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O.G. Wotasnozzle (Originele taal)
Overzicht van de tekenaars en schrijvers
nr. datum titel lengte Code/Pub 1e Ref.
V1 08-49Hm I wonder what the prof 8 PO 8 Popeye : 9.2+18
V2 10-49And the experiment of the sound pills 16 PO 9 Popeye : 9.2+21
V3 07-55I can invent anything 5 3/4 PO 33 Popeye : 9.7+15
V4 10-55Stop Thief!! 5 3/4 PO 34 Popeye : 9.7+20
V5 01-56When I start to think 5 3/4 PO 35 Popeye : 9.8+4
V6 04-56Wotasnozzle you are a genius 5 3/4 PO 36 Popeye : 9.8+8
V7 07-56Amateur inventor! 5 3/4 PO 37 Popeye : 9.8+12
V8 10-56Hooray for Wotasnozzle Thank you 5 3/4 PO 38 Popeye : 9.8+15
V9 01-57What did he say? 6 PO 39 Popeye : 9.8+19
V10 04-57Double double who's got trouble? 5 3/4 PO 40 Popeye : 9.9+4
V11 07-57Oh you beautiful intelligent brain 6 PO 41 Popeye : 9.9+9
V12 10-57Get out of my house 5 PO 42 Popeye : 9.9+13
V13 01-58A friend to man 6 PO 43 Popeye : 9.9+18
V14 04-58Ah All clear I don't want 5 3/4 PO 44 Popeye : 9.9+22
V15 07-58Wow A letter from Uncle Ortho 5 7/8 PO 45 Popeye : 9.10+3
V16 10-58Short cut! 5 7/8 PO 46 Popeye : 9.10+7
V17 01-59Most of my ideas are 5 PO 47 Popeye : 9.10+10
V18 04-59The big gas man 5 3/4 PO 48 Popeye : 9.10+15
V19 07-59Ham 5 7/8 PO 49 Popeye : 9.10+19
V20 10-59H2O! 5 1/2 PO 50 Popeye : 9.11+3
V21 01-60After six months work my greatest 5 7/8 PO 51 Popeye : 9.11+6
V22 04-60The time ball! 5 5/8 PO 52 Popeye : 9.11+10
V23 05-60The hydrogen pill 5 7/8 PO 53 Popeye : 9.11+13
V24 07-60Professor stop that Stop banging 5 7/8 PO 54 Popeye : 9.11+16
V25 09-60The flying pill 4 7/8 PO 55 PO:1960-55
V26 11-60I'm through I'm finished 5 1/2 PO 56 PO:1960-56
V27 01-61Oh What beautiful wallpaper 6 PO 57 PO:1961-57
V28 03-61I'm tired of a life of runthood! 5 3/4 PO 58 PO:1961-58
V29 05-61Oh the frustration of it all 5 3/4 PO 59 PO:1961-59
V30 07-61Smog 5 PO 60 PO:1961-60
V31 09-61I'm on the verge of 5 PO 61 PO:1961-61
V32 11-61At last The world's most 5 PO 62 PO:1961-62
V33 01-62Oh what a beautiful view 5 PO 63 PO:1962-63
V34 04-62The power-pill 5 3/4 PO 64 PO:1962-64
V35 07-62Nose for news 5 PO 65 PO:1962-65
V36 10-62Big Brain in an island 10 PO 66 PO:1962-66
V37 01-63Spirit Boss 10 PO 67 PO:1963-67
V38 05-63Canyon beasks 10 PO 68 PO:1963-68
V39 08-63The Ol' swimming hole!! 4 PO 69 PO:1963-69
V40 11-63Sappo strikes back 4 PO 70 PO:1963-70
V41 02-64The big chill 4 PO 71 PO:1964-71
V42 05-64Blackmail 4 PO 72 PO:1964-72
V43 08-64Phooey Drat What an ugly 4 PO 73 PO:1964-73
V44 11-64Success 4 PO 74 PO:1964-74
V45 02-65Oh you fantastic genius You've 6 PO 75 PO:1965-75
V46 05-65Good heavens What have I 5 PO 76 PO:1965-76
V47 11-67Curses Bah Drat Come on 4 PO 91 PO:1967-91