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Stripblad Lion in 1962 (52,52)

1962 Nr. 509 (06-01-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Archie* V17 The tiger-hunters 2 1/18 1 2 Mark Ross (st)
2 Karl the Viking V4 Karl was a young Viking Chieftain 2 8/19 15 16 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)

1962 Nr. 510 (13-01-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Archie* V17 The tiger-hunters 2 2/18 3 4 Mark Ross (st)
2 Karl the Viking V4 Karl was a young Viking Chieftain 2 9/19 17 18 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)

1962 Nr. 511 (20-01-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Archie* V17 The tiger-hunters 2 3/18 5 6 Mark Ross (st)
2 Karl the Viking V4 Karl was a young Viking Chieftain 2 10/19 19 20 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)

1962 Nr. 512 (27-01-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Karl the Viking V4 Karl was a young Viking Chieftain 2 11/19 21 22 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)
2 Archie* V17 The tiger-hunters 2 4/18 7 8 Mark Ross (st)

1962 Nr. 513 (03-02-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Karl the Viking V4 Karl was a young Viking Chieftain 2 12/19 23 24 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)
2 Archie* V17 The tiger-hunters 2 5/18 9 10 Mark Ross (st)

1962 Nr. 514 (10-02-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Archie* V17 The tiger-hunters 2 6/18 11 12 Mark Ross (st)
2 Karl the Viking V4 Karl was a young Viking Chieftain 2 13/19 25 26 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)

1962 Nr. 515 (17-02-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Archie* V17 The tiger-hunters 2 7/18 13 14 Mark Ross (st)
2 Karl the Viking V4 Karl was a young Viking Chieftain 2 14/19 27 28 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)

1962 Nr. 516 (24-02-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Archie* V17 The tiger-hunters 2 8/18 15 16 Mark Ross (st)
2 Karl the Viking V4 Karl was a young Viking Chieftain 2 15/19 29 30 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)

1962 Nr. 517 (03-03-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Archie* V17 The tiger-hunters 2 9/18 17 18 Mark Ross (st)
2 Karl the Viking V4 Karl was a young Viking Chieftain 2 16/19 31 32 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)

1962 Nr. 518 (10-03-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Archie* V17 The tiger-hunters 2 10/18 19 20 Mark Ross (st)
2 Karl the Viking V4 Karl was a young Viking Chieftain 2 17/19 33 34 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)

1962 Nr. 519 (17-03-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Karl the Viking V4 Karl was a young Viking Chieftain 2 18/19 35 36 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)
2 Archie* V17 The tiger-hunters 2 11/18 21 22 Mark Ross (st)

1962 Nr. 520 (24-03-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Archie* V17 The tiger-hunters 2 12/18 23 24 Mark Ross (st)
2 Karl the Viking V4 Karl was a young Viking Chieftain 2 19/19 37 38 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)

1962 Nr. 521 (31-03-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators Anderen
1 Karl the Viking V5 The menace of the mystery mushroom 2 1/18 1 2 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s) 1967-795
2 Archie* V17 The tiger-hunters 2 13/18 25 26 Mark Ross (st)  

1962 Nr. 522 (07-04-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators Anderen
1 Archie* V17 The tiger-hunters 2 14/18 27 28 Mark Ross (st)  
2 Karl the Viking V5 The menace of the mystery mushroom 2 2/18 3 4 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s) 1967-795

1962 Nr. 523 (14-04-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators Anderen
1 Archie* V17 The tiger-hunters 2 15/18 29 30 Mark Ross (st)  
2 Karl the Viking V5 The menace of the mystery mushroom 2 3/18 5 6 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s) 1967-795

1962 Nr. 524 (21-04-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators Anderen
1 Karl the Viking V5 The menace of the mystery mushroom 2 4/18 7 8 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s) 1967-795
2 Archie* V17 The tiger-hunters 2 16/18 31 32 Mark Ross (st)  

1962 Nr. 525 (28-04-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators Anderen
1 Archie* V17 The tiger-hunters 2 17/18 33 34 Mark Ross (st)  
2 Karl the Viking V5 The menace of the mystery mushroom 2 5/18 9 10 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s) 1967-795

1962 Nr. 526 (05-05-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators Anderen
1 Karl the Viking V5 The menace of the mystery mushroom 2 6/18 11 12 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s) 1967-795
2 Archie* V17 The tiger-hunters 2 18/18 35 36 Mark Ross (st)  

1962 Nr. 527 (12-05-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators Anderen
1 Archie* V18 Spanish gold 2 1/20 1 2 Mark Ross (st)  
2 Karl the Viking V5 The menace of the mystery mushroom 2 7/18 13 14 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s) 1967-795

1962 Nr. 528 (19-05-62) (28p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators Anderen
1 Karl the Viking V5 The menace of the mystery mushroom 2 8/18 15 16 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s) 1967-795
2 Archie* V18 Spanish gold 2 2/20 3 4 Mark Ross (st)  

1962 Nr. 529 (26-05-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators Anderen
1 Karl the Viking V5 The menace of the mystery mushroom 2 9/18 17 18 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s) 1967-795
2 Archie* V18 Spanish gold 2 3/20 5 6 Mark Ross (st)  

1962 Nr. 530 (02-06-62) (28p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators Anderen
1 Archie* V18 Spanish gold 2 4/20 7 8 Mark Ross (st)  
2 Karl the Viking V5 The menace of the mystery mushroom 2 10/18 19 20 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s) 1967-795

1962 Nr. 531 (09-06-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators Anderen
1 Karl the Viking V5 The menace of the mystery mushroom 2 11/18 21 22 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s) 1967-795
2 Archie* V18 Spanish gold 2 5/20 9 10 Mark Ross (st)  

1962 Nr. 532 (16-06-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators Anderen
1 Archie* V18 Spanish gold 2 6/20 11 12 Mark Ross (st)  
2 Karl the Viking V5 The menace of the mystery mushroom 2 12/18 23 24 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s) 1967-795

1962 Nr. 533 (23-06-62) (28p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators Anderen
1 Karl the Viking V5 The menace of the mystery mushroom 2 13/18 25 26 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s) 1967-795
2 Archie* V18 Spanish gold 2 7/20 13 14 Mark Ross (st)  

1962 Nr. 534 (30-06-62) (28p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators Anderen
1 Karl the Viking V5 The menace of the mystery mushroom 2 14/18 27 28 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s) 1967-795
2 Archie* V18 Spanish gold 2 8/20 15 16 Mark Ross (st)  

1962 Nr. 535 (07-07-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators Anderen
1 Karl the Viking V5 The menace of the mystery mushroom 2 15/18 29 30 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s) 1967-795
2 Archie* V18 Spanish gold 2 9/20 17 18 Mark Ross (st)  

1962 Nr. 536 (14-07-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators Anderen
1 Archie* V18 Spanish gold 2 10/20 19 20 Mark Ross (st)  
2 Karl the Viking V5 The menace of the mystery mushroom 2 16/18 31 32 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s) 1967-795

1962 Nr. 537 (21-07-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators Anderen
1 Archie* V18 Spanish gold 2 11/20 21 22 Mark Ross (st)  
2 Karl the Viking V5 The menace of the mystery mushroom 2 17/18 33 34 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s) 1967-795

1962 Nr. 538 (28-07-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators Anderen
1 Archie* V18 Spanish gold 2 12/20 23 24 Mark Ross (st)  
2 Karl the Viking V5 The menace of the mystery mushroom 2 18/18 35 36 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s) 1967-795

1962 Nr. 539 (04-08-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Karl the Viking V6 El Sarid the Merciless 2 1/18 1 2 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)
2 Archie* V18 Spanish gold 2 13/20 25 26 Mark Ross (st)

1962 Nr. 540 (11-08-62) (28p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Karl the Viking V6 El Sarid the Merciless 2 2/18 3 4 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)
2 Archie* V18 Spanish gold 2 14/20 27 28 Mark Ross (st)

1962 Nr. 541 (18-08-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Archie* V18 Spanish gold 2 15/20 29 30 Mark Ross (st)
2 Karl the Viking V6 El Sarid the Merciless 2 3/18 5 6 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)

1962 Nr. 542 (25-08-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Karl the Viking V6 El Sarid the Merciless 2 4/18 7 8 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)
2 Archie* V18 Spanish gold 2 16/20 31 32 Mark Ross (st)

1962 Nr. 543 (01-09-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Archie* V18 Spanish gold 2 17/20 33 34 Mark Ross (st)
2 Karl the Viking V6 El Sarid the Merciless 2 5/18 9 10 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)

1962 Nr. 544 (08-09-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Karl the Viking V6 El Sarid the Merciless 2 6/18 11 12 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)
2 Archie* V18 Spanish gold 2 18/20 35 36 Mark Ross (st)

1962 Nr. 545 (15-09-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Archie* V18 Spanish gold 2 19/20 37 38 Mark Ross (st)
2 Karl the Viking V6 El Sarid the Merciless 2 7/18 13 14 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)

1962 Nr. 546 (22-09-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Archie* V18 Spanish gold 2 20/20 39 40 Mark Ross (st)
2 Karl the Viking V6 El Sarid the Merciless 2 8/18 15 16 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)

1962 Nr. 547 (29-09-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Archie* V19 The demon crab 2 1/16 1 2 Mark Ross (st)
2 Karl the Viking V6 El Sarid the Merciless 2 9/18 17 18 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)

1962 Nr. 548 (06-10-62) (28p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Karl the Viking V6 El Sarid the Merciless 2 10/18 19 20 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)
2 Archie* V19 The demon crab 2 2/16 3 4 Mark Ross (st)

1962 Nr. 549 (13-10-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Archie* V19 The demon crab 2 3/16 5 6 Mark Ross (st)
2 Karl the Viking V6 El Sarid the Merciless 2 11/18 21 22 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)

1962 Nr. 550 (20-10-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Karl the Viking V6 El Sarid the Merciless 2 12/18 23 24 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)
2 Archie* V19 The demon crab 2 4/16 7 8 Mark Ross (st)

1962 Nr. 551 (27-10-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Archie* V19 The demon crab 2 5/16 9 10 Mark Ross (st)
2 Karl the Viking V6 El Sarid the Merciless 2 13/18 25 26 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)

1962 Nr. 552 (03-11-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Karl the Viking V6 El Sarid the Merciless 2 14/18 27 28 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)
2 Archie* V19 The demon crab 2 6/16 11 12 Mark Ross (st)

1962 Nr. 553 (10-11-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Karl the Viking V6 El Sarid the Merciless 2 15/18 29 30 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)
2 Archie* V19 The demon crab 2 7/16 13 14 Mark Ross (st)

1962 Nr. 554 (17-11-62) (28p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Archie* V19 The demon crab 2 8/16 15 16 Mark Ross (st)
2 Karl the Viking V6 El Sarid the Merciless 2 16/18 31 32 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)

1962 Nr. 555 (24-11-62) (28p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Archie* V19 The demon crab 2 9/16 17 18 Mark Ross (st)
2 Karl the Viking V6 El Sarid the Merciless 2 17/18 33 34 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)

1962 Nr. 556 (01-12-62) (32p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Archie* V19 The demon crab 2 10/16 19 20 Mark Ross (st)
2 Karl the Viking V6 El Sarid the Merciless 2 18/18 35 36 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)

1962 Nr. 557 (08-12-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Karl the Viking V7 Gefion One-Eye 2 1/6 1 2 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)
2 Archie* V19 The demon crab 2 11/16 21 22 Mark Ross (st)

1962 Nr. 558 (15-12-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Karl the Viking V7 Gefion One-Eye 2 2/6 3 4 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)
2 Archie* V19 The demon crab 2 12/16 23 24 Mark Ross (st)

1962 Nr. 559 (22-12-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Archie* V19 The demon crab 2 13/16 25 26 Mark Ross (st)
2 Karl the Viking V7 Gefion One-Eye 2 3/6 5 6 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)

1962 Nr. 560 (29-12-62) (24p.) (Lion) (incomplete index)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Archie* V19 The demon crab 2 14/16 27 28 Mark Ross (st)
2 Karl the Viking V7 Gefion One-Eye 2 4/6 7 8 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)