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Stripboekenserie: 862. Donald Duck
Stripboekenreeks: 19. Don Rosa Library
Titel stripboek: 4. The last of the Clan McDuck
Don Rosa /Don Rosa :   DR.V36-DR.V42, DR.V55
Uitgever:B Fantagraphics Books
Jaar van uitgifte: 15
Type: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781606998663
Taal: Engels
Uri: gff2l9
Inhoud stripboek:
1 DR.V55 15 Uncle Scrooge - Of Ducks and dimes and destinies D 91249
2 DR.V36 15 Uncle Scrooge - The last of the Clan McDuck D 91308
3 DR.V37 28 Uncle Scrooge - The master of the Mississippi D 91411
4 DR.V38 15 Uncle Scrooge - The Buckaroo of the Badlands D 92008
5 DR.V39 15 Uncle Scrooge - Raider of the Copper Hill D 92083
6 DR.V40 15 Uncle Scrooge - The new laird of Castle McDuck D 92191
7 DR.V41 12 Uncle Scrooge - The terror of the Transvaal D 92273
8 DR.V42 15 Uncle Scrooge - Dreamtime Duck of the Never Never D 92314