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Karl the Viking verschenen in het stripblad Lion
Datum Vn Titel L Nr. Creators Anderen
10-60 V1 The sword of Eingar 32 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s) 66-756
02-61 V2 An early winter had fastened 46 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s) 67-772
07-61 V3 Selgor the Wolf-man clothes 32 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)  
11-61 V4 Karl was a young Viking Chieftain 38 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)  
03-62 V5 The menace of the mystery mushroom 36 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s) 67-795
08-62 V6 El Sarid the Merciless 36 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)  
12-62 V7 Gefion One-Eye 12 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)  
01-63 V8 The spirit of the raiding 28 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)  
04-63 V9 Towing a longship heavy with plunder 32 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)  
08-63 V10 The endless quest for plunder 28 Ted Drury (t), Ted Cowan (s)  
11-63 V11 Karl a Vikin chieftain had discovered a fortune 30 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s)  
03-64 V13 The voyage of the Sea Raiders 28 Ruggero Giovanini (t), Ted Cowan (s)  
06-64 V14 The quest of the long ships 32 Don Lawrence (t), Michael Moorcock (s)  
10-66 V1 They came from out of the mist 32 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s) 60-447
01-67 V2 Winter had fastened its icy 46 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s) 61-463
07-67 V5 After many great adventures 33 Don Lawrence (t), Ted Cowan (s) 62-521