Axle and Cam on the Planet Meco (Originele taal)
Overzicht van de tekenaars en schrijvers
nr. datum titel lengte Code/Pub 1e Ref.
V1 10-53Hey pop can I have two 6 PO 26 PO:1953-26
V2 01-54Cam Cam Cam Drat Where 6 PO 27 PO:1954-27
V3 04-54Cam Cam Cam Where is that 5 3/4 PO 28 PO:1954-28
V4 07-54Cam Cam Oh Cam Short my 6 PO 29 PO:1954-29
V5 09-54Hello Cam are you through playing 6 PO 30 PO:1954-30
V6 01-55Golly Pop spends such long hours 6 PO 31 PO:1955-31
V7 04-55There's nothing as beautiful as a 5 3/4 PO 32 PO:1955-32
O1 Hey pop can I have two 6 Popeye : 9.6+6
O2 Cam Cam Cam Drat Where 6 Popeye : 9.6+9
O3 Cam Cam Cam Where is that 5 3/4 Popeye : 9.6+13
O4 Cam Cam Oh Cam Short my 6 Popeye : 9.6+16
O5 Hello Cam are you through playing 6 Popeye : 9.7+3
O6 Golly Pop spends such long hours 6 Popeye : 9.7+6
O7 There's nothing as beautiful as a 5 3/4 Popeye : 9.7+10