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DD 1956 Nr. 45 (01-01-56) (36p.)
Nr Naam Vn Titel L P Pag. Creators
1 Donald Duck CB.V286 Wow My electric meter is 1 1/1 COM Carl Barks (st)
2 Donald Duck DM.V8 Scrooge's second childhood 19 1/1 COM Dick Moores (t)
3 Huey Dewey and Louie PM.V24 No you're not going 1 1/1 COM Paul Murry (t), Onbekend (s)
4 Goofy PD.V6 4 1/1 COM Phil DeLara (t)
5 Donald Duck CB.V287 Take it easy unca Donald 6 1/1 COM Carl Barks (st)
6 Huey Dewey and Louie PM.V25 For the last time I 1 1/1 COM Paul Murry (t), Onbekend (s)
7 Donald Duck CB.V288 Come on kids Wake up 1 1/1 COM Carl Barks (st)
8 Donald Duck CB.V289 Get that jalopy out of 11/12 1/1 COM Carl Barks (st)