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FC 1946 Nr. 129 (12-46) (52p.) Uncle Remus and his tales of Brer Rabit
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Brer Rabbit PM.D2 De Tar-baby 12 1/1 COM Paul Murry (t), Carl Buettner (t), Chase Craig (s)
2 Brer Rabbit TMK.V1 Brer Terrapin's Tug-o'-war 8 1/1 COM Tom McKimson (t)
3 Brer Rabbit PM.D3 Brer Fox an' de Stolen Goobers 12 1/1 COM Paul Murry (t), Chase Craig (s)
4 Brer Rabbit TMK.V2 Visits De Witch 8 1/1 COM Tom McKimson (t)
5 Brer Rabbit PM.D4 Brer Rabbit's laffin' place 9 1/1 COM Paul Murry (t), Chase Craig (s)