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Stripboekenserie: 862. Donald Duck
Stripboekenreeks: 19. Don Rosa Library
Titel stripboek: 10. The Old Castle's Other Secret
Don Rosa /Don Rosa :   DR.V53, DR.V84, DR.V84-DR.V87, DR.V87-DR.V88, DR.V88-DR.V89, DR.V89
Marco Rota /Thomas Schroder :   MR.V55
Uitgever:B Fantagraphics Books
Jaar van uitgifte: 18
Type: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781683961345
Taal: Engels
Uri: bu1ul4
Inhoud stripboek:
1 DR.V84 25 Uncle Scrooge - The dream of a lifetime
2 DR.V53 13 Donald Duck - Trash or treasure D 2003-017
3 DR.V86 34 Uncle Scrooge - A letter from home, or the old castle's other secret D 2003-081
4 DR.V87 25 Uncle Scrooge - The Black Knight glorps again D 2003-235
5 DR.V88 32 Donald Duck - The Magnificent Seven (minus 4) Caballeros D 2004-032
6 DR.V89 31 Uncle Scrooge - The prisoner Of White Agony Creek D 2005-061
7 DR.V84 1 Uncle Scrooge - The dream of a lifetime (recap page)
8 DR.V85 2 Uncle Scrooge - A letter from home, or the old castle's other secret D 2003-081
9 DR.V87 1 Uncle Scrooge - The Black Knight glorps again (recap page) D 2003-235
10 DR.V88 2 Donald Duck - The Magnificent Seven (minus 4) Caballeros (recap pages) D 2004-032
11 DR.V89 2 Uncle Scrooge - The prisoner Of White Agony Creek (recap pages) D 2005-061
12 MR.V55 4 Uncle Scrooge - A hot meeting D 2015-226