.)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Fables W17 Happily Ever After - Secret agent man 6 1/9 1 6 Mark Buckingham (t), Steve Leialoha (t), Andrew Pepoy (t), Bill Willingham (s)
2 Fables W17 Happily Ever After - Castles in the sky 7 2/9 7 13 Mark Buckingham (t), Steve Leialoha (t), Andrew Pepoy (t), Bill Willingham (s)
3 Fables W17 Happily Ever After - Behind enemy lines 7 3/9 14 20 Mark Buckingham (t), Steve Leialoha (t), Andrew Pepoy (t), Bill Willingham (s)
4 Fables W17 Happily Ever After - The israel analogy 7 4/9 21 27 Mark Buckingham (t), Steve Leialoha (t), Andrew Pepoy (t), Bill Willingham (s)
5 Fables W17 Happily Ever After - Home is the hunter 3 5/9 28 30 Mark Buckingham (t), Steve Leialoha (t), Andrew Pepoy (t), Bill Willingham (s)
6 Fables W17 Happily Ever After - Restoration 4 6/9 31 34 Mark Buckingham (t), Steve Leialoha (t), Andrew Pepoy (t), Bill Willingham (s)
7 Fables W17 Happily Ever After - The big valley 4 7/9 35 38 Mark Buckingham (t), Steve Leialoha (t), Andrew Pepoy (t), Bill Willingham (s)
8 Fables W17 Happily Ever After - The wedding 8 8/9 39 46 Mark Buckingham (t), Steve Leialoha (t), Andrew Pepoy (t), Bill Willingham (s)
9 Fables W17 Happily Ever After - Mr. and Mrs. Wolf 2 9/9 47 48 Mark Buckingham (t), Steve Leialoha (t), Andrew Pepoy (t), Bill Willingham (s)