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Overzicht van de schrijvers en tekenaars van Wonder Woman:

Harry G. Peter /Charles Moulton :   V1-V14, A1
V1 Introducing Wonder Woman Harry G. Peter / Charles Moulton
V2 Wonder Woman comes to America Harry G. Peter / Charles Moulton
V3 Dr. Poison Harry G. Peter / Charles Moulton
V4 A spy in the office Harry G. Peter / Charles Moulton
V5 School for spies Harry G. Peter / Charles Moulton
V6 Wonder Woman versus the saboteurs Harry G. Peter / Charles Moulton
V7 Summons to paradise Harry G. Peter / Charles Moulton
V8 The origin of Wonder Woman Harry G. Peter / Charles Moulton
V9 Wonder Woman goes to the circus! Harry G. Peter / Charles Moulton
V10 Wonder Woman versus the prison spy ring Harry G. Peter / Charles Moulton
V11 The greatest feat of daring in human history! Harry G. Peter / Charles Moulton
V12 The milk swindle Harry G. Peter / Charles Moulton
V13 Department store perfidy Harry G. Peter / Charles Moulton
V14 The return of Diana Prince Harry G. Peter / Charles Moulton
A1 Wonder Woman, who is she? Harry G. Peter / Charles Moulton