Stripboekenserie: 862. Donald Duck
Stripboekenreeks: 10. Carl Barks Fantagraphics
Titel stripboek: 4. Donald Duck - Maharadjah Donald
Carl Barks /Carl Barks :   CB.V45, CB.V47-CB.V62
Uitgever:B Fantagraphics Books
Jaar van uitgifte: 23
Type: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781683969006
Taal: Engels
Uri: h1zm3g
Inhoud stripboek:
1 CB.V57 28 Maharajah Donald MC 4
2 CB.V47 10 Seals are so smart! FC 108
3 CB.V45 28 The terror of the river!! FC 108
4 CB.V48 10 Biceps blues WDC 69
5 CB.V49 10 The smugsnorkle squatty WDC 70
6 CB.V55 8 Santa's stormy visit! FCG 46
7 CB.V50 10 Swimming swindlers WDC 71
8 CB.V51 10 Playin' hookey WDC 72
9 CB.V52 10 The gold-finder WDC 73
10 CB.V54 10 Turkey turmoil WDC 75
11 CB.V59 10 The cantankerous cat WDC 76
12 CB.V56 10 Donald Duck's atom bomb CG Y1
13 CB.V60 10 Going buggy WDC 77
14 CB.V58 2 The peacefull hills MC 4
15 CB.V61 10 Jam robbers WDC 78
16 CB.V62 10 Picnic tricks WDC 79
17 CB.V53 10 The bill collectors WDC 74