Stripblad Marvel Graphic Novel in 1989 (0,17)

1989 Nr. 41 Who framed Roger Rabbit - The official comics adaptation

1989 Nr. 42 Conan of the Isles

1989 Nr. 43 The Dreamwalker

1989 Nr. 44 Ax

1989 Nr. 45 Arena

1989 Nr. 46 Amazing Spider-Man - Parallel lives

1989 Nr. 47 Kull - The vale of shadow

1989 Nr. 48 A Sailor's story - Winds, dreams, and dragons

1989 Nr. 49 Doctor Strange & Doctor Doom - Triumph & torment

1989 Nr. 50 Wolverine-Nick Fury - The Scorpio Connection

1989 Nr. 51 The Punisher - Intruder

1989 Nr. 52 Neuromancer

1989 Nr. 53 Conan the Babarian - The skull of Set

1989 Nr. 54 Roger Rabbit - The resurrection of doom

1989 Nr. 55 Squadron Supreme - Death of a Universe

1989 Nr. 56 Power Pack & Cloak and Dagger

1989 Nr. 57 Rick Mason: The agent