Stripboekenserie: 862. Donald Duck
Stripboekenreeks: 10. Carl Barks Fantagraphics
Titel stripboek: 23. Donald Duck - Under the polar ice
Carl Barks /Carl Barks :   CB.V417-CB.V418, CB.V422, CB.V427-CB.V429, CB.V436-CB.V444, CB.V449-CB.V456, CB.V460
Uitgever:B Fantagraphics Books
Jaar van uitgifte: 20
Type: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781683963837
Taal: Engels
Uri: vod752
Inhoud stripboek:
1 CB.V450 10 Donald Duck - Under the polar ice
2 CB.V422 10 Donald Duck - The watchful parents
3 CB.V427 10 Donald Duck - The good deeds
4 CB.V428 10 Donald Duck - Black Wednesday
5 CB.V444 10 Donald Duck - The wax museum
6 CB.V417 8 Donald Duck - Mastering the Matterhorn
7 CB.V429 5 Donald Duck - The master glasser
8 CB.V441 1 Daisy Duck - Tight shoes
9 CB.V455 10 Donald Duck - Knights of the flying sleds
10 CB.V456 10 Donald Duck - Riding the Pony Express
11 CB.V460 10 Donald Duck - Want to buy an island?
12 CB.V449 16 Donald Duck - The Christmas Cha Cha
13 CB.V436 6 Daisy Duck - The librarian
14 CB.V437 5 Daisy Duck - The double date
15 CB.V442 1 Daisy Duck - The framed mirror
16 CB.V438 6 Daisy Duck - The TV babysitter
17 CB.V440 7 Daisy Duck - The beauty queen
18 CB.V443 1 Daisy Duck - The new girl
19 CB.V439 7 Daisy Duck - Donald's party
20 CB.V418 6 Grandma Duck - Trail Tycoon
21 CB.V452 6 Grandma Duck - Touché toupeé
22 CB.V454 6 Grandma Duck - Free ski spree
23 CB.V453 6 Grandma Duck - The snow chaser
24 CB.V451 1 Grandma Duck - Mopping up