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3730. Wonder Woman
4. Chronicles (3)
1. Volume one
Jaar van eerste uitgifte:   10
Uitgever: Dark Horse Comics
1 V1 9 Introducing Wonder Woman
2 V2 13 Wonder Woman comes to America
3 V3 13 Dr. Poison
4 V4 13 A spy in the office
5 V5 13 School for spies
6 V6 13 Wonder Woman versus the saboteurs
7 V7 13 Summons to paradise
8 A1 1 Wonder Woman, who is she?
9 V8 13 The origin of Wonder Woman
10 V9 13 Wonder Woman goes to the circus!
11 V10 13 Wonder Woman versus the prison spy ring
12 V11 13 The greatest feat of daring in human history!
13 V12 13 The milk swindle
14 V13 13 Department store perfidy
15 V14 13 The return of Diana Prince
2. Volume two
Jaar van eerste uitgifte:   11
Uitgever: Dark Horse Comics
3. Volume three
Jaar van eerste uitgifte:   12
Uitgever: Dark Horse Comics