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3. Amazing Spider-Man (11)
1. Spider-Man - The Amazing Spider-Man #1
Jaar van eerste uitgifte:   96
Uitgever: Marvel
1 V1 11 Spider-Man the start
2 V2 14 Spider-Man
3 V3 10 Spider-Man vs. the Chameleon!
4 V4 14 Duel to the death with the Vulture!
5 V5 10 The uncanny threat of the terrible Tinkerer
6 V6 21 Spider-Man versus Doctor Octopus
7 V7 21 Nothing can stop the Sandman
8 V8 21 Marked for destruction by Dr. Doom
9 V9 21 Face-To-Face with the Lizard
10 V10 21 The return of the Vulture
11 V11 17 The terrible threat of the Living Brain
12 V12 6 Spider-Man tackles the Torch
13 V13 22 The man called Electro
14 V14 22 The Enforcers
15 V15 21 Turning Point
16 V16 22 Unmasked by Dr. Octopus
17 V17 22 The menace of... Mysterio
18 V18 22 The grotesque adventure of the Green Goblin
19 V19 22 Kraven the hunter
20 V20 41 The Sinister Six
21 O1 4 The secrets of Spider-Man!
22 O2 3 How Stan Lee and Steve Ditko create Spider-Man!
23 V21 22 Duel with Daredevil
24 V22 22 The return of the Green Goblin
25 V23 22 The end of Spider-Man
26 V24 22 Spidey strikes back
27 V25 20 The coming of the Scorpion
2. Spider-Man - The Amazing Spider-Man #2
Jaar van eerste uitgifte:   97
Uitgever: Marvel
1 V26 20 Where flies the beetle
2 V27 20 The clown and his masters of menace
3 V28 20 The Goblin and the gangsters
4 V29 20 Spider-Man goes mad
5 V30 20 Captured by J. Jonah Jameson
6 V31 20 The man in the Crime-Master's mask
7 V32 20 Bring back my Goblin to me
8 V33 20 The menace of the Molten Man
9 V34 20 The wondrous world of Dr. Strange
10 V35 20 Never step on a Scorpion
11 V36 20 The claws of the Cat
12 V37 20 If this be my destiny
13 V38 20 Man on a rampage
14 V39 20 The final chapter
15 V40 20 The thrill of the hunt
16 V41 20 The Molten Man regrets
17 V42 20 When falls the meteor
18 V43 20 Once upon a time there was a robot
19 V44 20 Just a guy named Joe
20 V45 20 How green was my Goblin
21 V46 20 Spidey saves the day
22 V47 20 The horns of the Rhino
23 V48 20 The birth of a Super-Hero
24 V50 20 Rhino on the rampage
25 V49 21 To become an Avenger
3. Spider-Man - The Amazing Spider-Man #3
Jaar van eerste uitgifte:   98
Uitgever: Marvel
1 V51 20 Where crawls the Lizard
2 V52 20 Spidey smashes out
3 V53 20 The sinister Shocker
4 V54 20 In the hand of the hunter
5 V55 20 The wings of the Vulture
6 V56 20 From the depths of defeat
7 V57 20 Spider-Man no more
8 V58 20 The clutches of the Kingpin
9 V59 20 To die a hero
10 V60 20 Dr. Octopus
11 V61 20 The tentacles and the trap
12 V62 41 The web and the flame
13 V60 20 Dr. Octopus
14 V61 20 The tentacles and the trap
15 V63 20 Doc Ock wins
16 V64 20 Disaster
17 V65 20 The coming of Ka-Zar
18 V66 20 To kill a Spider-Man
19 V67 20 The brand of the Brainwasher
20 V68 20 O, bitter victory
21 V69 20 What a tangled web we weave
22 V70 20 Make way for Medusa
23 V71 20 Wings in the night
24 V72 20 The Vulture's prey
25 V73 20 Impossible escape
4. Spider-Man - The Amazing Spider-Man #4
Jaar van eerste uitgifte:   00
Uitgever: Marvel
1 V74 20 The madness of Mysterio
2 V76 20 To squash a spider
3 V75 40 The parents of Peter Parker
4 O3 3 Here we go-a-plotting!
5 V77 20 Crisis on the campus
6 V78 20 Mission Crush the Kingpin
7 V79 20 Spider-Man wanted
8 V80 20 The speedster and the spider
9 V81 20 Rocked by the Shocker
10 V82 20 The web closes
11 V83 20 If this be Bedlam
12 V84 20 Death without warning
13 V85 20 The Lizard lives
14 V86 20 In the blaze of battle
15 V87 20 The night of the prowler
16 V88 20 To prowl no more
17 V89 20 On the trail of the Chameleon
18 V90 20 The coming of the Kangaroo
19 V91 20 And then came Electro
20 V92 20 The coming of the Schemer
21 V93 19 The Kingpin strikes back
22 V94 19 The secret of the Schemer
23 V95 19 Beware the Black Widow
24 V96 19 Unmasked at last
25 V97 19 The arms of Doctor Octopus
26 V98 19 Doc Ock lives
5. Spider-Man - The Amazing Spider-Man #5
Jaar van eerste uitgifte:   02
Uitgever: Marvel
1 V99 19 And death shall come
2 V100 19 To smash a spider
3 V101 19 When Iceman attacks
4 V102 19 The lady and the Prowler
5 V103 19 On wings of death
6 V104 19 Trap for a terrorist
7 V105 19 And now, the Goblin
8 V106 19 In the grip of the Goblin
9 V107 19 The Goblin's last gasp
10 V108 19 A day in the life of...
11 V109 19 The spider or the man
12 V110 20 A monster called Morbius
13 V111 35 Vampire at large
14 V112 24 Walk the savage land
15 V113 21 The beauty and the brute
16 V114 22 The spider slayer
17 V115 21 Squash Goes the spider
18 V117 21 Spidey smashes thru
19 V118 21 Vengeance from VietNam
20 V120 21 Enter: Dr. Strange
21 V121 20 The birth of... the Gibbon
22 V123 20 To stalk a spider
23 V124 20 Spidey cops out
24 V126 20 They call the Doctor... Octopus
6. Spider-Man - The Amazing Spider-Man #6
Jaar van eerste uitgifte:   04
Uitgever: Marvel
1 V127 20 Gang war, shmang war! What I want to know is... who the heck is Hammerhead?
2 V129 20 The last battle
3 V130 20 Suddenly... the Smasher
4 V132 20 The deadly designs of the Disrupter
5 V133 20 Countdown to chaos!
6 V134 20 The gentleman's name is... Hulk
7 V135 20 The fight and the fury
8 V136 20 The night Gwen Stacy died
9 V137 20 The Goblin's last stand
10 V138 19 Just a man called Cage
11 V139 19 The mark of the Man-Wolf
12 V140 19 Wolfhunt
13 V141 19 The Kangaroo bounces back
14 V142 19 The dark wings of death
15 V143 19 The Vulture hangs high
16 V144 19 The Punisher strikes twice
17 V145 19 Betrayed
18 V146 19 My uncle... my enemy
19 V147 19 The master plan of the Molten Man
20 V148 18 The Molten Man breaks out
21 V149 24 Man-Wolf at Midnight
22 V151 30 Ship of Fiends
23 V150 18 Danger is a man named... Tarantula
24 V152 18 Shoot-out in Central Park
25 V155 30 Masterstroke
26 V153 18 The Green Goblin lives again
27 V154 17 Death trap times three
7. Spider-Man - The Amazing Spider-Man #7
Jaar van eerste uitgifte:   05
Uitgever: Marvel
8. Spider-Man - The Amazing Spider-Man #8
Jaar van eerste uitgifte:   07
Uitgever: Marvel
1 V191 28 Spawn of the spider
9. Spider-Man - The Amazing Spider-Man #9
Jaar van eerste uitgifte:   09
Uitgever: Marvel
10. Spider-Man - The Amazing Spider-Man #10
Jaar van eerste uitgifte:   11
Uitgever: Marvel
11. Spider-Man - The Amazing Spider-Man #10
Jaar van eerste uitgifte:   12
Uitgever: Marvel