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FC 1953 Nr. 473 (06-53) (36p.) Li'l Bad Wolf
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Li'l Bad Wolf HE.V8 Aren't you piggs through camouflaging 1 1/1 COM Harvey Eisenberg (t)
2 Li'l Bad Wolf HE.V9 Er we're getting pretty far 8 1/1 COM Harvey Eisenberg (t)
3 Li'l Bad Wolf HE.V10 Hi pop Look at my report 8 1/1 COM Harvey Eisenberg (t)
4 Li'l Bad Wolf HE.V11 Brer Rabbit Watch out for 8 1/1 COM Harvey Eisenberg (t)
5 Li'l Bad Wolf HE.V12 Uh oh I've got to go 8 1/1 COM Harvey Eisenberg (t)
6 Li'l Bad Wolf HE.V13 Hi pop I'm back from 1 1/1 COM Harvey Eisenberg (t)
7 Li'l Bad Wolf HE.V14 Look at the clubhouse I 1 1/1 COM Harvey Eisenberg (t)