98 |
B. Blind, Dr |
Ryan, Dr. |
CB.V363 |
20.8 |
Opticien |
1 |
99 |
B.B. Leuterzwets |
Blabaway Utterbunk |
CB.V309 |
1.2 |
Schrijver |
1 |
100 |
B.J. |
B.J. |
CB.V449 |
8.3 |
Rijke Man |
1 |
101 |
Baardige Bertus |
Hardrock Joe |
CB.V627 |
4.8 |
Man |
1 |
102 |
Babbelaar, Mevrouw |
Cackle, Mrs |
CB.V114 |
1.1 |
Vriendin |
1 |
103 |
Bach |
Brahms |
CB.V136 |
17.3 |
Componist |
1 |
104 |
Balder |
Balder |
CB.V524 |
4.3 |
Bewoner Walhalla |
1 |
105 |
Balm |
Fakasso |
CB.V612 |
6.2 |
Schilder |
1 |
106 |
Barend Bof |
Dread Valley Sandy |
CB.V396 |
2.4 |
Rijke Man |
1 |
107 |
Barend Kukel |
Rockhead Rooster |
CB.V437 |
1.4 |
Man |
1 |
108 |
Barlon Grando |
Snarlin Grando |
CB.V502 |
1.1 |
Acteur |
1 |
109 |
Baron van Bahama |
Duke of Bahama |
CB.V460 |
2.2 |
Pseudoniem |
1 |
110 |
Baron von Dein zu Mein |
Baron Guffaw |
CB.V91 |
10.4 |
Smokkelaar |
1 |
111 |
Bas de Branie |
Pete de Fox |
CB.V26 |
3.7 |
Boef |
1 |
112 |
Bassius Bray |
Rocky Stonejaw |
CB.V502 |
2.4 |
Bokser |
1 |
113 |
Bassofoglio de vleermuisman |
Bassofoglio the Human Bat |
CB.V53 |
4.5 |
Artiest |
1 |
114 |
Bataljon Z |
Battalion Z |
CB.V416 |
6.6 |
Groep |
1 |
115 |
Beauriz Bouffe |
Black Pierre |
CB.V571 |
1.5 |
Houthakker |
1 |
116 |
Bedoeienen |
Bedouin |
CB.V624 |
6.6 |
Volk |
1 |
117 |
Begonia |
Drusilla |
CB.V649 |
2.1 |
Tante |
1 |
118 |
Bemoeial |
Buttinski |
CB.V493 |
5.3 |
Bijnaam |
1 |
119 |
Ben Ali |
Ben Ali |
CB.V582 |
7.6 |
Bewaker |
1 |
120 |
Ben Giller |
Benny Badman |
CB.V603 |
6.2 |
Muzikant |
1 |
121 |
Ben Liefoorse |
Treatem Nyce |
CB.V554 |
1.2 |
Schrijver |
1 |
122 |
Bengt Blauwig |
Azur Blue |
CB.V182 |
6.6 |
Man |
1 |
123 |
Benjamin Franklin |
Ben Franklin |
CB.V294 |
1.4 |
Staatsman |
1 |
124 |
Benjamin Franklin |
Benjamin Franklin |
CB.V249 |
2.7 |
Staatsman |
1 |
125 |
Benjamin Tondel |
Benzine Banzoony |
CB.V46 |
12.1 |
Pyromaan |
1 |
126 |
Berend |
Mike |
CB.V200 |
5.3 |
Postbode |
1 |
127 |
Berend Botje |
x |
CB.V649 |
1.2 |
Fictief Figuur |
1 |
128 |
Berend Bruin |
Tubby Tummies |
CB.V48 |
4.5 |
Schrijver |
1 |
129 |
Bert Beitel |
Buffo Chisel |
CB.V310 |
1.1 |
Beeldhouwer |
1 |
130 |
Bert Kipstra |
Samuel Goldfinch |
CB.V472 |
1.2 |
Regisseur |
1 |
131 |
Bertje |
Piggy |
CB.V57 |
2.5 |
Vriend |
1 |
132 |
Bertus |
Si Sosun |
CB.V192 |
1.6 |
Boer |
1 |
133 |
Bertus Boksgraag |
Rockjaw Bumrisk |
CB.V191 |
5.5 |
Schuldenaar |
1 |
134 |
Bet-bet-bet-overgrootvader |
Great-Great Grandpa |
CB.V159 |
2.2 |
Familie |
1 |
135 |
Betsie |
Minnie Mudhen |
CB.V4 |
5.4 |
Kraamverkoper |
1 |
136 |
Bever, Mevrouw |
Beaver, Mrs. |
CB.V225 |
3.2 |
Vrouw |
1 |
137 |
Biegloek |
Biglook |
CB.V136 |
16.4 |
Indiaan |
1 |
138 |
Bietsra |
Si Bumpkin |
CB.V504 |
5.2 |
Boer |
2 |
139 |
Bietstra |
Cluckmore, Mrs. |
CB.V463 |
6.2 |
Kippenhouder |
1 |
140 |
Bietstra |
Si Bumpkin |
CB.V452 |
2.7 |
Boer |
1 |
141 |
Big, Mevrouw |
Hogby, Mrs. |
CB.V336 |
5.6 |
Buurtbewoner |
1 |
142 |
Billie Blaffer |
Ramrod Ransom |
CB.V96 |
3.2 |
Fictief Figuur |
1 |
143 |
Billy Big |
Holsworthy Hog, Lieutenant-General |
CB.V166 |
5.2 |
Jonge Woudloper |
1 |
144 |
Billy de Kid |
Billy The Kid |
CB.V265 |
4.1 |
Dief |
1 |
145 |
Bladgoud, Baron |
Tweeksdale, Lord |
CB.V99 |
1.3 |
Baron |
1 |
146 |
Bladluis |
Blight |
CB.V610 |
4.8 |
Kapitein |
1 |
147 |
Blikkie |
Roscoe |
CB.V354 |
1.1 |
Robot |
1 |
148 |
Bloem van mijn hart |
Cuddle Duck |
CB.V52 |
5.7 |
Bijnaam |
1 |
149 |
Blom |
Jones |
CB.V236 |
2.1 |
Buurman |
1 |
150 |
Blotepotepeper |
Shoeless Pashly |
CB.V353 |
6.6 |
Artiest |
1 |
151 |
Blowsofoutski |
x |
CB.V180 |
5.3 |
Voetballer |
1 |
152 |
Bockefeller |
Van Astorbilt |
CB.V84 |
8.5 |
Gast |
1 |
153 |
Boegaloe Berend |
Downbeat Joe |
CB.V71 |
1.5 |
Artiest |
1 |
154 |
Boekhouder |
Clerk |
CB.V311 |
4.3 |
Werknemer |
1 |
155 |
Boeloeboeboe |
Boogerbooboo |
CB.V511 |
7.2 |
Opperhoofd |
1 |
156 |
Boktor |
Fidelov |
CB.V629 |
2.5 |
Spion |
1 |
157 |
Bolderbassie |
Jonesie |
CB.V11 |
1.2 |
Bijnaam |
1 |
158 |
Bolderbast |
Jones |
CB.V5 |
1.1 |
Buurman |
6 |
159 |
Bolderbast |
McCornburger |
CB.V61 |
1.2 |
Buurman |
1 |
160 |
Bolderbast |
x |
CB.V449 |
14.4 |
Buurman |
1 |
161 |
Bollebast |
Brad |
CB.V261 |
4.1 |
Race Deelnemer |
1 |
162 |
Bolster, Meneer |
x |
CB.V34 |
2.1 |
Cowboy |
1 |
163 |
Bolsterbast |
Pupp |
CB.V427 |
1.1 |
Buurman |
1 |
164 |
Bombasto |
Pomposso |
CB.V561 |
6.5 |
Componist |
1 |
165 |
Bombie de Zombie |
Bombie the Zombie |
CB.V120 |
6.6 |
Zombie |
1 |
166 |
Bompopoff |
Bombpopoff |
CB.V271 |
8.4 |
Componist |
1 |
167 |
Boris |
Goliath |
CB.V538 |
1.4 |
Robot |
1 |
168 |
Boris Boef |
Black Pete |
CB.V1 |
6.2 |
Piraat |
1 |
169 |
Boris Boef |
Pierre de Fraud |
CB.V446 |
3.4 |
Boef |
1 |
170 |
Boutjens |
Poochley |
CB.V23 |
8.7 |
Piloot |
1 |
171 |
Brahms |
Brahms |
CB.V72 |
1.7 |
Componist |
1 |
172 |
Bralkruk |
Sleezy |
CB.V56 |
2.11 |
Professor |
1 |
173 |
Brandweerfanfare |
Firehouse Five |
CB.V253 |
3.6 |
Muziekgroep |
1 |
174 |
Brigit Barduck |
Brigit Barduck |
CB.V544 |
2.1 |
Actrice |
1 |
175 |
Brigitta |
Brigidita |
CB.V157 |
12.3 |
Bediende |
1 |
176 |
Brigitte Barduck |
Brigitte Barduck |
CB.V591 |
7.4 |
Pseudoniem |
1 |
177 |
Brigitte Barduck |
x |
CB.V199 |
2.5 |
Acteur |
1 |
178 |
Brigitte Bobo |
Jayne Girlsfield |
CB.V502 |
1.4 |
Actrice |
1 |
179 |
Brokkenpiloot |
Quacker Mouth |
CB.V506 |
3.6 |
Bijnaam |
1 |
180 |
Bru |
Bru |
CB.V297 |
20.3 |
God |
1 |
181 |
Bruinebol |
Diana |
CB.V261 |
4.1 |
Race Deelnemer |
1 |
182 |
Brulboei |
Sternjaw |
CB.V595 |
1.5 |
Generaal |
1 |
183 |
Brunhilde |
Burnhild |
CB.V524 |
14.7 |
Bewoner Walhalla |
1 |
184 |
Brunhilde |
Gertrude |
CB.V158 |
10.4 |
Vrouw |
1 |
185 |
Bruto |
Bruto |
CB.V151 |
27.2 |
Dictator |
1 |
186 |
Buffalo Bill |
Buffalo Bill |
CB.V484 |
6.1 |
Cowboy |
1 |
187 |
Buffalo Bill |
Ringo Kid |
CB.V629 |
24.5 |
Fictief Figuur |
1 |
188 |
Bul van der Beuk |
Scarpuss McKnucks |
CB.V53 |
2.5 |
Man |
1 |
189 |
Bullebak |
Picklepuss |
CB.V23 |
6.3 |
Man |
1 |
190 |
Burpmans-Kwakkelsteek, Professor |
Orville Orb, Professor |
CB.V149 |
12.3 |
Hypnotiseur |
1 |
191 |
Butch |
Butch |
CB.V107 |
1.5 |
Vriend |
1 |
134 |