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SECO 1942 Nr. 2 (02-42) (68p.)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Wonder Woman V3 Into this tortured upside-down world 13 1/1 COM Harry G. Peter (t), Charles Moulton (s)
2 Black Pirate W2 Jon Valor was not meant 8 1/1 COM Sheldon Moldoff (st)
3 Mr. Terrific W2 Endowed with remarkable powers 8 1/1 COM Hal Sharp (t), Charles Reizenstein (s)
4 Gay Ghost W2 The Gay Ghost has a mission 13 1/1 COM Howard Purcell (t), Gardner Fox (s)
5 Little Boy Blue and the Blue Boys W2 When Little Boy Blue blows 6 1/1 COM Jon L. Blummer (t), Bill Finger (s)
6 Wildcat W2 When Ted Grant became the Wildcat 10 1/1 COM Irwin Hasen (t), Bill Finger (s)