Billy Bunter (Billie Turf) (Nederlands)
Overzicht van de tekenaars en schrijvers

Stripverhalen van Billie Turf in volgorde van Sjors en Eppo. Er zitten zeker nog stripverhalen twee maal in de lijst. Aan de tekenaars wordt gewerkt. De nu genoemde tekenaars zijn de professionele inschatting van comicweb.
nr. datum titel lengte Code/Pub 1e Ref.
V1 08-55Hallo Turf ik zie dat 1 SW 55-32 SW:1955-32
V2 08-55Wat voert professor Bol uit 1 SW 55-33 SW:1955-33
V3 08-55Hallo Jan Waar ga je 1 SW 55-34 SW:1955-34
V4 08-55Moet je zien hoe gezellig 1 SW 55-35 SW:1955-35
V5 09-55Jullie komen allemaal op mijn 1 SW 55-36 SW:1955-36
V6 09-55Boer Hooi is bezig met 1 SW 55-37 SW:1955-37
V7 09-55Doen jullie mee om een 1 SW 55-38 SW:1955-38
V8 09-55Je moet je huiswerk van 1 SW 55-39 SW:1955-39
V9 10-55Ik blief nog wel een 1 SW 55-40 SW:1955-40
V10 10-55Hoe kom je erbij om 1 SW 55-41 SW:1955-41
V11 10-55Waarom moet mijn oom juist 1 SW 55-42 SW:1955-42
V12 10-55Hier zijn de bijen die 1 SW 55-43 SW:1955-43
V13 10-55Jongens hier is Pot de 1 SW 55-44 SW:1955-44
V14 11-55Turf ik moet eerst naar 1 SW 55-45 SW:1955-45
V15 11-55Terwijl meneer Kwel met de 1 SW 55-46 SW:1955-46
V16 11-55Ted wil je wel eens 1 SW 55-47 SW:1955-47
V17 11-55Turf Wat wil meneer Kwel 1 SW 55-48 SW:1955-48
V18 12-55Heb jij nog niets We 1 SW 55-49 SW:1955-49
V19 12-55Meneer Kwel mag ik Billie 1 SW 55-50 SW:1955-50
V20 12-55Billie ik moet naar het 1 SW 55-51 SW:1955-51
V21 12-55Ben je weer met je 1 SW 55-52 SW:1955-52
V22 12-55Als u vechten wil moet 1 SW 55-53 SW:1955-53
V23 01-56Alweer proefwerk Als ik het 1 SW 56-1 SW:1956-1
V24 01-56Jan als je ouders straks 1 SW 56-2 SW:1956-2
V25 01-56Ik weet hoe ik dat 1 SW 56-3 SW:1956-3
V26 01-56Kijk kijk Jan is nog 1 SW 56-4 SW:1956-4
V27 02-56Is het werkelijk nodig dat 1 SW 56-5 SW:1956-5
V28 02-56Alsjeblieft een brief van je 1 SW 56-6 SW:1956-6
V29 02-56Een pakje voor Billie Turf 1 SW 56-7 SW:1956-7
V30 02-56Veel succes in uw nieuwe betrekking 1 SW 56-8 SW:1956-8
V31 03-56Traktaties Daar gaan wij heen 1 SW 56-9 SW:1956-9
V32 03-56Ik ga naar een trouwpartij 1 SW 56-10 SW:1956-10
V33 03-56Ze zullen ook nooit vergeten 1 SW 56-11 SW:1956-11
V34 03-56De jongen die dat gedaan 1 SW 56-12 SW:1956-12
V35 03-56Je mag niet zoveel eten 1 SW 56-13 SW:1956-13
V36 04-56Al onze voetbalbekers zijn gestolen 1 SW 56-14 SW:1956-14
V37 04-56Billie breng dadelijk dit postpaketje 1 SW 56-15 SW:1956-15
V38 04-56Het bevalt mij best dat 1 SW 56-16 SW:1956-16
V39 04-56Nee het feestdiner is nog 1 SW 56-17 SW:1956-17
V40 05-56Billie breng dit pak naar 1 SW 56-18 SW:1956-18
V41 05-56Waar krijg ik iets te eten 1 SW 56-19 SW:1956-19
V42 05-56Wat een heerlijke taarten En 1 SW 56-20 SW:1956-20
V43 05-56Wat is Billie ijverig Hij 1 SW 56-21 SW:1956-21
V44 06-56Het begint mij te vervelen 1 SW 56-22 SW:1956-22
V45 06-56Daar krijg ik een mooi 1 SW 56-23 SW:1956-23
V46 06-56Ik heb een postwissel van 1 SW 56-24 SW:1956-24
V47 06-56Ik heb honger die pastei 1 SW 56-25 SW:1956-25
V48 06-56Ik heb altijd honger leen 1 SW 56-26 SW:1956-26
V49 07-56Ik ben te ver achterop geraakt 1 SW 56-27 SW:1956-27
V50 07-56Nu wij deze vis hebben uitgezet 1 SW 56-28 SW:1956-28
V51 07-56Coo That's Jones Minor's pa 1 SW 56-29 SW:1956-29
V52 07-56Meneer Snorrebaard van het schoolbestuur 2 SW 56-30 SW:1956-30
V53 08-56Nu moet ik naar binnen Heus 2 SW 56-31 SW:1956-31
V54 08-56Kun je me wat geld 2 SW 56-32 SW:1956-32
V55 08-56Jullie school is een snertschool 1 SW 56-33 SW:1956-33
V56 08-56Turf vertel jij eens wie 1 SW 56-34 SW:1956-34
V57 09-56Er zit zeker geen cheque 2 SW 56-35 SW:1956-35
V58 09-56Ik heb sigaren gekocht voor 2 SW 56-36 SW:1956-36
V59 09-56Werkelijk ik kan je niets 2 SW 56-37 SW:1956-37
V60 09-56Ik heb jullie juist verteld 2 SW 56-38 SW:1956-38
V61 09-56Zeg Billie geef me een 2 SW 56-39 SW:1956-39
V62 10-56We houden om vier uur 2 SW 56-40 SW:1956-40
V63 10-56Ik heb razende honger Jan 2 SW 56-41 SW:1956-41
V64 10-56Omdat het zo warm is 2 SW 56-42 SW:1956-42
V65 10-56Hoera er is een cheque 2 SW 56-43 SW:1956-43
V66 11-56Heus rondzwerven in je vakantie 2 SW 56-44 SW:1956-44
V67 11-56Ik wilde dat ik Davy 2 SW 56-45 SW:1956-45
V68 11-56Daar komt Billie Turf aan 2 SW 56-46 SW:1956-46
V69 11-56Eindelijk in Schotland Daar liggen 2 SW 56-47 SW:1956-47
V70 12-56Wat jammer eigenlijk dat ik 2 SW 56-48 SW:1956-48
V71 12-56De politie zoekt het vast 2 SW 56-49 SW:1956-49
V72 12-56Vandaag gaan we een speurtocht 2 SW 56-50 SW:1956-50
V73 12-56We moeten er flink de 2 SW 56-51 SW:1956-51
V74 12-56Volgens de kaart is het 2 SW 56-52 SW:1956-52
V75 01-57Wat een gelukje Het landgoed 2 SW 57-1 SW:1957-1
V76 01-57Heb je al dat lekkers 2 SW 57-2 SW:1957-2
V77 01-57Wat krast die Jan afgrijselijk 2 SW 57-3 SW:1957-3
V78 01-57Kijk eens hoe de nijvere 2 SW 57-4 SW:1957-4
V79 02-57Gebruikmakend van een dikke laaghangende 2 SW 57-5 SW:1957-5
V80 02-57Meneer Kwel is vast boos 2 SW 57-6 SW:1957-6
V81 02-57Billie en Jan jullie moet 2 SW 57-7 SW:1957-7
V82 02-57Als dat Jan niet is 2 SW 57-8 SW:1957-8
V83 03-57Foei Billie Turf schaam je 2 SW 57-9 SW:1957-9
V84 03-57Snap jij iets van dat idiote 2 SW 57-10 SW:1957-10
V85 03-57Hier zijn de bestelde stokken 2 SW 57-11 SW:1957-11
V86 03-57Toen ik gisteren langs 2 SW 57-12 SW:1957-12
V87 03-57Ik moet dokter Post de oudheidkundige 2 SW 57-13 SW:1957-13
V88 04-57Toe Jan geef mij de helft 2 SW 57-14 SW:1957-14
V89 04-57Als je jarig bent is het 2 SW 57-15 SW:1957-15
V90 04-57Geen licht dan zij er geen licht 2 SW 57-16 SW:1957-16
V91 04-57Je moet niet zo sabbelen op 2 SW 57-17 SW:1957-17
V92 05-57Ik heb je overal gezocht Je 2 SW 57-18 SW:1957-18
V93 05-57Als een sneltrein om tien uur 2 SW 57-19 SW:1957-19
V94 05-57Billie ik heb kolonel Sterrebalk 2 SW 57-20 SW:1957-20
V95 05-57Eindelijk Het werd tijd ook 2 SW 57-21 SW:1957-21
V96 06-57Mijn geld Houd de dief 2 SW 57-22 SW:1957-22
V97 06-57Billie wordt wakker Als meneer 2 SW 57-23 SW:1957-23
V98 06-57Daar komt Jan uit de snoepwinkel 2 SW 57-24 SW:1957-24
V99 06-57Als de proef slaagt zul je 2 SW 57-25 SW:1957-25
V100 06-57De aarde zweeft in de 2 SW 57-26 SW:1957-26
V101 07-57Geef mij die verfdoos en de 2 SW 57-27 SW:1957-27
V102 07-57Ik heb trek Het wordt tijd 2 SW 57-28 SW:1957-28
V103 07-57Zeg Jan wil jij even 2 SW 57-29 SW:1957-29
V104 07-57Op zulk slecht eten kan ik 2 SW 57-30 SW:1957-30
V105 08-57Ik dacht aan een boottochtje en daarna 2 SW 57-31 SW:1957-31
V106 08-57Billie ik heb een pakje voor 2 SW 57-32 SW:1957-32
V107 08-57Billie gauw naar het postkantoor 2 SW 57-33 SW:1957-33
V108 08-57Ik heb jullie iets naars te 2 SW 57-34 SW:1957-34
V109 08-57Word wakker en vertel me 2 SW 57-35 SW:1957-35
V110 09-57Hoera m'n cheque is er eindelijk 2 SW 57-36 SW:1957-36
V111 09-57Wil jij me helpen m'n modelvliegtuig 2 SW 57-37 SW:1957-37
V112 09-57Billie Turf gebruik je hersens eens 2 SW 57-38 SW:1957-38
V113 09-57Gelukkig ik hoef vanmiddag niet mee 2 SW 57-39 SW:1957-39
V114 10-57Wat Een gat in de muur 2 SW 57-40 SW:1957-40
V115 10-57We gaan een uur naar buiten 2 SW 57-41 SW:1957-41
V116 10-57Ik weet niet wat jullie 2 SW 57-42 SW:1957-42
V117 10-57Goede middag meneer Dag Jan 2 SW 57-43 SW:1957-43
V118 11-57Iemand heeft van de koekjes 2 SW 57-44 SW:1957-44
V119 11-57Een toverdrankje Geneest verkoudheid en griep 2 SW 57-45 SW:1957-45
V120 11-57Baron Sitters van het schoolbestuur 2 SW 57-46 SW:1957-46
V121 11-57Mijn plafond is beschadigd doordat 2 SW 57-47 SW:1957-47
V122 11-57Hoera ik ben jarig Ik hoop 2 SW 57-48 SW:1957-48
V123 12-57O daar komt een stel jongens 2 SW 57-49 SW:1957-49
V124 12-57Door de zware regenval 2 SW 57-50 SW:1957-50
V125 12-57We zullen de riem wat strakker 2 SW 57-51 SW:1957-51
V126 12-57Die kou maakt je hongerig 2 SW 57-52 SW:1957-52
V127 01-58Laat me je schrift eens 2 SW 58-1 SW:1958-1
V128 01-58Heb jij toffees Geef mij er 2 SW 58-2 SW:1958-2
V129 01-58Meneer Kwel gaat vandaag het 2 SW 58-3 SW:1958-3
V130 01-58Doorlopen jongens dan lijkt het 2 SW 58-4 SW:1958-4
V131 02-58Weet je waar ik meneer Kwel 2 SW 58-5 SW:1958-5
V132 02-58Meneer Kwel heeft ons aangewezen om 2 SW 58-6 SW:1958-6
V133 02-58Je kunt een aardig duitje 2 SW 58-7 SW:1958-7
V134 02-58Het spijt me dat je 2 SW 58-8 SW:1958-8
V135 03-58Ik ben in de echoput uitgegleden 2 SW 58-9 SW:1958-9
V136 03-58Daar zit Jan warempel lekkers 2 SW 58-10 SW:1958-10
V137 03-58Wat scheelt eraan Ik hoorde 2 SW 58-11 SW:1958-11
V138 03-58Jan hier heb je geld 2 SW 58-12 SW:1958-12
V139 03-58Vooruit Jan geef me wat 2 SW 58-13 SW:1958-13
V140 04-58Morgen Kwel mag ik je 2 SW 58-14 SW:1958-14
V141 04-58De paaspakjes zijn gekomen Het 2 SW 58-15 SW:1958-15
V142 04-58Reclameman gevraagd gemakkelijk geld verdienen 2 SW 58-16 SW:1958-16
V143 04-58Ik heb bericht ontvangen dat 2 SW 58-17 SW:1958-17
V144 05-58Altijd dat stomme wachten op 2 SW 58-18 SW:1958-18
V145 05-58Hoera m'n cheque is er Ik 2 SW 58-19 SW:1958-19
V146 05-58Heb je gehoord dat er 2 SW 58-20 SW:1958-20
V147 05-58Hoe kan ik rustig genieten 2 SW 58-21 SW:1958-21
V148 05-58Waarom moeten wij dat hele 2 SW 58-22 SW:1958-22
V149 06-58Er is een brief voor 2 SW 58-23 SW:1958-23
V150 06-58Let jij op of meneer Kwel 2 SW 58-24 SW:1958-24
V151 06-58He dat smaakte lekker Nu 2 SW 58-25 SW:1958-25
V152 06-58Aha Jan met een brief Dat 2 SW 58-26 SW:1958-26
V153 07-58En nu heb ik er genoeg 2 SW 58-27 SW:1958-27
V154 07-58De vakantie nadert Daarom houden 2 SW 58-28 SW:1958-28
V155 07-58Wat jammer Billie dat jij 2 SW 58-29 SW:1958-29
V156 07-58Hmm dat smaakte Heb je nog 2 SW 58-30 SW:1958-30
V157 08-58Wat een grote kist Die 2 SW 58-31 SW:1958-31
V158 08-58Stop er 'n velletje papier in 2 SW 58-32 SW:1958-32
V159 08-58Jan als jij je broekspijpen oprolt 2 SW 58-33 SW:1958-33
V160 08-58Dank voor je uitnodiging om mee 2 SW 58-34 SW:1958-34
V161 08-58Ga je mee het wassenbeeldenmuseum bekijken 2 SW 58-35 SW:1958-35
V162 09-58Wie nog werk wil insturen voor 2 SW 58-36 SW:1958-36
V163 09-58Ha Bessie is er nog niet 2 SW 58-37 SW:1958-37
V164 09-58Goede morgen meneer Goede morgen Jan 2 SW 58-38 SW:1958-38
V165 09-58Aha verse krentenbollen Daar moet ik 2 SW 58-39 SW:1958-39
V166 10-58Zorg ervoor dat je morgen fris 2 SW 58-40 SW:1958-40
V167 10-58Aha er ligt een pakje met 2 SW 58-41 SW:1958-41
V168 10-58Ik zag je net uit de 2 SW 58-42 SW:1958-42
V169 10-58Billie beantwoord jij de volgende 2 SW 58-43 SW:1958-43
V170 11-58Je mag je weleens verkleden 2 SW 58-44 SW:1958-44
V171 11-58Wat ga je doen Billie 2 SW 58-45 SW:1958-45
V172 11-58Jongens naar de ondergrondse We willen 2 SW 58-46 SW:1958-46
V173 11-58Goedemorgen Billie Noem je dat een 2 SW 58-47 SW:1958-47
V174 11-58Het is zulk mooi weer 2 SW 58-48 SW:1958-48
V175 12-58Geen pakje voor mij Ik 2 SW 58-49 SW:1958-49
V176 12-58Lekker Engelse drop meneer Kwel 2 SW 58-50 SW:1958-50
V177 12-58Goedemorgen jongelui Kolonel Sterrebalk schrijft 2 SW 58-51 SW:1958-51
V178 12-58De beroemde Italiaanse zanger Falsetto 2 SW 58-52 SW:1958-52
V179 01-59Beste Henk kom je graag 2 SW 59-1 SW:1959-1
V180 01-59Good That little tick's pushed 2 SW 59-2 SW:1959-2
V181 01-59Billie is vandaag erg verdiept 2 SW 59-3 SW:1959-3
V182 01-59De jongens van het gym 2 SW 59-4 SW:1959-4
V183 01-59Kolonel Sterrebalk heeft jullie uitgenodigd 2 SW 59-5 SW:1959-5
V184 02-59Voor de geschiedenisles behandelen wij 2 SW 59-6 SW:1959-6
V185 02-59Mijn vriend de gevangenisdirecteur komt 2 SW 59-7 SW:1959-7
V186 02-59Het laatste half uur van de 2 SW 59-8 SW:1959-8
V187 02-59Wat voer jij uit Jan 2 SW 59-9 SW:1959-9
V188 03-59Billie kom eens hier Zeker 2 SW 59-10 SW:1959-10
V189 03-59Billie er lagen vier krakelingen in 1 1/2 SW 59-11 SW:1959-11
V190 03-59Wat 'n geld tjonge hallo Jan 1 1/2 SW 59-12 SW:1959-12
V191 03-59Langzaam baande de gevangene zich 1 1/2 SW 59-13 SW:1959-13
V192 04-59Een geheugenopfrissertje 1 1/2 SW 59-14 1.4+19
V193 04-59Om fit te blijven 1 1/2 SW 59-15 1.4+33
V194 04-59De losprijs 1 1/2 SW 59-16 1.3+8
V195 04-59Gezonde lucht 1 1/2 SW 59-17 1.3+9
V196 05-59Inbreker geplet 2 SW 59-18 1.3+12
V197 05-59Twee honden vechten om een been... 1 1/2 SW 59-19 1.3+15
V198 05-59Zo maar een grapje 1 1/2 SW 59-20 1.3+17
V199 05-59Op een nette school... 1 1/2 SW 59-21 1.3+19
V200 05-59Het stieregevecht 1 1/2 SW 59-22 1.3+21
V201 06-59IJver wordt altijd beloond 1 1/2 SW 59-23 1.3+23
V202 06-59Heerlijke, voedzame noten 2 SW 59-24 1.3+28
V203 06-59Meneer Kwel als waterskiër 1 1/2 SW 59-25 1.3+25
V204 06-59Billie en de bom 1 1/2 SW 59-26 1.3+27
V205 07-59Wandelen is gezond 2 SW 59-27 1.3+13
V206 07-59Billie "vindt" een album 2 SW 59-28 1.3+29
V207 07-59Een uitstekend lesje 2 SW 59-29 1.4+20
V208 07-59Het zeemonster 1 1/2 SW 59-30 1.4+2
V209 08-59Gratis ijs 1 1/2 SW 59-31 1.4+4
V210 08-59Bille, de scherpschutter 1 1/2 SW 59-32 1.4+6
V211 08-59Een taart als prijs 1 SW 59-33 1.4+21
V212 08-59Filmster Billie 1 SW 59-34 1.4+22
V213 08-59Het pannekoekenfeest 1 SW 59-35 1.4+23
V214 09-59Frisse lucht 1 SW 59-36 1.4+24
V215 09-59Weg wezen 1 SW 59-37 1.4+25
V216 09-59Van ruilen... 1 SW 59-38 1.4+26
V217 09-59Het doelpunt 1 SW 59-39 1.4+27
V218 10-59Ruw spel 1 SW 59-40 1.4+28
V219 10-59De ongelukskat 1 SW 59-41 1.4+29
V220 10-59Nepturf 1 SW 59-42 1.4+38
V221 10-59Een zwerm moeilijkheden 1 1/2 SW 59-43 1.4+8
V222 10-59Een harde noot 1 1/2 SW 59-44 1.4+10
V223 11-59Goeie soep 1 1/2 SW 59-45 1.4+12
V224 11-59Vogels voeren 1 1/2 SW 59-46 1.4+14
V225 11-59Drukkende bezigheden 1 1/2 SW 59-47 1.4+36
V226 11-59Oudheidkundige Turf 1 1/2 SW 59-48 1.4+37
V227 12-59Loon voor een stommiteit 1 1/2 SW 59-49 1.4+15
V228 12-59Gedenk uw medemens 1 1/2 SW 59-50 1.4+16
V229 12-59Kerstman slaat kerstman 2 SW 59-51 1.2+1
V230 12-59Billie, kampioen roeier 1 1/2 SW 59-52 1.4+35
V231 01-60Gratis proefrit 1 1/2 SW 60-1 1.2+2
V232 01-60Billie traint 1 1/2 SW 60-2 1.2+3
V233 01-60Zang met pijn 1 1/2 SW 60-3 1.2+4
V234 01-60Pffff dat hele eind lopen om 1 SW 60-4 SW:1960-4
V235 01-60Billie in de olie 1 SW 60-5 1.4+39
V236 02-60IJver wordt beloond 1 SW 60-6 1.4+40
V237 02-60Please Bunter it's the school conker championship 1 1/2 SW 60-7 1.2+5
V238 02-60Billie, de held 1 1/2 SW 60-8 1.2+6
V239 02-60Gekooide onschuld 1 1/2 SW 60-9 1.2+7
V240 03-60Boys I have been asked to sendl 1 1/2 SW 60-10 1.2+8
V241 03-60Een ton Turf 1 1/2 SW 60-11 1.2+9
V242 03-60Billie bereikt het doel 1 1/2 SW 60-12 1.2+10
V243 03-60Het schandaal 1 1/2 SW 60-13 1.2+11
V244 04-60Dank zij Billie... 1 1/2 SW 60-14 1.2+12
V245 04-60Bunter en Skinner The next time 1 1/2 SW 60-15 1.2+13
V246 04-60The fumes from that atomic 1 1/2 SW 60-16 1.2+14
V247 04-60Billie op de golfbaan 1 SW 60-17 1.2+16
V248 04-60Bunter you greedy boy I trust 1 1/2 SW 60-18 1.2+15
V249 05-60Hi Bunter's swiped our doughnuts 1 1/2 SW 60-19 1.2+17
V250 05-60Bunter you greedy useless boy 1 1/2 SW 60-20 1.2+18
V251 05-60Bunter I have given the school kitchen staff 1 1/2 SW 60-21 1.2+19
V252 05-60Het voorvaderlijke kasteel 1 1/2 SW 60-22 1.2+20
V253 06-60I say you fellows Excuse me 1 1/2 SW 60-23 1.2+21
V254 06-60Ah bull Your sister has called 1 1/2 SW 60-24 1.2+22
V255 06-60I say Ever since Quelchy took up fishing 1 1/2 SW 60-25 1.2+23
V256 06-60Bunter Cyrus B Gotlotz the American 1 1/2 SW 60-26 1.2+24
V257 07-60Listen Bunter You owe me ten bob 1 1/2 SW 60-27 1.2+25
V258 07-60Oh corks I hate vigorous exercise 1 1/2 SW 60-28 1.2+26
V259 07-60We could grow some nice cabbages 1 1/2 SW 60-29 1.2+27
V260 07-60Dear me I need some money 1 1/2 SW 60-30 1.2+28
V261 07-60Bunter Where is that extra arithmetic 1 1/2 SW 60-31 1.2+29
V262 08-60I say look you fellows 1 1/2 SW 60-32 1.2+30
V263 08-60I say you fellows I reckon 1 1/2 SW 60-33 1.4+31
V264 08-60That's my sister Wendy Earns 1 1/2 SW 60-34 1.2+32
V265 08-60Bunter Get on with your essay 1 1/2 SW 60-35 1.2+33
V266 09-60Bunter + (Skinner / Cactus) = Jumping Jimjams! 1 1/2 SW 60-36 1.2+34
V267 09-60Fat-headed fat boy Bunter becomes the genius of Greyfriars! 1 1/2 SW 60-37 1.2+37
V268 09-60There is a grave shortage of schoolteachers 1 1/2 SW 60-38 1.2+36
V269 09-60On reflection our fat boy decides he's starving! 1 1/2 SW 60-39 1.2+35
V270 10-60Billy fakes a false excuse - and finds he's fairly cooked his goose! 1 1/2 SW 60-40 1.2+38
V271 10-60How much are the Bunter billions worth! 1 1/2 SW 60-41 1.2+39
V272 10-60Bunter's naughty, noisy nosing annoys a big noise! 1 1/2 SW 60-42 1.2+40
V273 10-60Our fat boy ruins a natural break - and normal service will be resumed as soon as possible! 1 1/2 SW 60-43 1.2+41
V274 10-60Bunter You untidy boy Just 1 1/2 SW 60-44 1.2+42
V275 11-60Bunter keeps the ball rolling for food and fun! 1 1/2 SW 60-45 1.2+43
V276 11-60Bother the beastly school inspector 1 1/2 SW 60-46 1.2+44
V277 11-60A few magic passes with 1 SW 60-47 1.2+45
V278 11-60Hey Do you mind stop 1 SW 60-48 1.2+46
V279 12-60Bah I'm being starved alive 1 SW 60-49 1.2+47
V280 12-60We leave for our annual 1 SW 60-50 1.2+48
V281 12-60Haunted wood My foot It 1 SW 60-51 1.2+49
V282 12-60I wish our beastly cookhouse 1 SW 60-52 1.2+50
V283 12-60Cor I wish I had that big cake 1 SW 60-53 1.2+31
V284 01-61That is for being rude 1 SW 61-1 1.1+1
V285 01-61Oh crickey If I don't get 1 SW 61-2 1.1+2
V286 01-61I am having tea on the terrace 1 SW 61-3 1.1+3
V287 01-61Exam Oh lor I shan't sleep 1 SW 61-4 1.1+7
V288 02-61Bunter you are the worst boy 1 SW 61-5 1.1+4
V289 02-61That concludes the exam boys 1 1/2 SW 61-6 1.1+15
V290 02-61Come and see the famous fat boy in his favourite haunt! 1 1/2 SW 61-7 1.1+9
V291 02-61Het wordt schemerig Jullie kunnen 1 3/4 SW 61-8 SW:1961-8
V292 03-61Billie houdt opruiming 1 3/4 SW 61-9 1.1+16
V293 03-61Van ruilen komt huilen 1 3/4 SW 61-10 1.1+6
V294 03-61Misdadiger ontmaskerd 1 SW 61-11 1.1+48
V295 03-61Aanslag op meneer Kwel 1 3/4 SW 61-12 1.1+10
V296 04-61Het reuzenpaasei 1 1/2 SW 61-13 1.1+8
V297 04-61Hoe wordt je niet weggestuurd? 1 3/4 SW 61-14 1.1+11
V298 04-61Billie wordt hereboer 1 3/4 SW 61-15 1.1+12
V299 04-61Geld moet rollen 1 3/4 SW 61-16 1.1+17
V300 04-61Billie als elfenkoning 1 3/4 SW 61-17 1.1+14
V301 05-61Bunter's sister Bessie was mad 1 3/4 SW 61-18 1.1+37
V302 05-61Billies nieuwe fiets 1 3/4 SW 61-19 1.1+18
V303 05-61O, die kiespijn! 1 3/4 SW 61-20 1.1+19
V304 05-61Billie op dieet 1 3/4 SW 61-21 1.1+20
V305 06-61Wit op zwart 1 3/4 SW 61-22 1.1+5
V306 06-61The dunce of Greyfriars is a master of mirth! 1 3/4 SW 61-23 1.1+13
V307 06-61Retourtje Australië 1 3/4 SW 61-24 1.1+21
V308 06-61Billie besturdeert vogels 1 3/4 SW 61-25 1.1+22
V309 07-61De vermageringskuur 1 3/4 SW 61-26 1.1+23
V310 07-61Praktisch rekenen 1 3/4 SW 61-27 1.1+24
V311 07-61De prins uit Kallitumpia 1 3/4 SW 61-28 1.1+25
V312 07-61Een potje lijmbal 1 3/4 SW 61-29 1.1+26
V313 07-61Billie, de atoomrenner 1 3/4 SW 61-30 1.1+27
V314 08-61Goochelaar Ali ben Turf 1 1/2 SW 61-31 1.1+28
V315 08-61Het filmbewijs 1 3/4 SW 61-32 1.1+29
V316 08-61Kampioen zwaargewicht 1 3/4 SW 61-33 1.1+30
V317 08-61Dieren voeren 1 3/4 SW 61-34 1.1+31
V318 09-61Things look black for him this week 2 SW 61-35 1.1+32
V319 09-61Toveren met taarten 1 3/4 SW 61-36 1.1+33
V320 09-61Een middagje buiten... 1 3/4 SW 61-37 1.1+34
V321 09-61Bunter You seem to know nothing 2 SW 61-38 1.1+35
V322 09-61Gentlemen I am giving the other 2 SW 61-39 1.1+36
V323 10-61Billie bestrijdt de Gorilla 2 SW 61-40 1.1+38
V324 10-61Meneer Kwel wordt gekweld 2 SW 61-41 1.1+39
V325 10-61Sloopbedrijf B. Turf 1 4/5 SW 61-42 1.1+40
V326 10-61Meneer Kwel in de val 1 3/5 SW 61-43 1.1+41
V327 11-61Zeg het met bloemen 1 3/5 SW 61-44 1.1+42
V328 11-61De wondertulband 1 3/5 SW 61-45 1.1+43
V329 11-61Billie verslaat een spion 2 SW 61-46 1.1+44
V330 11-61De onverschrokken ruimtevaarder 1 3/4 SW 61-47 1.1+45
V331 12-61Gecamoufleerde kwelling 1 3/5 SW 61-48 1.1+46
V332 12-61Judoër Billie 1 3/4 SW 61-49 1.1+47
V333 12-61Meneer Turf uw zoon Billie 4 1/2 SW 61-50 SW:1961-50
V334 12-61And the hooded avenger! 4 1/2 SW 61-51 1.4+18
V335 12-61Down on the farm 4 1/2 SW 61-52 1.4+34
V336 01-62Wat een reusachtige doos chocolade 4 1/2 SW 62-1 SW:1962-1
V337 01-62Hee wat zou er op dat 4 1/2 SW 62-2 SW:1962-2
V338 01-62En nu voor de laatste 4 1/2 SW 62-3 SW:1962-3
V339 01-62Ga je mee naar de snoepwinkel 4 1/2 SW 62-4 SW:1962-4
V340 02-62Omdat jullie de laatste tijd 4 1/2 SW 62-5 SW:1962-5
V341 02-62We moeten ons snoepgoed verstoppen 4 1/2 SW 62-6 SW:1962-6
V342 02-62Maken jullie maar eens een 4 1/2 SW 62-7 SW:1962-7
V343 02-62Blijf af Billie Dit is 4 1/2 SW 62-8 SW:1962-8
V344 03-62Billie op voorschrift van de dokter 4 1/2 SW 62-9 SW:1962-9
V345 03-62Vuurwerk 4 1/2 SW 62-10 1.3+14
V346 03-62Billie gaat vissen 4 1/2 SW 62-11 1.3+16
V347 03-62Pas op voor water! 3 1/2 SW 62-12 1.3+24
V348 03-62Een Turf staat voor niets 4 1/2 SW 62-13 1.3+18
V349 04-62Billie vangt een tijger 4 1/2 SW 62-14 1.3+20
V350 04-62Een goede goocheltruc 4 1/2 SW 62-15 1.3+22
V351 04-62Honger! 3 1/2 SW 62-16 1.3+26
V352 04-62Soep met kluif 3 1/2 SW 62-17 1.4+3
V353 05-62De bananevleermuis 3 1/2 SW 62-18 1.4+5
V354 05-62Reclamebureau Turf 3 SW 62-19 1.3+1
V355 05-62Meneer de gouveneur 3 SW 62-20 1.3+2
V356 05-62De wilde hond 3 1/2 SW 62-21 1.4+7
V357 06-62Billies gevreesde linkse 3 SW 62-22 1.3+3
V358 06-62Trouble afoot 3 1/2 SW 62-23 1.4+9
V359 06-62Vogelkenner Turf 3 SW 62-24 1.3+4
V360 06-62De Druifjes zijn zuur 3 1/2 SW 62-25 1.4+32
V361 06-62Leuke visite 3 SW 62-26 1.3+5
V362 07-62Billie zorgt voor eten 3 SW 62-27 1.3+6
V363 07-62Bezoek uit India 3 SW 62-28 1.3+7
V364 07-62Billie, redder in nood 3 1/2 SW 62-29 1.4+1
V365 07-62Het nut van een collectebus 3 1/2 SW 62-30 1.4+11
V366 08-62Billie, de machtige 3 1/2 SW 62-31 1.4+13
V367 08-62Ha lekker eieren bij het ontbijt 3 SW 62-32 SW:1962-32
V368 08-62Wedstrijd vol gevaren 3 1/2 SW 62-33 1.4+30
V369 08-62Jongens baron Van Doveren wil 3 1/2 SW 62-34 SW:1962-34
V370 09-62Ik denk dat jij dit jaar 3 1/2 SW 62-35 SW:1962-35
V371 09-62Allemaal uitstappen Jongens Dit is 3 SW 62-36 SW:1962-36
V372 09-62The fat fraud 4 SW 62-37 1.3+10
V373 09-62Onverwoestbaar proefwerk 3 SW 62-38 1.3+11
V374 09-62The larder looter 2 1/2 SW 62-39 SW:1962-39
V375 10-62Pech gehad Billie Je moet 3 SW 62-40 SW:1962-40
V376 10-62Our new govenor is arriving to-day 2 SW 62-41 SW:1962-41
V377 10-62The busy bee 3 1/2 SW 62-42 SW:1962-42
V378 10-62Jullie hebben de laatste tijd 3 1/2 SW 62-43 SW:1962-43
V379 11-62Another two hours till dinner-time 2 SW 62-44 1.2+51
V380 11-62Phew It's too hot to work 2 SW 62-45 1.4+17
V381 11-62Hullo Who is that new bloke 2 SW 62-46 SW:1962-46
V382 11-62The fat owl gets caught in the stampede when the Greyfriars' boys rush for a feed! 2 SW 62-47 SW:1962-47
V383 12-62Why don't tou take up 2 SW 62-48 1.2+52
V384 12-62Hi Careful You nearly made me 2 SW 62-49 SW:1962-49
V385 12-62Go on Laugh you rotters 2 SW 62-50 SW:1962-50
V386 12-62The plump chump releases a toy wasp in a shop and stings the owner for a box of choc! 2 SW 62-51 SW:1962-51
V387 12-62Bunter swops a camera for a box of cakes - and foams at the mouth when he finds they're fakes! 2 SW 62-52 SW:1962-52
V388 01-63Let's have a bullseye before 2 SW 63-1 SW:1963-1
V389 01-63Bunter was dreaming his favourite dream 2 SW 63-2 SW:1963-2
V390 01-63I adore brainy boys mr. Quelch 2 SW 63-3 SW:1963-3
V391 01-63Coo Wharton and Cherry are having 2 SW 63-4 SW:1963-4
V392 02-63Doctor That boy is the laziest 2 SW 63-5 SW:1963-5
V393 02-63These fireworks are too dear 2 SW 63-6 SW:1963-6
V394 02-63Greedy beast Wharton You rotters 2 SW 63-7 SW:1963-7
V395 02-63Bunter was right down to 2 SW 63-8 SW:1963-8
V396 03-63Who drew that picture of me 2 SW 63-9 SW:1963-9
V397 03-63Hello Bunter Got a parcel 2 SW 63-10 SW:1963-10
V398 03-63Bunter I do hope you intend 2 SW 63-11 SW:1963-11
V399 03-63Sad news indeed boys I am 2 SW 63-12 SW:1963-12
V400 03-63Coo I've still got some money 2 SW 63-13 SW:1963-13
V401 04-63Stop worrying me for your dinner 2 SW 63-14 SW:1963-14
V402 04-63Op een dag in het voorjaar 2 SW 63-15 SW:1963-15
V403 04-63I say you do look fed up 2 SW 63-16 SW:1963-16
V404 04-63That will be our last lesson 2 SW 63-17 SW:1963-17
V405 05-63Grr I hate this soppy acting 2 SW 63-18 SW:1963-18
V406 05-63Bunter pretends he has bad eyesight - but mr. Quelchy sees through this dodge! 2 SW 63-19 SW:1963-19
V407 05-63The fat owl tried to bring down his weight - and brought down a ceiling 2 SW 63-20 1.9+21
V408 05-63Bunter thinks life is not very funny - for all the boys are after his money! 2 SW 63-21 SW:1963-21
V409 06-63Here he is - the fattest\cqkom funniest schoolboy on earth 2 SW 63-22 SW:1963-22
V410 06-63Our fat owl makes a valiant attempt to read a thrilling new paper .. it's a knockout! 2 SW 63-23 SW:1963-23
V411 06-63Hungry Billy is in a desperate mood - for Mr. Quelch denis him food! 2 SW 63-24 1.10+2
V412 06-63Our fat owl is full of schemes to keep mr. Quelch from his peaceful dream! 2 SW 63-25 1.9+34
V413 06-63When it comes to dodging work, our fat duffer wins hands down! 2 SW 63-26 SW:1963-26
V414 07-63There's fun galore, as you will see\when Bunter's sister comes to tea! 2 SW 63-27 SW:1963-27
V415 07-63Mr. Quelch threw away his sticks and the fat owl landed him in a fix! 2 SW 63-28 1.9+31
V416 07-63Our plump chump gets a terrible scare ... when his food dream becomes a nightmare! 2 SW 63-29 1.10+3
V417 07-63Naughty Billy spreads some litter and makes mr. Quelch feel very bitter! 2 SW 63-30 1.10+5
V418 08-63Our heavyweight funster spends Easter clowning around in a circus! 2 SW 63-31 SW:1963-31
V419 08-63Our fat owl isn't interested inchemistry but he finds the correct formula for fun! 2 SW 63-32 1.10+1
V420 08-63The fat owl is dogged by bad luck when he tries to steal the school tuck! 2 SW 63-33 1.10+4
V421 08-63Bunter's drawings set a master aflame - but it's mr. Quelch who gets the blame! 2 SW 63-34 SW:1963-34
V422 08-63The fat owl staged a few brave deeds - in order to gain some big free feeds! 2 SW 63-35 1.17+6
V423 09-63Crafty Billy fakes a call ... and mr. Quelch heads for a fall 2 SW 63-36 SW:1963-36
V424 09-63The fat owl meets a rival scoffer - and makes him a very artfull offer! 2 SW 63-37 SW:1963-37
V425 09-63The fat dunce gets a thump on the cranium - and changes into an astounding brainy 'un! 2 SW 63-38 1.10+7
V426 09-63The overweight chump has a hunger pang until he makes things go with a bang! 2 SW 63-39 1.10+9
V427 10-63The fat owl plans some crafty deeds - and the school will close if he succeeds! 2 SW 63-40 1.10+10
V428 10-63Mr. Quelch organises a treasure hunt - so Bunter develops a work-dodging stunt! 2 SW 63-41 1.10+8
V429 10-63Bunter puts the school clock slow ... and then decides to win some dough! 2 SW 63-42 SW:1963-42
V430 10-63Billy pretends that he comes from the Wild West ... until lord Lugworth puts him to the test! 2 SW 63-43 SW:1963-43
V431 11-63The fat owl thinks lessons will be a bore - so he makes mr. Quelch drop through the floor! 2 SW 63-44 SW:1963-44
V432 11-63The fat owl searches dor something to eat ... and gets nipped by a plant on his trousers seat! 2 SW 63-45 1.10+12
V433 11-63Crafty Billy thinks up a plot - to get a pen that will not blot! 2 SW 63-46 1.10+17
V434 11-63The plump chump wants to get in on a feed ... so he commits a cunning deed! 2 SW 63-47 1.24+6
V435 11-63When the fat owl thinks up a hoot of a scheme a classmate gets the point and lets out a scream! 2 SW 63-48 SW:1963-48
V436 12-63The fat bully doesn't like it when he receives some of his own medicine! 2 SW 63-49 SW:1963-49
V437 12-63The fat owl decides to rob the cook ... so he makes her swoon with just one look! 2 SW 63-50 1.10+11
V438 12-63The hooded avengers start a plot that puts the fat owl in a spot! 2 SW 63-51 1.10+20
V439 12-63The rowing club's boat goes lower and lower when the fat owl decides to take hold of an oar! 2 SW 63-52 1.10+21
V440 01-64Billy tries to prove he can act ... but his only success is at getting whacked! 2 SW 64-1 1.5+1
V441 01-64The fat owl decides to act the fool ... so that he will be expelled from school! 2 SW 64-2 1.5+2
V442 01-64Bunter needs money to buy some tea - so he finds lost property for a shilling fee! 2 SW 64-3 SW:1964-3
V443 01-64Vooruit jongens ga een eindje 2 SW 64-4 1.5+3
V444 02-64Mr. Quelch is full of woe when a heavy bottle lands on his toe! 2 SW 64-5 1.5+5
V445 02-64The masters leap about in fright when Bunter's bangers get set alight! 2 SW 64-6 1.5+6
V446 02-64The fat owl decides to lay a false clue to escape the whacking that he is due! 2 SW 64-7 1.5+7
V447 02-64Billy tries to show he has lots of pluck - but his courageous act soon comes unstuck! 2 SW 64-8 1.5+8
V448 02-64The fat owl finds he hasn't a pocket ... then mr. Quelch gives him a "rocket"! 2 SW 64-9 1.5+9
V449 03-64The fat owl thinks up a model scheme ... but soon finds that his plan is way off beam! 2 SW 64-10 1.5+10
V450 03-64Mr. Quelch puts the fat owl on a diet ... but the hungry rascal attempts to defy it! 2 SW 64-11 1.5+11
V451 03-64A gift of toy soldiers instead of food, puts the hungry heavyweight in a bad mood! 2 SW 64-12 1.5+12
V452 03-64The fat owl's rowing in top gear ... but he's heading for a weir! 2 SW 64-13 1.5+13
V453 04-64The fat owl is in a hungry plight but it's mr. Quelch who gets a bite! 2 SW 64-14 1.5+14
V454 04-64The fat owl persuades a film magnate to give him food for animal bait 2 SW 64-15 1.5+15
V455 04-64The masters hold a special meeting from a plan to stop Bunter eating! 2 SW 64-16 1.5+16
V456 04-64The plump chump is too busy to open the gate so cook puts a small portion on his plate! 2 SW 64-17 1.5+17
V457 05-64The plump chump's spirits are far from damp when his eyes alight on a magic lamp! 2 SW 64-18 1.5+18
V458 05-64The fat owl thinks it's far from funny when his dad stops all his pocket money! 2 SW 64-19 1.5+19
V459 05-64The fat owl wants a brand new bike but he hasn't enough money for the one he'd like! 2 SW 64-20 1.5+20
V460 05-64The plump chump overcomes Uqelchy's cane by taking pills to stop the pain! 2 SW 64-21 1.5+21
V461 05-64The plump chump thinks he will go far ... once he gets a real guitar! 2 SW 64-22 1.5+22
V462 06-64Hungry Bunter is short of funds so he becomes a bandit to get some buns! 2 SW 64-23 1.5+23
V463 06-64The fat owl is after the gardener's lunch - so he decides to follow a crafty hunch! 2 SW 64-24 1.5+24
V464 06-64The plump chump wants to go to the fair so he pretends he's the heir of a millionaire! 2 SW 64-25 1.24+11
V465 06-64Tha fat owl of Greyfriars loses his grin because the boy he bullies has a twin! 2 SW 64-26 1.5+26
V466 07-64When crafty Billy is found to be slacking mr. Quelch gives him a wacking! 2 SW 64-27 1.5+27
V467 07-64The fat owl goes as white as a ghost when he sees what he's received in the post! 2 SW 64-28 1.5+28
V468 07-64Bunter's bid for revenge is exposed by prints - and the Greyfriars' captain makes him wince! 2 SW 64-29 1.5+29
V469 07-64Bunter stops a car with drawing pins and gets a whacking for his sins! 2 SW 64-30 1.5+30
V470 08-64The fat owl is handed a list of careers ... but hard work is one of the things he fears! 2 SW 64-31 1.5+31
V471 08-64Billy steals the gardener's hose to make himself some martian clothes! 2 SW 64-32 1.5+32
V472 08-64The fat owl wants to eat to excess ... so he gets up to some monkey business! 2 SW 64-33 SW:1964-33
V473 09-64The fat owl takes up heavy reading - to help him enjoy some secret feeding! 2 SW 64-38 1.5+33
V474 09-64The lazy fat owl does not want to toil - so he thniks up a plan to make mr. Quelch boil! 2 SW 64-39 1.5+34
V475 10-64The fat owl snaffles a pie for a tuck in - but its owners seize him and give him a ducking! 2 SW 64-40 1.5+35
V476 10-64Billy doesn't want to go on a map reading course - so he has to be taken along by force! 2 SW 64-41 1.23+19
V477 10-64The fat owl tries to steal a bite - and gets an overwhelming fright! 2 SW 64-42 1.5+25
V478 10-64Billy plans to seize Cherry's job at the fete ... but he springs his trap a little too late! 2 SW 64-43 1.15+10
V479 10-64The picnic food is the fat owl's goal when on the beach he digs a hole! 2 SW 64-44 SW:1964-44
V480 11-64The fat owl thinks up a scheme to nab the animals' food from the nature lab 2 SW 64-45 1.5+4
V481 11-64The fat owl's presented with a cake ... but he soon discovers it's a fake! 2 SW 64-46 SW:1964-46
V482 11-64Billy wants to pretend he's a great athlete - but a polished floor makes him lose his feet! 2 SW 64-47 SW:1964-47
V483 11-64Hungry Billy is stony broke - so he tries to play a master stroke! 2 SW 64-48 SW:1964-48
V484 12-64The fat owl gets a whacking surprise when mr. Quelch sees through his disguise! 2 SW 64-49 1.17+18
V485 12-64The fat owl acts with lots of feeling - and makes a hole in de gymnasium ceiling! 2 SW 64-50 1.17+16
V486 12-64The plumpchump finds he's in a spot when the Greyfriars' panto has a change of plot! 2 SW 64-51 SW:1964-51
V487 12-64Billy finds some tropical clothes to wear 0 and then he pretends he's a long-lost heir! 2 SW 64-52 1.17+14
V488 01-65The fat owl of Greyfriars is out of luck when he tries to steal a new boy's tuck! 2 SW 65-1 SW:1965-1
V489 01-65A mousetrap catches bigger game ... Bunter is the victim's name! 2 SW 65-2 SW:1965-2
V490 01-65Billy schemes a free feed and sits down to eat - but his joy soon fades when he gets a hot seat! 2 SW 65-3 SW:1965-3
V491 01-65The fat owl of Greyfriars gets rather wild when mr. Quelch tells him to mind a child! 2 SW 65-4 1.35+7
V492 01-65Bunter's greedy scheme moves into top gear when he finds he can make things disappear! 2 SW 65-5 SW:1965-5
V493 02-65The fat owl of Greyfriars is out of luck when he tries to hide in the gardener's truck! 2 SW 65-6 SW:1965-6
V494 02-65The fat owl plans to be a hero - but his hopes are quickly dashed to zero! 2 SW 65-7 SW:1965-7
V495 02-65Mr. Quelch gets a rocket when he makes a rule that no fireworks are to be let off in the school! 2 SW 65-8 SW:1965-8
V496 02-65The fat owl tries to act the fool - so Quelchy makes him stand on a stool! 2 SW 65-9 SW:1965-9
V497 03-65The plump chump tries to seize a feed - and gets a whacking for his greed! 2 SW 65-10 SW:1965-10
V498 03-65Bunter has to watch Quelchy's aunt eat her fill ... then he is presented with the bill! 2 SW 65-11 SW:1965-11
V499 03-65The fat owl attempts to get a share in a meal - by yelling with pain and pretending to reel! 2 SW 65-12 SW:1965-12
V500 03-65Bunter decides to have a long sleep ... but mr. Quelch soon makes him leap! 2 SW 65-13 SW:1965-13
V501 04-65Things soon look black for the fat man when he starts a revolution plan! 2 SW 65-14 SW:1965-14
V502 04-65There's plenty here to make you grin when Billy saves a boy who's thin! 2 SW 65-15 SW:1965-15
V503 04-65The fat owl of Greyfriars is all agog when the biology master pays a fee for a frog! 2 SW 65-16 SW:1965-16
V504 04-65Goalkeeper Billy has a sudden fall ... and flattens teh one-and-only soccer ball! 2 SW 65-17 SW:1965-17
V505 05-65Billy has to start the new year right ... and very soon he gets a bite! 2 SW 65-18 SW:1965-18
V506 05-65Billy bursts into a room and demands some pop ... but he gets a boot that makes him hop! 2 SW 65-19 SW:1965-19
V507 05-65The school is heading for disaster when Bunter poses as the new headmaster! 2 SW 65-20 SW:1965-20
V508 05-65Billy gets a sinking feeling when he drops in through a ceiling! 2 SW 65-21 SW:1965-21
V509 05-65Bunter decides to upset a new teacher - but overlooks one important feature! 2 SW 65-22 SW:1965-22
V510 06-65The fat owl throws a fainting fit ... but it's the doctor who bears the brunt of it! 2 SW 65-23 SW:1965-23
V511 06-65The plump chump tries to break into the food store ... and makes a policeman fall through the floor! 2 SW 65-24 SW:1965-24
V512 06-65The headmaster thinks Bunter's ways will mend - if everyone tries to be his friend! 2 SW 65-25 SW:1965-25
V513 06-65The plump chump plots with lots of joy - to get revenge on a big new boy! 2 SW 65-26 SW:1965-26
V514 07-65The fat owl discovers he's out of luck when he tries to find his classmates' tuck! 2 SW 65-27 SW:1965-27
V515 07-65The plump chump makes his camera click when mr. Quelch is hit by a stick! 2 SW 65-28 SW:1965-28
V516 07-65This week the fat owl has only one care ... and that's how to get to the Easter fair! 2 SW 65-29 SW:1965-29
V517 07-65The fat owl plans to right a wrong - after swallowing some tablets to make himself strong! 2 SW 65-30 SW:1965-30
V518 07-65Mr. Quelch jabs was the wrong target with his pin ... and bunter creates a tremendous din! 2 SW 65-31 SW:1965-31
V519 08-65Food parcels are stored in the porter's lodge - so hungry Billy works out a dodge! 2 SW 65-32 SW:1965-32
V520 08-65Billy wants to escape from a swimming team - so he hatches a very crafty scheme! 2 SW 65-33 SW:1965-33
V521 08-65The hungry heavyweight is full of gloom after he has moved into a new room! 2 SW 65-34 SW:1965-34
V522 08-65Some practical jokers land up on the floor after putting a booby-trap above Bunter's door! 2 SW 65-35 SW:1965-35
V523 09-65This week the fat owl thinks up a scheme to fill the classroom full of steam! 2 SW 65-36 SW:1965-36
V524 09-65The fat owl is forced to dig up the soil - and by a stroke of luck he discovers oil! 2 SW 65-37 SW:1965-37
V525 09-65The fat owl of Greyfriars proves to be very greedy when he's collecting for the hungry and needy! 2 SW 65-38 SW:1965-38
V526 10-65Mr. Quelch is a bit of a clot ... he mistakes Billy for a Chinese pot! 2 SW 65-40 SW:1965-40
V527 10-65This week Billy's got plenty of bounce ... until mr. Quelch decides to pounce! 2 SW 65-41 SW:1965-41
V528 10-65The fat owl tries to raise a sum ... and receives a payment that makes him numb! 2 SW 65-42 SW:1965-42
V529 10-65Billy raids a tent in search of a bite ... and receives an overwhelming fright 2 SW 65-43 SW:1965-43
V530 10-65Bunter aims to grab a chicken to munch ... but he runs straight into a bully's punch! 2 SW 65-44 SW:1965-44
V531 11-65Bunter has an unlucky slip ... then a dog gives him a nasty nip! 2 SW 65-45 SW:1965-45
V532 11-65Jones Minor has an eating spree after Bunter refuses to set him free! 2 SW 65-46 SW:1965-46
V533 12-65Billy spoils his painting with a jam tart ... then the new master considers it a work of art 2 SW 65-49 SW:1965-49
V534 12-65The fat owl hides his treasure in the woods - but when he returns he can't find the goods! 2 SW 65-50 SW:1965-50
V535 12-65The plump chump becomes a soccer substitute ... but with his very first kick he loses his boot! 2 SW 65-51 SW:1965-51
V536 12-65Billy is in depths of despair ... he's tunneling around but doesn't know where! 2 SW 65-52 SW:1965-52
V537 01-66The fat owl's in a fit of gloom until mr. Quelch makes him build a new room! 2 SW 66-1 SW:1966-1
V538 01-66Jones Minor's rocket goes through the ceiling - and gives Quelch's nose a tender feeling! 2 SW 66-2 SW:1966-2
V539 01-66Mr. Quelch falls victim to Bunter's lasso ... so the heavyweight cump is soon yelling ”Yaroo”! 2 SW 66-3 SW:1966-3
V540 01-66The fat owl dreams up a scheme that's a snip ... he'll rescue a rich boy and win a big tip 2 SW 66-4 SW:1966-4
V541 01-66Bunter becomes the Greyfriars porter ... and gets landed with the task of parcels sorter! 2 SW 66-5 SW:1966-5
V542 02-66Bunter makes the other boys sneeze ... so that he can eat up all their teas! 2 SW 66-6 SW:1966-6
V543 02-66Bunter is made to hop about ... but he gets his revenge on the bullying lout! 2 SW 66-7 SW:1966-7
V544 02-66Bunter bounds forward with great delight ... and lands himself in a sorry plight! 2 SW 66-8 SW:1966-8
V545 02-66The fat owl spends Chrismas at greyfriars school ... and knocks mr. Quelch into an icy pool! 2 SW 66-9 SW:1966-9
V546 03-66Op een dag ziet Billie de kamer 2 SW 66-10 SW:1966-10
V547 03-66Bunter pokes fun at a shivering group - but they've been out running and are given some soup! 2 SW 66-11 SW:1966-11
V548 03-66Bunter doesn't want to become an actor ... but his size proves to be the deciding factor! 2 SW 66-12 SW:1966-12
V549 03-66A new boy comes to Greyfriars school ... and Bunter tricks him with a strange rule! 2 SW 66-13 SW:1966-13
V550 04-66A museum keeper gets a terrible fright ... when a stuffed animal gives him a sudden bite! 2 SW 66-14 SW:1966-14
V551 04-66The fat owl complains about lack of heat ... the mr Quelch warms up his ample seat! 2 SW 66-15 SW:1966-15
V552 04-66Mr. Quelch takes the boys on a morning hike ... but the fat owl stages a sit-down strike! 2 SW 66-16 SW:1966-16
V553 04-66A cinema ban makes the fat owl frown ... so he tries to sneak in under Quelch's gown! 2 SW 66-17 SW:1966-17
V554 04-66The fat owl thinks he's come to grief ... but he's actually helped to catch a thief! 2 SW 66-18 SW:1966-18
V555 05-66The boys stay awake for a midnight snack ... but all Bunter gets is a pain in the back! 2 SW 66-19 SW:1966-19
V556 05-66The fat owl's filled with nervous woe when he drops a dish on a bully's toe! 2 SW 66-20 SW:1966-20
V557 05-66The greedy fat owl nearly has a fit when he finds that the stew pot's full of grit! 2 SW 66-21 SW:1966-21
V558 05-66Billy offers to hide an orange from sight ... but soon he's in a sorry plight! 2 SW 66-22 SW:1966-22
V559 06-66Billy's kipper is ruined by overheating ... then he's given an unexpected beating! 2 SW 66-23 SW:1966-23
V560 06-66The fat owl wants to celebrate easter ... by being a hot cross bun feaster! 2 SW 66-24 SW:1966-24
V561 06-66Bunter escapes on a bike with some loot ... and runs right over the porter's boot 2 SW 66-25 SW:1966-25
V562 06-66A prize is offered in an eyesight test - and the fat owl nearly comes off best! 2 SW 66-26 SW:1966-26
V563 07-66A swig from a bottle gives the fat owl troubles - for then he finds he's blowing bubbles! 2 SW 66-28 SW:1966-28
V564 08-66A new teacher must go, so Billy gets cracking - but he picks the wrong man and cops a big whacking! 2 SW 66-34 1.6+1
V565 08-66Bunter's plan to look smart encountered a hitch - when he suddenly walked into a shower of pitch! 2 SW 66-35 1.6+2
V566 09-66Bunter altered a job sheet just for a joke - and poor old Quelchy got a sore throat! 2 SW 66-36 1.6+3
V567 09-66Bunter was fed up with keeping the score - so he went for a feed but ended up sore! 2 SW 66-37 1.6+4
V568 09-66Bunter isn't in a volunteering mood - until he discovers there's lashings of food! 2 SW 66-38 SW:1966-38
V569 09-66To a Japanese boy the fat owl was rude - so it served him right when he missed his food! 2 SW 66-39 1.6+5
V570 10-66Bunter was gleeful when a grub box he spied - but he got a big shock when he looked inside! 2 SW 66-40 SW:1966-40
V571 10-66The fat owl pulls down part of a ceiling - and gets a sudden dizzy feeling! 2 SW 66-41 1.6+6
V572 10-66A box of nails lands on Quelchy's chair - which really sends him up in the air! 2 SW 66-42 1.6+7
V573 10-66Bunter uses seaweed to gove Quelchy the slip - and the master treads on it and goes for a dip 2 SW 66-43 SW:1966-43
V574 10-66Bunter decides to run away - but he finds it isn't his lucky day! 2 SW 66-44 1.6+8
V575 11-66Bunter minds a basket while Quelchy has a dip - but when he tries to open it he lands up on a ship! 2 SW 66-45 SW:1966-45
V576 11-66Bunter plans to grab tuck from a young new boy - but his trap provides him with little joy! 2 SW 66-46 1.6+9
V577 11-66On a trip to a farm Bunter hopes to get fed - but he angers a bull and makes it see red! 2 SW 66-47 SW:1966-47
V578 11-66When dinner-time comes Bunter scoffs the lot - so Quelch puts him to work on the vegetable plot! 2 SW 66-48 1.6+10
V579 12-66Jones Minor squeals on our greedy fat man - so Bunter gives chase and bumps into a van! 2 SW 66-49 1.6+11
V580 12-66The boys all take a memory test - and Bunter comes off second best! 2 SW 66-50 1.6+12
V581 12-66Bunter dips into a haversack to find some tuck - but the greedy fat man is out of luck! 2 SW 66-51 1.6+13
V582 12-66Bunter hides some tuck on a window-sill - and a flock of pigeons scoff their fill! 2 SW 66-52 1.6+14
V583 12-66Mr Quelch gets a painful prod in the ear - so he unleashes some whacks at Bunter's rear! 2 SW 66-53 1.6+15
V584 01-67Bunter pinches some suits to raise some lolly - but he soon begins to regret his folly! 2 SW 67-1 1.6+16
V585 01-67Bunter's stuck in a barrel because he's so fat - and he rolls downhill and knocks Quelchy flat 2 SW 67-2 1.6+17
V586 01-67Bunter's tuck amounts to half a jam tart - but he hopes to gain more by throwing a dart! 2 SW 67-3 1.6+18
V587 01-67Bolsover hopes to give Bunter a whacking - so the fat owl decides he'd better get cracking! 2 SW 67-4 1.7+21
V588 02-67Bunter bursts a big bag to give Quelchy a scare - and a pot full of paste lands in his own hair! 2 SW 67-5 1.6+19
V589 02-67Bunter sniffs a pepper pot ... and upsets mr. Quelch's plot! 2 SW 67-6 1.7+16
V590 02-67Bunter claims the credit for a painting job - and then gets a task that makes him sob! 2 SW 67-7 SW:1967-7
V591 02-67Bunter is badgered into going on a trip - so when all is quiet he gives Quelchy the slip! 2 SW 67-8 SW:1967-8
V592 03-67Mr Quelch's nose gets trapped very tight ... so Bunter biffs it with all his might! 2 SW 67-9 1.6+20
V593 03-67Crafty Billy plugs Quelchy's ears - so the master can't hear mocking jeers! 2 SW 67-10 1.6+21
V594 03-67Bunter pretends to have a bad back - so mr. Quelch gives him a jolly good whack! 2 SW 67-11 1.6+22
V595 03-67Bunter gets his money from the Cristmas club - and spends it all on pop and grub! 2 SW 67-12 1.6+23
V596 04-67The greedy fat owl's in an angry mood - because Quelchy means to cut down on food! 2 SW 67-13 1.6+24
V597 04-67Mr. Quelch is suddenly filled with woe - for his face stops a handful of cold wet snow! 2 SW 67-14 1.6+25
V598 04-67A hobby could raise lots of money for Bunter - so he turned himself into a postage stamp hunter! 2 SW 67-15 1.6+26
V599 04-67Lazy Billy uses his head - so that he can stay in bed! 2 SW 67-16 1.7+5
V600 04-67The fat owl hits on a scheme that is bold - to make mr. Quelch think he's developed a cold! 2 SW 67-17 1.7+14
V601 05-67Bunter tries to sit carefully on a chair - but his sore seat makes him leap in the air! 2 SW 67-18 1.7+18
V602 05-67The fat owl tries to borrow some dough - and ends up feeling full of woe! 2 SW 67-19 1.7+13
V603 05-67A big new boy scoffs all the food - and puts Bunter in a vengeful mood! 2 SW 67-20 1.7+17
V604 05-67Bunter steals an invention to win some food - and puts Quelchy in a dizzy mood! 2 SW 67-21 1.7+19
V605 06-67Bunter finds painting fruit a bit of a bore - so he eats the apple and leaves only the core! 2 SW 67-22 SW:1967-22
V606 06-67Billy tries to nab a fish to fry ... and ends up with a wounded cry! 2 SW 67-23 SW:1967-23
V607 06-67The greedy fat owl's on the prowl for some tuck - but a bird gets there first so he's right out of luck! 2 SW 67-24 SW:1967-24
V608 06-67Saving Quelchy from peril will earn Billy some cash - but his plans go adrift and end up with a splach! 2 SW 67-25 SW:1967-25
V609 07-67All boys are confined to school for a day - but not if Bunter has his way! 2 SW 67-26 SW:1967-26
V610 07-67Mr. Quelch escorts Bunter to an easter fair - and nearly falls foul of a villainous pair! 2 SW 67-27 1.6+27
V611 07-67To avoid hard work is the fat owl's desire - but when he goes into hiding his plans misfire! 2 SW 67-28 1.6+28
V612 07-67Kippers are the fat owl's favourite food - but his cooking puts Quelch in a wacking mood! 2 SW 67-29 1.6+29
V613 07-67When a litter trail leads to the greedy fat owl - he gets a good whacking and lets out a howl! 2 SW 67-30 1.6+30
V614 08-67It's hard for bunter to grab some tuck - but a new boy brings him better luck! 2 SW 67-31 1.7+7
V615 08-67Bunter fakes injury to avoid playing cricket - but finds that he's batting on a sticky wicket! 2 SW 67-32 1.7+20
V616 08-67A well-filled hamper rouses the fat owl's greed - so he gets rid of Quelchy at very high speed! 2 SW 67-33 1.6+31
V617 08-67Bunter pinches some flowers to gain some food - and puts Quelchy in a wacking mood! 2 SW 67-34 1.7+11
V618 09-67Bunter gets busy with a pepper pot - and makes Quelchy's ice cream nice and hot! 2 SW 67-35 1.7+10
V619 09-67Quelchy's gown gives way with a rip - and Bunter goes for a nippy dip! 2 SW 67-36 1.7+1
V620 09-67Bunter's too idle to take part in sport - and though he tries to hide, he's quickly caught! 2 SW 67-37 1.6+32
V621 09-67Bunter tries to escape a duty call - and runs slap-bang into a wall! 2 SW 67-38 1.8+10
V622 09-67Bunter gets caned as quick as a flash - when he tries to borrow another boy's cash! 2 SW 67-39 1.7+9
V623 10-67The greedy fat owl goes in search of some fruit - and ends up with angry Quelch in hot pursuit! 2 SW 67-40 1.6+33
V624 10-67Two mr. Quelches are better than one - when it comes to the fat man having some fun! 2 SW 67-41 1.23+12
V625 10-67A slap lands Bunter in a sorry plight - for he finds himself challenged to a fight! 2 SW 67-42 1.7+4
V626 10-67The plump chump jumps into Quelcyy's car - but with his weight it won't get far! 2 SW 67-43 1.7+8
V627 11-67The crafty fat owl ignores whacks from a cane - for a big library book is absorbing the pain! 2 SW 67-44 1.7+3
V628 11-67The plump chump's out to land a catch - but the net result's not up to scratch! 2 SW 67-45 1.6+34
V629 11-67Bunter's got plenty of tricks up his sleeve, when he decides it's high time for Quelchy to leave! 2 SW 67-46 1.8+9
V630 11-67Bunter travels to France to eat his fill - but the sight of the food makes him feel slightly ill! 2 SW 67-47 SW:1967-47
V631 12-67The school's new rest room is Quelch's pride and joy - until it's broken into by our crafty, hungry boy! 2 SW 67-48 1.7+6
V632 12-67A big bag of buns is for animal-feed - but it makes Billy's eyes gleam and glitter with greed! 2 SW 67-49 1.6+35
V633 12-67Bunter's off target with an inky shot ... and poor old Quelchy gets the lot! 2 SW 67-50 1.7+12
V634 12-67Op kerstmorgen mag Billie uitslapen 2 SW 67-51 SW:1967-51
V635 12-67Bunter's determined he's not going to camp - and gets an idea when he sees an old tramp! 2 SW 67-52 1.7+2
V636 01-68Bunter tries to get rid of his cousin Willy - but the little lad's more than a match for Billy! 2 SW 68-1 1.8+8
V637 01-68Quelchy's tea parties use up too much food - which puts Bunter in a scheming mood! 2 SW 68-2 1.8+7
V638 01-68Cook slams down the window to keep Bunter out - but she traps the fat owl and he lets out a shout 2 SW 68-3 1.8+6
V639 01-68The fat owl gets a kick for his folly - and lands up in a bush of holly 2 SW 68-4 1.8+5
V640 02-68The fat owl finds himself facing a duel - and he stops a punch like a kick from a mule! 2 SW 68-5 1.8+4
V641 02-68The fat owl swings a bulky sack ... and gives the ”head” a hefty whack! 2 SW 68-6 1.8+13
V642 02-68Bunter poses as a copper - but very soon he comes a cropper! 2 SW 68-7 1.8+1
V643 02-68All Greyfriars boys are confined to school - so Bunter decides to act the fool! 2 SW 68-8 1.8+3
V644 03-68Bunter stands on a chair which gives way with a crack - and the outlook for Quelch is exceedingly black! 2 SW 68-9 1.7+33
V645 03-68Bunter finds collecting plants a bore - and Quelchy ends up feeling a rather sore! 2 SW 68-10 SW:1968-10
V646 03-68The unfortunate Quelch slips up by mistake - and the crafty fat chump makes off with a cake! 2 SW 68-11 1.7+35
V647 03-68The fat owl tries to boot a ball out of sight ... and Quelchy end up in a sorry plight! 2 SW 68-12 1.7+34
V648 03-68Bunter strikes a match to get some light ... and a leaky gas main gives him a fright! 2 SW 68-13 1.7+22
V649 04-68Bunter's gang gives the staff a nasty surprise ... then he gets a new member - it's Quelch in disguise 2 SW 68-14 1.7+25
V650 04-68The crafty fat owl is a bit of a wag - for he shuts Quelchy's head in another boy's bag! 2 SW 68-15 1.8+2
V651 04-68The fat man's new year proves far from jolly - when he plays fairy queen as the price of his folly! 2 SW 68-16 1.7+23
V652 04-68Our plump chump's in a hungry mood - he can't wait to start on the Chrismas food! 2 SW 68-17 1.18+2
V653 05-68Bunter reads a ghost story last thing at night - and the idea he gets gives Quelchy a fright! 2 SW 68-18 1.7+31
V654 05-68The crafty fat owl plays a highwayman's act - but he annoys mr. Quelch and gets soundly whacked! 2 SW 68-19 1.7+32
V655 05-68Bunter's act of revenge is exceedingly slick - but a barber uncovers his underhand trick! 2 SW 68-20 1.7+29
V656 05-68The fat owl's heading for a painful fate - when his cap's blown on to Quelchy's plate! 2 SW 68-21 1.7+24
V657 06-68Bunter makes a mess of Quelchy's packing - and ends up getting a well-deserved whacking! 2 SW 68-22 1.7+30
V658 06-68A rich boy's tuck box is really a whopper ... but when Billy tries to pinch it he comes a cropper! 2 SW 68-23 1.7+27
V659 06-68The lazy fat owl comes whizzing down a lane ... and makes poor old Quelchy howl with pain! 2 SW 68-24 1.8+12
V660 06-68Quelch spots Bunter pilfering, from a great height ... and decends to give him a jolly good fright! 2 SW 68-25 1.7+28
V661 06-68The fat owl's eyes light up with greed - when he finds a ticket to a free feed 2 SW 68-26 1.7+26
V662 07-68Bunter eagerly waits for a bun ... but when it arrives it isn't much fun! 2 SW 68-27 1.8+14
V663 07-68The fat owl glumly feels a letter ... but the contents make him feel much better! 2 SW 68-28 1.8+15
V664 07-68Bunter thinks the Easter trip is hardly exciting - and he finds a bun even harder biting! 2 SW 68-29 1.8+16
V665 07-68The sight of the headmaster's food puts Bunter in a scheming mood! 2 SW 68-30 1.8+17
V666 08-68Bunter strikes an artist's pose ... and gives mr. Quelch a colourful nose! 2 SW 68-31 1.8+18
V667 08-68Bunter doesn't care for cricket - but he makes a hit while at the wicket! 2 SW 68-32 1.8+19
V668 08-68The aroma of flowers fills Quelchy with glee - until crafty Bunter makes use of a bee! 2 SW 68-33 1.8+20
V669 08-68Old Quelchy's feeling in the pink ... till Bunter showers him with ink! 2 SW 68-34 1.8+23
V670 08-68Bunter plans a bun feast in a nice quiet spot - but a hungry elephant pinches the lot! 2 SW 68-35 1.8+22
V671 09-68Butterflies don't make a tasty dish - so the plump chump tries to net some fish! 2 SW 68-36 1.8+35
V672 09-68Er zijn van die dagen... 2 SW 68-37 1.18+4
V673 09-68The fat owl reckons he's a crafty looter - but instead of a sausage he grabs Quelchy's hooter! 2 SW 68-38 1.8+30
V674 09-68When the engine conks out in Quelchy's car - Bunter gives it a push but it doesn't go far! 2 SW 68-39 1.8+21
V675 10-68The fat owl's filled with angry remorse - when his crisps are swiped by a hungry horse! 2 SW 68-40 1.8+24
V676 10-68Bunter throws away some litter - and makes mr. Quelch feel very bitter! 2 SW 68-41 SW:1968-41
V677 10-68Bunter goes climbing, and feels the crunch - when he makes Quelchy fall and flatten the lunch! 2 SW 68-42 1.8+28
V678 10-68The hungry plump chump's deep in gloom - till he sees the sign ”Refreshment room”! 2 SW 68-43 1.8+25
V679 11-68The crafty fat owl makes off with some fruit - and the shopkeeper follows him hot in pursuit! 2 SW 68-44 1.8+31
V680 11-68Bunter tries a crafty trick ... but clobbers Quelchy with a brick! 2 SW 68-45 1.8+26
V681 11-68When he's pushed in a pool Billy's way out of luck - but he soon cheers up when he sees Quelch's tuck! 2 SW 68-46 SW:1968-46
V682 11-68The fat owl's not interested in the sunny seaside - his only concern is for his empty inside! 2 SW 68-47 1.8+32
V683 11-68The fat owl's amused by Quelchy's plight - but he doesn't laugh long for he lands in a fight! 2 SW 68-48 1.8+27
V684 12-68Quelch leans over a cliff to recover some cash - but his gown lets him down and he makes a big splash! 2 SW 68-49 1.18+7
V685 12-68Bunter is searching for something to munch - but all he gets is a whopping big punch! 2 SW 68-50 1.8+33
V686 12-68When Bunter sabotages Quelchy's canes ... the result is some broken window panes! 2 SW 68-51 1.8+29
V687 12-68Quelch leaves to collect a new boy by car - but Bunter makes sure that he doesn't get far! 2 SW 68-52 1.8+34
V688 01-69Bunter eyes a pilfered pie wth greed - but Quelchy discovers his villainous deed! 2 SW 69-1 1.18+10
V689 01-69A crab nips Bunter on the hand - and Quelchy gets a mouthful of sand! 2 SW 69-2 1.18+11
V690 01-69When a cart runs away with Bunter on top, it bumps into Quelchy and makes him hop! 2 SW 69-3 1.18+12
V691 01-69Eating's banned in class, Billy's in a sullen mood - and so is mr. Quelch when he finds some hidden food! 2 SW 69-4 1.18+13
V692 02-69After Bunter's forbidden to have a cream tea - he unknowingly knocks Quelch into the sea! 2 SW 69-5 1.18+14
V693 02-69The fat owl craftily punctures a ball - but he's heading for a nasty fall! 2 SW 69-6 1.25+1
V694 02-69When Bunter findas his togs have been used for a guy - he gets hopping mad and makes the sparks fly! 2 SW 69-7 1.25+2
V695 02-69The plump chump skips with so much feeling - that he brings down half a ceiling! 2 SW 69-8 1.25+3
V696 03-69Floods won't keep Bunter away from a tuck in - but the water is deep so he's in for a ducking 2 SW 69-9 1.25+4
V697 03-69The fat owl fancies a tasty dish ... so he tries to net a piece of fried fish! 2 SW 69-10 1.25+5
V698 03-69The fat owl skids on a sea of mud ... and hits the headmaster with a nasty thud! 2 SW 69-11 1.15+1
V699 03-69The greedy plump chump makes off with a pie - but he's caught in the act when some toy arrows fly! 2 SW 69-12 1.25+6
V700 03-69Bunter's dance steps are a flop - but they really make old Quelchy hop! 2 SW 69-13 1.26+2
V701 04-69The plump chump pretends to be a cat - but a guard dog soon puts a stop to that! 2 SW 69-14 1.26+1
V702 04-69The fat owl finds it's not much fun .. when his chattering teeth can't bite a bun! 2 SW 69-15 1.18+15
V703 04-69Out of a window the plump chump sails ... to land on the poins of some very sharp nails! 2 SW 69-16 1.15+2
V704 04-69The fat owl plans a crafty trick - to make a gold bar out of a brick! 2 SW 69-17 1.17+1
V705 05-69Looks as though the plump chump is swotting - but in actual fact he's craftily plotting! 2 SW 69-18 1.25+7
V706 05-69Bunter angrily throws some arrow into the air - and gives mr. Quelch a nasty scare! 2 SW 69-19 1.25+8
V707 05-69When the fat owl spoils the food for lunch ... he finds that Quelchy's cane packs punch! 2 SW 69-20 1.25+9
V708 05-69Bunter clumsily crashes through a ceiling - and gives poor Quelch a flattened feeling 2 SW 69-21 1.25+10
V709 06-69The hungry fat owl wears a secretive grin ... for he's planning some mischief with a banana skin! 2 SW 69-23 1.25+11
V710 06-69Bunter's told to throw a punch - but it's poor old Quelch who feels the crunch! 2 SW 69-24 1.25+12
V711 06-69Bunter's searching for something to scoff ... but his crafty scheme doesn't pay off! 2 SW 69-25 1.15+3
V712 06-69The fat owl doesn't 'dig' gardening in schools ... so he wastes no time in downing tools! 2 SW 69-26 1.17+2
V713 07-69Bunter fancies himself in a snatch-and-run part - but somebody pinches his getaway cart! 2 SW 69-27 1.25+13
V714 07-69Poor old Quelchy gets a start - when he samples Bunter's art! 2 SW 69-28 1.25+14
V715 07-69Bunter's weather forecast is a load of rot - but the outlook for him is rather hot! 2 SW 69-29 1.25+15
V716 07-69The crafty fat owl drops a clanger ... for amongst his loot there's a lighted banger! 2 SW 69-30 1.25+16
V717 08-69The plump chump lands in a pie with a squelch - so cook reports him to mr. Quelch! 2 SW 69-31 1.17+3
V718 08-69The gardener lets fly with a water jet - and poor old Quelch gets rather wet! 2 SW 69-32 1.18+16
V719 08-69The plump chump's eyes light up with greed - when he sees the chance of a whopping big feed! 2 SW 69-33 1.15+4
V720 08-69The fat owl's careless with his litter - which makes poor Quelch feel rather bitter! 2 SW 69-34 1.24+19
V721 08-69The fat owl's happily lazing in the sun - but a cricket ball soon puts a stop to his fun! 2 SW 69-35 1.24+21
V722 09-69A fly is a pest that's a danger to health ... and Bunter's a menace when he uses great stealth! 2 SW 69-36 1.24+20
V723 09-69Quelchy's a little too hot in his gown - but being locked in a fridge soon cools him down! 2 SW 69-37 1.25+17
V724 09-69The fat owl feels a proper fool ... when he's made to pose upon a stool 2 SW 69-38 1.25+18
V725 09-69Bunter lets a roller go ... and it flattens poor old Quelchy's toe! 2 SW 69-39 1.25+19
V726 10-69When the plump chump pinches a fried fish lunch - poor old Quelchy cops a big punch! 2 SW 69-40 1.25+20
V727 10-69When the fat owl sits in Quelchy's chair - it's very soon in need of repair 2 SW 69-41 1.25+21
V728 10-69Bunter's speed to the classroom is not very quick - so Quelch hurries him up with a hefty great kick! 2 SW 69-42 1.25+22
V729 11-69The crafty plump chump doesn't want to feel cool ... so he pours some ink in the school swimming pool! 2 SW 69-46 1.15+5
V730 11-69The plump chump's made to look a clot - when he tries to bully a little Scot! 2 SW 69-48 1.24+22
V731 12-69The fat owl's looking hot and red - for he's hidden a stove beneath his bed! 2 SW 69-49 1.24+17
V732 12-69While looking foor food Bunter moves a rock - and poor mr. Quelch gets a nasty shock! 2 SW 69-50 1.24+18
V733 12-69The naughty plump chump gets a whack with the cane - but it's poor mr. Quelch who ends up with a pain! 2 SW 69-51 1.17+4
V734 12-69The crafty fat owl pays for his folly ... when he lands in a box that's filled with holly! 2 SW 69-52 1.17+5
V735 01-70The fat owl's cunning knows no bounds - and he finds a way to leave the school grounds! 2 SW 70-1 1.9+1
V736 01-70Grub's never far from the fat owl's thoughts - and to get some he ruins the holiday sports! 2 SW 70-2 1.9+2
V737 01-70When he pinches a cake Bunter gets the cane - but he soon starts raiding the kitchen again! 2 SW 70-3 1.9+3
V738 01-70When Bunter fancies a bite to eat - Quelchy ends up with a nip in the seat! 2 SW 70-4 1.9+4
V739 01-70Tha fat owl bites some frozen meat ... but finds it far too hard to eat! 2 SW 70-5 1.9+5
V740 02-70Crafty Billy finds some cash - but Quelch is after him in a flash! 2 SW 70-6 1.9+6
V741 02-70Bunter takes a bite at a tasty tart - and gets a rather nasty start! 2 SW 70-7 1.9+7
V742 02-70The fat owl takes a fall while scrumping ... and ends up getting a jolly good thumping! 2 SW 70-8 1.9+8
V743 02-70Bunter's plan for dodging work seems very good - until he steps upon a plank of wood! 2 SW 70-9 1.9+9
V744 03-70On the fifth of November, Bunter show's he's no clot - for he has his own version of the gunpowder plot! 2 SW 70-10 1.9+10
V745 03-70Mr. Quelch finds the outlook very bad - when he's kicked out into the fog by our greedy fat lad! 2 SW 70-11 1.9+11
V746 03-70Bunter has a fall, and sad to say - poor old Quelchy gets in the way! 2 SW 70-12 1.9+12
V747 03-70When Bunter soaks Quelchy with artificial rain - he gets in return some very real pain! 2 SW 70-13 1.9+13
V748 04-70When Bunter gives Quelchy a jab in the back - the result of his filly's a jolly good whack 2 SW 70-14 1.9+14
V749 04-70Bunter's determined to win a free tea - but he's heading for failure and sings out of key! 2 SW 70-15 1.9+15
V750 04-70At pinching grub, Bunter's pretty sly - but he's nearly caught running off with a pie! 2 SW 70-16 1.9+16
V751 04-70Quelchy's hit by a lump of snow, but while trying to find the culprit he's dealt a heavy blow! 2 SW 70-17 1.9+17
V752 05-70A blow on the head doesn't really hurt Billy - but then he pretends it's knocked him silly! 2 SW 70-18 1.9+18
V753 05-70The fat owl moves at a very fast pace - after sprinkling pepper in Quelchy's face! 2 SW 70-19 1.9+19
V754 05-70Bunter tries to raid a grocery van... but loose door handles ruin his plan! 2 SW 70-20 1.9+20
V755 05-70Bunter scuttles off to avoid a clout, but when he meets Quelch his luck runs out 2 SW 70-22 1.9+22
V756 06-70The crafty plump chump ends up with a splash when he tries to hang to Quelchy's cash! 2 SW 70-23 1.9+23
V757 06-70Crafty Billy cuts a dog's lead - it's all part of his scheme to get a free feed 2 SW 70-24 1.9+24
V758 06-70A bench collapses beneath the fat owl, then an ice-cold ducking compels him to howl! 2 SW 70-25 1.9+25
V759 06-70Hard excercise doesn't please our bug chump - when Quelch decides that he's far too plump! 2 SW 70-26 1.9+26
V760 07-70Cunning Billy's on the prowl - to catch himself a nice fat fowl! 2 SW 70-27 1.9+27
V761 07-70Quelch and the boys move a heavy rock, and give poor Billy a nasty shock! 2 SW 70-28 1.9+28
V762 07-70Bunter lands with a very loud crunch - and ruins some grub he'd stolen to munch! 2 SW 70-29 1.9+29
V763 07-70The fat owl doesn't have very good luck - when he tries to find a new boy's tuck! 2 SW 70-30 1.9+30
V764 08-70Billy's eyes light up with greed... when he sees a chance to win a feed! 2 SW 70-32 1.9+32
V765 08-70Bunter never loses heart trying to get his world cup chart 2 SW 70-34 1.9+33
V766 09-70The plump chump thinks he'll have some fun ... by dodging a cross-country run 2 SW 70-36 1.17+7
V767 09-70A new boy arrives with plenty of cash - but when he meets Bunter, it's gone in a flash! 1 1/2 SW 70-38 1.17+22
V768 10-70Merk toch hoe Sterckx 2 SW 70-43 1.10+6
V769 12-70Wily Billy gets a shock - when he tampers with a cuckoo clock! 2 SW 70-52 1.10+15
V770 01-71The fat owl falls from a very great height - giving poor mr. Quelch a nasty freight! 2 SW 71-1 1.10+16
V771 03-71Hier dat taartje 2 SW 71-10 1.10+22
V772 03-71Diefje met verlos 2 SW 71-11 1.10+23
V773 04-71Grijp hem, Panter! 2 SW 71-17 1.17+13
V774 04-71Koksmaatje 2 SW 71-18 1.10+24
V775 05-71Lichaamsbeweging 2 SW 71-19 1.10+25
V776 05-71De Zwarte Hand 2 SW 71-20 1.10+26
V777 05-71Hossen in de bossen 2 SW 71-21 1.10+27
V778 05-71'n Karweitje voor Billie 2 SW 71-22 1.10+28
V779 06-71'n Ballon, 'n ballon, 'n ballonnetje 2 SW 71-23 1.10+29
V780 06-71Kwel geveld 2 SW 71-24 1.23+13
V781 06-71Kiplekker 2 SW 71-25 1.23+14
V782 06-71Plakkers op z'n knakker 2 SW 71-26 1.23+15
V783 07-71Kwel z'n dag niet 2 SW 71-29 1.23+17
V784 08-71Kunnen leerlingen smelten? 2 SW 71-32 1.23+20
V785 08-71Billie heeft een houten arm 2 SW 71-35 1.15+8
V786 10-71Spieken 2 SW 71-40 1.24+4
V787 10-71Ziekenmenu 2 SW 71-41 1.24+5
V788 10-71Rock-a-Billie 2 SW 71-44 1.24+8
V789 11-71Filmsterren en spoken 2 SW 71-45 1.15+9
V790 11-71Apestreken 2 SW 71-46 1.24+9
V791 11-71Pirateneiland 2 SW 71-47 1.24+10
V792 12-71Gevaar op de weg 2 SW 71-49 1.24+12
V793 01-72Van de hak op de tak 2 SW 72-1 1.17+15
V794 01-72Mr. Quelch gets himself into a terrible mess when he tries to improve the fat owl's progress! 2 SW 72-3 1.17+17
V795 01-72Denken is doen 2 SW 72-5 1.17+19
V796 02-72"Tiger" Billie 2 SW 72-6 1.17+20
V797 02-72De machtige magiër 2 SW 72-7 1.17+21
V798 02-72Verdacht 2 SW 72-8 1.18+17
V799 02-72Billie wint een extra grote beker 2 SW 72-9 1.15+11
V800 03-72Een kwelling 2 SW 72-10 1.18+18
V801 03-72Het verkeerde paard 2 SW 72-11 1.18+19
V802 03-72Op ontdekkingstocht 2 SW 72-12 1.18+20
V803 03-72Grapjes 2 SW 72-13 1.18+21
V804 04-72De schoolopziener 2 SW 72-14 1.18+22
V805 04-72Billie en de Smikkelosaurus 2 SW 72-15 1.15+12
V806 04-72Namaakzigeuners 2 SW 72-16 1.19+1
V807 04-72Ringedingetjes 2 SW 72-17 1.19+2
V808 05-72Stiekem snoepen 2 SW 72-18 1.19+3
V809 05-72Dappere Billie 2 SW 72-19 1.19+4
V810 05-72De top van de wereld 2 SW 72-20 1.19+5
V811 05-72Prins Prillewipperdewap 2 SW 72-21 1.19+6
V812 06-72In de aap gelogeerd 2 SW 72-22 1.19+7
V813 06-72Wassenbeeldenmuseum 2 SW 72-23 1.19+8
V814 06-72Voor het eerst in zijn 2 SW 72-24 1.11+22
V815 06-72Billie belandt in een onverkwikkelijk 2 SW 72-25 1.11+23
V816 06-72De dokter is voor een 2 SW 72-26 1.11+20
V817 07-72Moet je eens kijken Ik 2 SW 72-27 1.11+4
V818 07-72Billie gaat in de boot 2 SW 72-28 1.11+6
V819 07-72Billie kan zijn ogen niet geloven als 2 SW 72-29 1.11+9
V820 07-72Als Billie weer eens platzak 2 SW 72-30 1.11+10
V821 08-72Billie ziet echt het nut 2 SW 72-31 1.11+8
V822 08-72Ook Billie heeft een hobby 2 SW 72-32 1.11+7
V823 08-72Billie heeft een neus die 2 SW 72-33 1.11+5
V824 08-72Volgens mijn horoscoop krijg ik 2 SW 72-34 1.11+12
V825 09-72In het holst van de 2 SW 72-35 1.11+13
V826 09-72Kan je je tijd niet 2 SW 72-36 1.11+11
V827 09-72Graaf Hutspot zou zijn chauffeur 2 SW 72-37 1.11+15
V828 09-72Het interesseert Billie geen lor 2 SW 72-38 1.11+18
V829 09-72Billie vindt dat oefenboeken alleen 2 SW 72-39 1.11+16
V830 10-72Billie zit er goed achteraan 2 SW 72-40 1.11+21
V831 10-72O Billie weet precies hoe 2 SW 72-41 1.11+14
V832 10-72Bah Het bestaat niet dat 2 SW 72-42 1.11+3
V833 10-72Billie denkt dat muziekuitvoeringen alleen 2 SW 72-43 1.11+1
V834 11-72Behalve dan van lekk're taartjes 2 SW 72-44 1.11+19
V835 11-72'n Beeld van 'n beeld 2 SW 72-45 1.19+9
V836 11-72Naar de zuidpool 2 SW 72-46 1.19+10
V837 11-72Het feestje van Klaasje 2 SW 72-47 1.11+17
V838 12-72Bergbeklimmen 2 SW 72-48 1.19+11
V839 12-72Liefdadigheidsconcert 2 SW 72-49 1.19+12
V840 12-72Dit is een mooi boek 2 SW 72-50 1.11+2
V841 12-72Spookkasteel 2 SW 72-51 1.19+13
V842 12-72Oudjaar 2 SW 72-52 1.19+14
V843 01-73Goudmijntje 2 SW 73-1 1.19+15
V844 01-73Boekendieven 2 SW 73-2 1.19+16
V845 01-73Nieuwe tafels 2 SW 73-3 1.19+17
V846 01-73Talent 2 SW 73-4 1.19+18
V847 02-73Bowlen 2 SW 73-5 1.19+19
V848 02-73Billie neemt het zwaar op 2 SW 73-6 1.12+2
V849 02-73Billie zet graag ergens zijn 2 SW 73-7 1.12+3
V850 02-73Billie weet wel waarom hij 2 SW 73-8 1.12+4
V851 03-73Als Billie feest viert bedoelt 2 SW 73-9 1.12+5
V852 03-73Billies maag rammelt zo ontzettend 2 SW 73-10 1.12+6
V853 03-73Billie is dol op racen 2 SW 73-11 1.12+7
V854 03-73Het is bepaald niet Billies 2 SW 73-12 1.12+8
V855 03-73Billie is erg snel in de 2 SW 73-13 1.12+9
V856 04-73Hondeleven 2 SW 73-14 1.19+20
V857 04-73Zwaargewicht 2 SW 73-15 1.19+21
V858 04-73Billie heeft vandaag geen zin 2 SW 73-16 1.12+10
V859 04-73Als het om ruimtevaart gaat 2 SW 73-17 1.12+11
V860 05-73Waar Billie een hekel heeft aan 2 SW 73-18 1.12+12
V861 05-73Met een taart weet Billie 2 SW 73-19 1.12+13
V862 05-73Billie jaagt niet graag op 2 SW 73-20 1.12+14
V863 05-73Billie is een keurige jongen 2 SW 73-21 1.12+15
V864 06-73Billies trek in taartjes en koek 2 SW 73-22 1.12+16
V865 06-73Als Billie geen geld meer 2 SW 73-23 1.12+17
V866 06-73Billie heeft een hekel aan alles 2 SW 73-24 1.12+18
V867 06-73Meestal krijgt Billie de schuld 2 SW 73-25 1.12+19
V868 06-73Billie is er erg goed 2 SW 73-26 1.12+20
V869 07-73Als assistent-fotograaf vindt Billie het 2 SW 73-27 1.12+21
V870 07-73Billie moet bewijzen dat dat 2 SW 73-28 1.12+22
V871 07-73Alle jongens van de kostschool 2 SW 73-29 1.12+1
V872 07-73De geest van de school 2 SW 73-30 1.19+22
V873 08-73Billie als handelsreiziger 2 SW 73-31 1.15+16
V874 08-73Billie's dromen 2 SW 73-32 1.20+1
V875 08-73Wat in het vat zit... 2 SW 73-33 1.20+2
V876 08-73Gelukspoppetje 2 SW 73-34 1.20+3
V877 08-73Eetmaniak 2 SW 73-35 1.20+4
V878 09-73Tuba 2 SW 73-36 1.20+5
V879 09-73Niks picknick 2 SW 73-37 1.20+6
V880 09-73Zwem-Billie 2 SW 73-38 1.20+7
V881 09-73Bomenles 2 SW 73-39 1.20+8
V882 10-73Bofgolf 2 SW 73-40 1.20+9
V883 10-73Gezocht door de politie! 2 SW 73-41 1.15+17
V884 10-73Hockey 2 SW 73-42 1.20+10
V885 10-73Peter de eter 2 SW 73-43 1.20+11
V886 11-73Pietje Prik 2 SW 73-44 1.20+12
V887 11-73Bizarre bazar 2 SW 73-45 1.20+13
V888 11-73Het beest 2 SW 73-46 1.20+14
V889 11-73Kwajongens 2 SW 73-47 1.20+15
V890 11-73Geschiedenis 2 SW 73-48 1.20+16
V891 12-73Zaken zijn zaken 2 SW 73-49 1.20+17
V892 12-73Geldjacht 2 SW 73-50 1.20+18
V893 12-73Billie speelt voor kok 2 SW 73-51 1.15+18
V894 12-73Inspecteur Gladjes 2 SW 73-52 1.20+19
V895 01-74Prins Tim Boektoe 2 SW 74-1 1.20+20
V896 01-74Arme Snoesje 2 SW 74-2 1.20+21
V897 01-74Reünie 2 SW 74-3 1.20+22
V898 01-74Krantenwijk 2 SW 74-4 1.21+1
V899 02-74Snoepgebit 2 SW 74-5 1.21+2
V900 02-74Buikspreken 2 SW 74-6 1.21+3
V901 02-74Dikzak, vreetzak 2 SW 74-7 1.21+4
V902 02-74Toekomstvoorspelling 2 SW 74-8 1.21+5
V903 03-74Vet varkentje 2 SW 74-9 1.21+6
V904 03-74Smak smak 2 SW 74-10 1.21+7
V905 03-74Billie Butler 2 SW 74-11 1.21+8
V906 03-74Redding 2 SW 74-12 1.21+9
V907 03-74Billie heeft overwerkte kaakspieren 2 SW 74-13 1.15+19
V908 04-74Dierenliefde 2 SW 74-14 1.21+10
V909 04-74Boekenwurm 2 SW 74-15 1.21+11
V910 04-74de grote vuurvlieg 2 SW 74-16 1.21+12
V911 04-74Dorpsfeest 2 SW 74-17 1.21+13
V912 05-74Geuze-Billie 2 SW 74-18 1.21+14
V913 05-74Picknick 2 SW 74-19 1.21+15
V914 05-74Tafelmanieren 2 SW 74-20 1.21+16
V915 05-74Piet Doedel 2 SW 74-22 1.21+17
V916 06-74Goudkoorts 2 SW 74-23 1.21+18
V917 06-74Horoscoop 2 SW 74-24 1.21+19
V918 06-74Worstjes en spoken 2 SW 74-25 1.15+20
V919 07-74Nieuwe zolen 2 SW 74-29 1.21+20
V920 07-74Kromme ruggen 2 SW 74-30 1.15+21
V921 08-74Post! 2 SW 74-34 1.21+21
V922 08-74Kamperen 2 SW 74-35 1.21+22
V923 09-74Vreemde verschijnselen 2 SW 74-36 1.22+1
V924 09-74Ouderdag 2 SW 74-37 1.22+2
V925 09-74Snel gelogen, snel vervlogen 2 SW 74-39 1.22+3
V926 10-74Monsterlijk 2 SW 74-40 1.22+4
V927 10-74Luid en duidelijk 2 SW 74-41 1.22+5
V928 10-74Compositie 2 SW 74-42 1.22+6
V929 11-74De sjeik van Sjintjak 2 SW 74-44 1.22+7
V930 11-74Een uitstapje naar de boerderij 2 SW 74-45 1.15+22
V931 11-74De voedselmachine 2 SW 74-46 1.22+8
V932 11-74Hypnose 2 SW 74-47 1.22+9
V933 11-74Muizenissen 2 SW 74-48 1.22+10
V934 12-74Luie Billie 2 SW 74-50 1.22+11
V935 12-74Opgeruimd staat netjes 2 SW 74-51 1.22+12
V936 01-75Billie heeft trek in toffee 2 SW 75-1 1.14+2
V937 01-75Billie ontmoet 'n rijke Amerikaan 2 SW 75-2 1.14+3
V938 01-75Alles zit natuurlijk tegen 2 SW 75-4 1.14+5
V939 01-75Billie wordt voorproever 2 SW 75-5 1.14+6
V940 02-75Narigheid met een nieuwkomer 2 SW 75-6 1.14+8
V941 02-75Kokkie koopt een broodrooster 2 SW 75-7 1.14+9
V942 02-75Billie maakt er 'n beestenboel van 2 SW 75-9 1.14+11
V943 03-75Billie brengt er weer niets van terecht 2 SW 75-10 1.14+12
V944 04-75Zwaargewicht 2 SW 75-14 1.22+13
V945 04-75De held 2 SW 75-15 1.22+14
V946 04-75Dierenverzorger 2 SW 75-17 1.22+15
V947 05-75Vogelliefhebber 2 SW 75-18 1.22+16
V948 07-75Bijles voor Billie 2 SW 75-27 1.22+17
V949 07-75In "de Aap" gelogeerd 2 SW 75-28 1.22+18
V950 07-75Beroepskeuze 2 SW 75-29 1.23+7
V951 08-75Beestenbende 2 SW 75-31 1.23+9
V952 08-75De magische tulband 2 SW 75-32 1.23+5
V953 08-75Houden mensen van bloemen? 2 SW 75-34 1.23+4
V954 08-75Vreemde vogels 2 SW 75-35 1.23+8
V955 09-75Schoolvernieuwing 2 SW 75-36 1.23+6
V956 09-75Billie als soldaat 2 SW 75-37 1.23+10
V957 09-75Billie als soldaat-2 2 SW 75-38 1.23+11
V958 10-75Op de boerderij 4 EPPO 75-2 1.14+1
V959 10-75Heeft geld nodig 4 EPPO 75-5 1.14+4
V960 11-75Extra lesuren 4 EPPO 75-8 1.14+7
V961 12-75De verborgen schat 4 EPPO 75-10 1.14+10
V962 12-75Neemt wraak op Kwel 4 EPPO 75-12 1.14+13
V963 01-76Gaat werken in 'n garage 4 EPPO 76-1 1.14+14
V964 01-76Wint de eerste prijs 4 EPPO 76-5 1.14+15
V965 02-76Voedseljacht 4 EPPO 76-9 1.22+19
V966 03-76Visavontuur 4 EPPO 76-12 1.22+20
V967 11-83Billie Turf vindt huiswerk maken 2 1 ( EPPO 83-45 ) 1.29+1
V968 12-83We zullen drastisch moeten bezuinigen 2 2 ( EPPO 83-49 ) 1.29+2
V969 12-83Billie's maag is altijd leeg 2 3 ( EPPO 83-50 ) 1.29+3
V970 12-83Als er kado's uitgedeeld gaan 2 4 ( EPPO 83-51 ) 1.29+4
V971 12-83De laatste dagen van 't 2 5 ( EPPO 83-52 ) 1.29+5
V972 01-84Billie geeft niets om kalenders 2 6 ( EPPO 84-1 ) 1.29+6
V973 01-84Harrie Niehof heeft net zijn 2 7 ( EPPO 84-2 ) 1.29+7
V974 01-84Billie ziet alweer tafels vol 2 8 ( EPPO 84-3 ) 1.29+8
V975 01-84Rake klap 2 9 ( EPPO 84-4 ) 1.29+9
V976 02-84Billie is dol op werken 2 10 ( EPPO 84-5 ) 1.29+10
V977 02-84Niets is veilig voor Billie's 2 11 ( EPPO 84-7 ) 1.29+11
V978 03-84Billie is er altijd als 2 12 ( EPPO 84-9 ) 1.29+12
V979 03-84Billie houdt van vrije dagen 2 13 ( EPPO 84-10 ) 1.29+13
V980 03-84Billie snapt niet hoe iemand 2 14 ( EPPO 84-12 ) 1.29+14
V981 04-84We gaan dit kasteel bezichtigen 2 15 ( EPPO 84-14 ) 1.29+15
V982 04-84Billie geeft nooit wat weg 2 16 ( EPPO 84-15 ) 1.29+16
V983 04-84Met pasen is 't kermis 2 17 ( EPPO 84-16 ) 1.29+17
V984 05-84Billie's gulzige grijpvingers deinzen er 2 18 ( EPPO 84-20 ) 1.29+18
V985 06-84Kom niet aan eten want 2 19 ( EPPO 84-22 ) 1.29+19
V986 06-84Een nieuwe jongen op school 2 21 ( EPPO 84-23 ) 1.29+21
V987 06-84De dokter komt voor 't 2 20 ( EPPO 84-24 ) 1.29+20
V988 06-84Smakelijke hobby 2 22 ( EPPO 84-25 ) 1.29+22
V989 06-84De picknickmand 2 23 ( EPPO 84-26 ) 1.31+1
V990 07-84Oververhit 2 24 ( EPPO 84-29 ) 1.30+2
V991 07-84Kwajongensstreken 2 25 ( EPPO 84-30 ) 1.30+3
V992 08-84Superpil 2 26 ( EPPO 84-31 ) 1.30+4
V993 09-84Kunstwerk 2 27 ( EPPO 84-36 ) 1.30+5
V994 09-84Roomzalf 2 28 ( EPPO 84-37 ) 1.30+6
V995 09-84Graven vindt Billie maar niks 1 29-1 ( EPPO 84-38 ) 1.30+1
V996 09-84Kiespijn 2 30 ( EPPO 84-39 ) 1.30+7
V997 10-84Opsporing verzocht 2 31 ( EPPO 84-40 ) 1.30+8
V998 10-84Boodschappenjongen 2 32 ( EPPO 84-41 ) 1.30+9
V999 10-84Vissen 2 33 ( EPPO 84-43 ) 1.30+10
V1000 11-84Eerlijk delen 2 34 ( EPPO 84-44 ) 1.30+11
V1001 11-84Verkeersles 2 35 ( EPPO 84-46 ) 1.30+12
V1002 11-84Waar Billie absoluut niet van 1 29-2 ( EPPO 84-47 ) 1.30+23
V1003 11-84Schuim 2 36 ( EPPO 84-48 ) 1.30+13
V1004 12-84SNoepreisje 2 37 ( EPPO 84-51 ) 1.30+14
V1005 01-85Onveilig ijs 2 38 ( EPPO 85-3 ) 1.30+15
V1006 01-85Voetbal 2 39 ( EPPO 85-4 ) 1.30+16
V1007 01-85Het wintertoernooi 2 40 ( EPPO 85-5 ) 1.30+17
V1008 02-85Magneet 2 41 ( EPPO 85-7 ) 1.30+18
V1009 02-85De snoepwinkel 2 42 ( EPPO 85-8 ) 1.30+19
V1010 03-85De gemaskerde wreker 2 43 ( EPPO 85-9 ) 1.30+20
V1011 03-85Erik de Wit 2 44 ( EPPO 85-11 ) 1.30+21
V1012 03-85Vreemde vogels 2 45 ( EPPO 85-13 ) 1.30+22
V1013 04-85De beloning 2 46 ( EPPO 85-14 ) 1.31+2
V1014 04-85Insekten 2 47 ( EPPO 85-15 ) 1.31+3
V1015 04-85Schoolreisje 2 48 ( EPPO 85-16 ) 1.31+4
V1016 05-85Speklapjes 2 49 ( EPPO 85-18 ) 1.31+5
V1017 05-85Judo 2 50 ( EPPO 85-19 ) 1.31+6
V1018 05-85Dagje uit 2 52 ( EPPO 85-20 ) 1.31+8
V1019 05-85Rotmeiden 2 51 ( EPPO 85-21 ) 1.31+7
V1020 05-85Zeldzaam exemplaar 2 53 ( EPPO 85-22 ) 1.31+9
V1021 06-85Toeristen! 2 54 ( EPPO 85-24 ) 1.31+10
V1022 06-85Vandaag is 'n dag voor 2 55 ( EPPO 85-25 ) 1.31+11
V1023 07-85Post 2 56 ( EPPO 85-29 ) 1.31+12
V1024 07-85Billie leest nooit kranten tenzij 2 58 ( EPPO 85-30 ) 1.31+14
V1025 10-85Koekjes van De bruin 2 1 ( EWV 85-8 ) 1.31+18
V1026 11-85Bergbeklimmen 2 2 ( EWV 85-11 ) 1.31+19
V1027 11-85De voetbalwedstrijd 2 57 ( EWV 85-13 ) 1.31+13
V1028 12-85Geheugenverlies 2 4 ( EWV 85-16 ) 1.31+17
V1029 01-86Zoals altijd krijgt Bille vreselijke 2 VI ( EWV 86-2 ) 1.34+16
V1030 01-86Limonade 2 VII ( EWV 86-3 ) 1.34+4
V1031 01-86In bad 2 VIII ( EWV 86-4 ) 1.34+14
V1032 02-86Smokkelwaar 2 IX ( EWV 86-7 ) 1.34+12
V1033 03-86Padvinderskamp 2 XI ( EWV 86-13 ) 1.34+6
O1 Billie levert een contraprestatie 2 1.16+1
O2 In de film 2 1.16+2
O3 Alien 2 1.16+3
O4 Doolhof 2 1.16+4
O5 Zo zijn onze manieren 2 1.16+5
O6 Lichtgewicht 2 1.16+6
O7 Brandgevaarlijk 2 1.16+7
O8 Trim u fit! 2 1.16+8
O9 Bazaar bizar 2 1.16+9
O10 Vals geld 2 1.16+10
O11 Stieren en porcelein 2 1.16+11
O12 Nillio artistico 2 1.16+12
O13 Als voetballer 2 1.16+13
O14 Smoesjes 2 1.16+14
O15 Eerlijk is eerlijk 2 1.16+15
O16 Suikerspin 2 1.16+16
O17 E.H.B. Auw! 2 1.16+17
O18 Wie stom is, moet slim zijn 2 1.16+18
O19 Bezuiniging 2 1.16+19
O20 Stuntman 2 1.16+20
O21 Actie-schilderen 2 1.16+21
O22 Paardetemmer 2 1.16+22
O23 Moderne aanpak 2 1.16+23
O24 Model van de toekomst 2 1.23+1
O25 Billie ligt zoals gewoonlijk op 2 59 1.31+15
O26 The heavyweight chump of Greyfairs 2 1.31+20
O27 Bille ziet er echt het nut 2 1.34+7
O28 Ik kan er niet bij 4 Sjors en Sjimmie : 5.3+16
O29 Magneten trekken dus metaal aan 3 Sjors en Sjimmie : 5.4+16
O30 Vreselijk wat heb ik een honger 4 Sjors en Sjimmie : 5.1+4
O31 Wat zou dat voor iemand 4 Sjors en Sjimmie : 5.1+23
O32 Billie Turf probeert een manier 2 Strip Mix : 3.6+56
O33 Billie toont nooit veel belangstelling 2 Strip Mix : 2.1+10
O34 Billie spits z'n oren om 2 Strip Mix : 2.1+13
O35 In het hol van de leeuw 2 Strip Mix : 2.2+13
O36 Waterballet 2 Strip Mix : 2.2+14
O37 Billies baam komt helaas niet 2 Szs : 1.641+22