Sleuth (Oliver Flops) (Nederlands)
Overzicht van de tekenaars en schrijvers

Stripverhalen van Oliver Flops
nr. datum titel lengte Code/Pub 1e Ref.
V1 09-80The chicken that laid the golden egg 8 S-79216 ( DGO 80-9 ) Donald Duck : 43.2+6
V2 09-81The great bungled boat race 8 TOP 1345 Donald Duck : 43.2+2
V3 12-81Cricket is a wicket game 8 S-8004 ( ALT 300 ) Donald Duck : 43.3+6
V4 09-83The case of the counterfeit crumpets 8 S-80067 ( BMI 372 ) Donald Duck : 43.6+13
V5 04-84The Kipper Caper 8 S 83014 ( TOP 1481 ) Donald Duck : 43.4+9
V6 08-85Tomb it may concern 8 S-84099 ( TOP 1549 ) Donald Duck : 43.5+8