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Karl the Viking (Nederlands)
Overzicht van de tekenaars en schrijvers
nr. datum titel lengte Code/Pub 1e Ref.
V1 10-60The sword of Eingar 32 LIO 447-462 1.1+1
V2 02-61An early winter had fastened 46 LIO 463-485 1.1+2
V3 07-61Selgor the Wolf-man 32 LIO 486-501 1.1+3
V4 11-61Karl was a young Viking Chieftain 38 LIO 502-520 1.2+1
V5 03-62The menace of the mystery mushroom 36 LIO 521-538 1.2+2
V6 08-62El Sarid the Merciless 36 LIO 539-556 1.2+3
V7 12-62Gefion One-Eye 12 LIO 557-562 1.3+1
V8 01-63The spirit of the raiding 28 LIO 563-576 1.3+2
V9 04-63Towing a longship heavy with plunder 32 LIO 577-592 1.3+3
V10 08-63On the trail of the fallen meteorite 28 LIO 593-606 1.3+4
V11 11-63Karl a Vikin chieftain had discovered a fortune 30 LIO 607-621 1.4+1
V12 63The Sea-Raiders had struck at 9 LIO AN 63 1.3+5
V13 03-64The voyage of the Sea Raiders 28 LIO 622-635 1.4+2
V14 06-64The quest of the long ships 32 LIO 636-651 1.4+3
V15 64Screaming savagely the woad-doubed Picts 8 LIO AN 64 1.4+4
V16 65And the ghost of the Tideless Sea 8 LIO AN 65 1.4+5
V17 66And the swamp of fear 5 LIO AN 66 1.3+6
V18 69De hamer van Thor 7 LIO AN 69 1.4+6