Axle and Cam on the Planet Meco verschenen in het stripblad Popeye
Datum Vn Titel L Nr. Creators
10-53 BS.V142 Hey pop can I have two 6 Bud Sagendorf (st)
01-54 BS.V145 Cam Cam Cam Drat Where 6 Bud Sagendorf (st)
04-54 BS.V149 Cam Cam Cam Where is that 5 3/4 Bud Sagendorf (st)
07-54 BS.V152 Cam Cam Oh Cam Short my 6 Bud Sagendorf (st)
09-54 BS.V156 Hello Cam are you through playing 6 Bud Sagendorf (st)
01-55 BS.V159 Golly Pop spends such long hours 6 Bud Sagendorf (st)
04-55 BS.V163 There's nothing as beautiful as a 5 3/4 Bud Sagendorf (st)