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Stripboekenserie: 862. Donald Duck
Stripboekenreeks: 19. Don Rosa Library
Titel stripboek: 1. The son of the sun
Don Rosa /Don Rosa :   DR.V1-DR.V8, DR.V10, DR.V13
Don Rosa /Gary Leach :   DR.V9, DR.V11-DR.V12
Uitgever:B Fantagraphics Books
Jaar van uitgifte: 14
Type: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781606997420
Taal: Engels
Uri: ghv844
Inhoud stripboek:
1 DR.V1 26 Uncle Scrooge - The son of the sun AR 102
2 DR.V2 10 Uncle Scrooge - Nobody's business AR 103
3 DR.V3 10 Donald Duck - Mythological menagerie AR 104
4 DR.V4 10 Donald Duck - Recalled wreck AR 105
5 DR.V5 26 Uncle Scrooge - Cash Flow
6 DR.V6 10 Donald Duck - Fit to be pied AR 108
7 DR.V7 4 Donald Duck - Fir-tree fraces AR 109
8 DR.V8 10 Donald Duck - Oolated luck AR 110
9 DR.V9 2 Uncle Scrooge - The paper chase AR 107
10 DR.V10 28 Uncle Scrooge - Last sied to Dawson
11 DR.V11 2 Donald Duck - Rocket Reverie AR 116
12 DR.V12 2 Uncle Scrooge - Fiscal fitness AR 118
13 DR.V13 10 Donald Duck - Metaphorically spanking AR 119