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Stripboekenserie: 3848. Stripboeken zonder stripboekenserie
Stripboekenreeks: 1. Reeks nr. 1
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Titel stripboek: 18. 5 duivelse voetbalstrips
Titel: 18. 5 duivelse voetbalstrips
Uitgever:A Standaard
Jaar van uitgifte: 02
Type: Softcover
ISBN: 9002212534
Uri: guhqmi
Inhoud stripboek:
1 V192 47 Suske en Wiske - De goalgetter Marc Verhaegen(st), Paul Geerts(s)
2 V5 30 FC de Kampioenen - 't Is niet waar hé! Hector Leemans(st)
3 O24 30 Urbanus - Het aangenaaide oor Willy Linthout(st), Urbanus(s)
4 V210 36 1/2 Nero - Kweetnie Marc Sleen(st), Dirk Stallaert(s)
5 O1 1 The Champions - Eomcat Bank Viza Gooaaalll Gooaalll 143 Gürcan Gürsel(st)
6 O2 1 The Champions - 10 20 Pom Pom Pom 141 Gürcan Gürsel(st)
7 O3 1 The Champions - Ah Grmh Rhaa Rr R 157 Gürcan Gürsel(st)
8 O4 1 The Champions - Bom Grrgh Blam Bom Bof 159 Gürcan Gürsel(st)
9 O5 1 The Champions - Aaaahh Duuut Ah Baf Aaahhh 146 Gürcan Gürsel(st)
10 O6 1 The Champions - 10 6 10 7 10 154 Gürcan Gürsel(st)
11 O7 1 The Champions - Bops Bam Puff Plaaff 160 Gürcan Gürsel(st)
12 O8 1 The Champions - 2 5 7 Rrah Aagh Uaah 163 Gürcan Gürsel(st)
13 O9 1 The Champions - Paf Driiii Ooaaah 138 Gürcan Gürsel(st)
14 O10 1 The Champions - Grot Grat Rhaa Bromf 134 Gürcan Gürsel(st)
15 O11 1 The Champions - Yahooo Yup yup yuppiii Argh 127 Gürcan Gürsel(st)
16 O12 1 The Champions - Aah Hoo hoo Bamm Bom 133 Gürcan Gürsel(st)
17 O13 1 The Champions - Hooaaaa Bam Raah Vonk vonk 126 Gürcan Gürsel(st)
18 O14 1 The Champions - Bam Pot Aah Paf 167 Gürcan Gürsel(st)
19 O15 1 The Champions - 11 3 5 8 4 145 Gürcan Gürsel(st)
20 O16 1 The Champions - Grmh Hiiaaaaaaa Huaaaa Bof 142 Gürcan Gürsel(st)
21 O17 1 The Champions - 0 - 0 Foot Gürcan Gürsel(st)
22 O18 1 The Champions - Zup Bof Gürcan Gürsel(st)
23 O19 1 The Champions - Aah Plop Snif Snif Snif Hurps Goal 129 Gürcan Gürsel(st)
24 O20 1 The Champions - Inh Ah Driiiii 128 Gürcan Gürsel(st)
25 O21 1 The Champions - BOOMTUMP Gürcan Gürsel(st)
26 O22 1 The Champions - Uhh Hiaai Flop 140 Gürcan Gürsel(st)
27 O23 1 The Champions - 1 0 Sbow Ingh Bom Gürcan Gürsel(st)
28 O24 1 The Champions - 9 3 7 5 10 153 Gürcan Gürsel(st)
29 O25 1 The Champions - Pepsi Malibuz Banguel Coca Cola Brang Gürcan Gürsel(st)
30 O26 1 The Champions - Bom Plaf Plaf Aghh 152 Gürcan Gürsel(st)
31 O27 1 The Champions - Iiiiihh Hiiaa Pufff Goooaaaal 144 Gürcan Gürsel(st)
32 O28 1 The Champions - Hiiaaaa Gürcan Gürsel(st)
33 O29 1 The Champions - Milner Nike Plimo 10 Plaf Champi 155 Gürcan Gürsel(st)
34 O30 1 The Champions - Rrrrrr Rroh Huaaaa Huuaaa uuuaa Gürcan Gürsel(st)
35 O31 1 The Champions - Diirrt 124 Gürcan Gürsel(st)