4703 x '22 Dudge CB.V65 5.5 Carosserie 1
4704 x '23 Paclac CB.V65 5.5 Assen 1
4705 x 1 st. prize CB.V144 7.8 Vaantje 1
4706 x 10c CB.V582 15.6 Raam 1
4707 x 14-16-24 CB.V587 15.1 Maat Oom Dagobert 1
4708 x 1920 Mixwell CB.V65 5.5 Motor 1
4709 x 23 Skidoo Street CB.V574 4.6 Adres 1
4710 x 249 Groaner Building CB.V46 13.7 Adres 1
4711 x 27 CB.V537 11.8 Bus 1
4712 x 300-Horsepower Snobmobile CB.V240 2.3 Auto Type 1
4713 x 313 CB.V123 2.3 Donald's Nummerbord 2
4714 x 6666, 66th. Street CB.V155 6.5 Adres 1
4715 x 66th. Street CB.V155 6.5 Straatnaam 1
4716 x A Dickens of a fix CB.V8 12.3 Gezegde 1
4717 x Abalone Island CB.V266 10.5 Eiland 1
4718 x Ace Detective Kit CB.V382 5.5 Koffer 1
4719 x Ace House Movers CB.V199 4.3 Bedrijf 1
4720 x Achipelago Yapayapayap CB.V106 16.5 Archipel 1
4721 x Africa CB.V120 6.1 Continent 3
4722 x Air Way CB.V511 10.5 Trap 1
4723 x Ajax Squash CB.V10 11.3 Blik 1
4724 x Alabama CB.V304 6.6 Staat 1
4725 x Alabammy CB.V349 3.6 Stad 1
4726 x Alaska CB.V154 1.1 Staat 4
4727 x Alaska S.S. Lines CB.V202 5.7 Bedrijf 1
4728 x Alice in Wonderland CB.V293 8.6 Verhaal 1
4729 x Amazon CB.V564 1.5 Rivier 1
4730 x America CB.V8 23.5 Land 6
4731 x Antarctic CB.V329 9.6 Continent 1
4732 x Anti Agony Society CB.V38 7.5 Organisatie 1
4733 x April's love fades in July, but old grudges never die CB.V602 10.8 Gedicht 1
4734 x Armory CB.V582 12.1 Bord 1
4735 x Asia CB.V261 4.6 Continent 2
4736 x Asia Gate CB.V235 4.5 Bord 1
4737 x Atlantic CB.V228 8.4 Zee 1
4738 x Atlas CB.V35 10.3 Bedrijf 1
4739 x Atlas Dock Co CB.V147 5.4 Bedrijf 1
4740 x Atlas Road Builders CB.V163 8.3 Bedrijf 1
4741 x Atlas Window Washing Company CB.V353 3.6 Bedrijf 1
4742 x Australia CB.V244 3.6 Land 1
4743 x B.C. CB.V136 3.8 Staat 1
4744 x Badlands CB.V627 21.1 Gebied 1
4745 x Baggage Buggy CB.V179 1.5 Auto 1
4746 x Bailey Bridge CB.V278 4.3 Brug Type 1
4747 x Ball CB.V615 3.4 Aanplakbiljet 1
4748 x Bank CB.V477 7.3 Muur 1
4749 x Barnacle Bay CB.V154 11.5 Gebied 1
4750 x Barrelhouse CB.V515 3.4 Muziekstijl 1
4751 x Batteries CB.V343 1.4 Doos 1
4752 x Battery CB.V521 1.2 Aanplakbiljet 1
4753 x Battleship Iowa CB.V45 19.3 Schip 1
4754 x Beans CB.V27 3.2 Kist 2
4755 x Bear Club Rangers CB.V65 24.4 Club 1
4756 x Bears CB.V437 3.5 Footbal Team 1
4757 x Bechuanaland CB.V311 12.1 Land 1
4758 x Before you can say Fignewton McGillicuddy! CB.V25 6.1 Gezegde 1
4759 x Belgian Congo CB.V329 1.3 Land 1
4760 x Bering Sea CB.V130 9.6 Gebied 1
4761 x Big Operator CB.V471 17.5 Medaille 1
4762 x Bilge Water CB.V1 50.6 Grot 1
4763 x Bingling CB.V543 8.8 Circus 1
4764 x Bird Seed CB.V2 9.3 Doos 1
4765 x Birdsville CB.V520 2.5 Fictieve Plek 1
4766 x Bittercup CB.V142 3.7 Kopje 1
4767 x Black Forest CB.V651 14.5 Bos 1
4768 x Blue Yonder Airlines CB.V130 6.7 Vliegtuigmaatschappij 1
4769 x Bluebeard's treasure here CB.V252 3.7 Kaart 1
4770 x Boareguard Swinely Real Estate CB.V579 6.7 Aanplakbiljet 1
4771 x Bolts CB.V11 6.5 Doos 1
4772 x Boring into mud CB.V45 22.7 Schilderij 1
4773 x Boss CB.V624 8.7 Stoel 1
4774 x Bottomless Canyon CB.V397 3.7 Gebied 1
4775 x Bouffant CB.V580 5.1 Kapsel 1
4776 x Bowling CB.V517 9.5 Bord 1
4777 x Brad + Lil CB.V582 3.5 Aanplakbiljet 1
4778 x Brazil CB.V342 15.7 Land 1
4779 x Bridge Port Cannon Works CB.V1 35.3 Kanonskogel 1
4780 x Britain CB.V318 1.7 Land 1
4781 x Broadway CB.V387 1.5 Straatnaam 1
4782 x Brokesville CB.V495 7.4 Fictieve Plek 1
4783 x Buffalo CB.V180 10.1 Stad 1
4784 x Bunion Acres Golf Course CB.V93 1.4 Golfbaan 1
4785 x Burbank CB.V57 11.7 Stad 4
4786 x Butch CB.V158 5.2 Buurjongen 1
4787 x By Jingo CB.V384 1.4 Gezegde 2
4788 x By the Bonnie Braes of Glendale CB.V154 19.8 Lied Tekst 1
4789 x CAN CB.V587 11.8 Bord 1
4790 x Calcutta CB.V57 9.2 Stad 1
4791 x California CB.V57 11.7 Staat 3
4792 x Calisota CB.V188 26.1 Staat 1
4793 x Callous Alice from Corvallis CB.V349 1.2 Papieren Vel 1
4794 x Calypso CB.V353 13.4 Dans 1
4795 x Canada CB.V26 4.4 Land 2
4796 x Candy CB.V105 7.2 Doos 1
4797 x Candy CB.V76 3.6 Zak 1
4798 x Capetown CB.V120 27.2 Stad 2
4799 x Carlsbad Caverns CB.V293 12.3 Park 1
4800 x Carrots CB.V2 7.2 Bord 1
4801 x Cars CB.V594 2.1 Bord 1
4802 x Carthage CB.V562 1.1 Stad 1
4803 x Casbah Crater CB.V471 17.6 Gebied 1
4804 x Cashier's Dermatites CB.V647 20.2 Ziekte 1
4805 x Catalina CB.V45 3.2 Gebied 1
4806 x Cathay CB.V235 12.8 Gebied 1
4807 x Catville CB.V287 1.1 Stad 1
4808 x Ceylon CB.V399 2.7 Eiland 1
4809 x Champ CB.V423 22.3 Bord 1
4810 x Chariot CB.V186 4.2 Auto Type 1
4811 x Chart 1 CB.V529 7.2 Aanplakbiljet 1
4812 x Chart 303 CB.V115 2.5 Kaart 1
4813 x Check Room CB.V378 5.2 Bord 1
4814 x Chee Chee CB.V502 2.4 Gebouw 1
4815 x Chicago CB.V112 2.3 Land 1
4816 x Chicago CB.V209 10.6 Stad 2
4817 x Chief CB.V144 29.1 Bureau 1
4818 x Chief CB.V152 6.4 Hoed 1
4819 x Chilcoot Pass CB.V202 8.4 Gebied 1
4820 x Chile CB.V593 9.3 Land 1
4821 x Chillblain CB.V394 12.6 Trein 1
4822 x China CB.V279 9.5 Land 3
4823 x Chinese Sea CB.V137 6.5 Zee 1
4824 x Chugwagon Derby CB.V526 1.1 Wedstrijd 1
4825 x Citrus CB.V245 1.1 Straatnaam 1
4826 x Citrus 2437 CB.V245 1.3 Adres 1
4827 x Citrus 2734 CB.V245 1.1 Adres 1
4828 x Clammy Sammy from Alabammy CB.V349 3.6 Papieren Vel 1
4829 x Clipper CB.V541 1.1 Schip Type 1
4830 x Club CB.V378 5.3 Bord 1
4831 x Coast Guard CB.V213 21.7 Vliegtuig 1
4832 x Cocoa CB.V125 8.1 Bus 1
4833 x Code 32 K of the Maritime Salvage Laws CB.V130 27.1 Wet 1
4834 x Colombia River CB.V99 5.6 Rivier 1
4835 x Colorado CB.V33 1.1 Rivier 1
4836 x Colossal Star Line CB.V46 10.9 Bedrijf 1
4837 x Colossalest Surprise Quiz CB.V321 1.1 Quiz 1
4838 x Columbia River CB.V7 1.1 Rivier 1
4839 x Comanche Wampu CB.V168 3.8 Geld 1
4840 x Comics CB.V489 1.2 Magazine 1
4841 x Conduits CB.V540 2.8 Doos 1
4842 x Cone 10c Chops Beans CB.V123 1.3 Gebouw 1
4843 x Corn CB.V2 9.3 Doos 1
4844 x Cornsilk CB.V211 10.8 Boer 1
4845 x Coroner CB.V96 3.3 Gebouw 1
4846 x Corvallis CB.V349 1.2 Stad 1
4847 x Costa Rica CB.V143 1.3 Land 1
4848 x Cow for sale CB.V157 3.1 Bord 1
4849 x Crocodile Swamp CB.V641 9.3 Moeras 1
4850 x Crow Airlines CB.V182 10.7 Vliegtuigmaatschappij 1
4851 x Crown, Mrs CB.V360 5.5 Boerin 1
4852 x Curve CB.V6 10.1 Bord 1
4853 x Cuzco CB.V408 9.7 Stad 1
4854 x Cyclone V-20 CB.V519 6.2 Auto Type 1
4855 x D.Duck CB.V3 10.1 Brievenbus 1
4856 x D.S.C. CB.V154 28.8 Tas 1
4857 x Daisy Duck CB.V169 1.1 Brievenbus 1
4858 x Dantes Inferno CB.V23 5.2 Boek 1
4859 x Darkest Africa CB.V120 6.8 Wegwijzer 1
4860 x Dave CB.V579 4.3 Wetsdienaar 1
4861 x Davy Jones's Locker CB.V382 17.8 Gezegde 2
4862 x Dawson CB.V296 1.6 Stad 2
4863 x Dead End CB.V199 9.1 Bord 1
4864 x Denver CB.V318 1.7 Stad 1
4865 x Department of Defense CB.V595 3.5 Organisatie 1
4866 x Depth Gauge 100 ft CB.V353 1.5 Geldmeter 1
4867 x Direction CB.V118 10.8 Fles 1
4868 x Director CB.V477 10.4 Bureau 1
4869 x Dirt-to-milk Machine CB.V323 5.4 Apparaat 1
4870 x Dis and Dat CB.V99 1.1 Boek 1
4871 x Dishwasher CB.V353 2.8 Aanplakbiljet 1
4872 x Dismalland CB.V629 13.4 Gebied 1
4873 x Disneyland CB.V345 20.6 Pretpark 2
4874 x Dodge City CB.V629 23.8 Stad 1
4875 x Don + Maggie CB.V582 3.7 Muur 1
4876 x Don't be A CB.V582 3.5 Aanplakbiljet 1
4877 x Donald Duck CB.V92 3.2 Brievenbus 2
4878 x Donald Duck CB.V439 6.8 Donald Brievenbus 1
4879 x Donald Duck CB.V198 1.5 Donald's Brievenbus 1
4880 x Doomsville CB.V616 5.4 Fictieve Plek 1
4881 x Drama Club CB.V652 13.7 Club 1
4882 x Duck County CB.V364 4.2 Gebied 1
4883 x Duck St. CB.V431 1.5 Straatnaam 1
4884 x Duckaluk Bay CB.V240 1.5 Gebied 1
4885 x Duckburg CB.V309 2.7 Stad 13
4886 x Duckburg Army CB.V462 3.5 Organisatie 1
4887 x Duckburg Bay CB.V565 2.4 Baai 1
4888 x Duckburg Coast Guard CB.V520 7.3 Schip 1
4889 x Duckburg Cove CB.V470 2.7 Gebied 1
4890 x Duckburg Downs CB.V651 18.7 Racebaan 1
4891 x Duckburg Forest Service CB.V570 10.6 Bord 1
4892 x Duckburg Public School CB.V647 17.4 School 1
4893 x Duckburg on Skis CB.V257 9.7 TV Programma 1
4894 x Duckdom CB.V507 7.7 Realiteit 3
4895 x Duluth CB.V411 1.3 Stad 1
4896 x Dyes CB.V206 4.5 Bord 1
4897 x Dying Cowboy CB.V154 22.1 Lied Tekst 1
4898 x Eagleclaw Canyon CB.V144 27.3 Gebied 1
4899 x Eagleclaw Mountains CB.V144 2.6 Gebied 1
4900 x Earth CB.V547 4.5 Hemellichaam 4
4901 x Egbert CB.V158 9.1 Buurjongen 1
4902 x Eggs CB.V44 5.4 Doos 1
4903 x Elm Street CB.V38 2.6 Straat 1
4904 x End CB.V433 7.8 Bord 1
4905 x Europe CB.V313 6.7 Continent 2
4906 x Evening Bugle CB.V84 10.7 Krant 1
4907 x Everglades CB.V27 1.7 Gebied 1
4908 x Everlasting Gratitude CB.V611 17.7 Medaille 1
4909 x Exit CB.V156 3.1 Bord 1
4910 x Ezra CB.V635 14.4 Boer 1
4911 x F.B.I. CB.V445 21.2 Organisatie 1
4912 x Fairgounds Park CB.V279 2.4 Park 1
4913 x Fandango CB.V587 5.3 Dans 2
4914 x Fandangoland CB.V595 9.7 Land 1
4915 x Fatsonia CB.V597 19.4 Kluis 1
4916 x Festival Grounds, Duckburg CB.V261 2.4 Gebied 1
4917 x Fiji CB.V406 7.7 Land 2
4918 x Fine fellow! Mellow fellow! Friend of fortune, Hello, Hello! CB.V437 2.5 Lied Tekst 1
4919 x Finicky taste buds CB.V290 4.5 Gezegde 1
4920 x Fink Fakasso CB.V577 2.6 Schilderij 1
4921 x Firestone CB.V133 5.7 Kar 1
4922 x Fish Co CB.V550 7.5 Bord 1
4923 x Fizzle-Pop CB.V492 2.4 Drank 1
4924 x Florida CB.V26 6.4 Staat 3
4925 x Flouncy Flo from Kokomo CB.V349 1.3 Papieren Vel 1
4926 x Flour CB.V477 15.1 Ton 1
4927 x Floyds CB.V399 1.4 Bedrijf 1
4928 x Fluffy Bun Bakery CB.V361 2.1 Bedrijf 1
4929 x Fly Paper CB.V451 1.6 Papieren Vel 1
4930 x For Fire CB.V587 16.5 Bord 1
4931 x For Pete's Sake CB.V477 3.4 Gezegde 1
4932 x For Pete's Sake! CB.V447 4.2 Gezegde 1
4933 x Forlorn Hills CB.V83 2.6 Gebied 1
4934 x Fort Laramie CB.V457 5.7 Fort 1
4935 x France CB.V324 2.6 Land 1
4936 x Ft. Knox CB.V606 1.4 Gebouw 1
4937 x Gadillac CB.V577 2.3 Auto 1
4938 x Galley CB.V112 3.6 Deur 1
4939 x Games CB.V76 3.6 Doos 1
4940 x Games CB.V105 3.7 Iglo 1
4941 x Garage CB.V419 4.4 Bord 1
4942 x Gas CB.V140 2.3 Bord 1
4943 x Gas 30 CB.V521 1.1 Benzinepomp 1
4944 x Gasoline CB.V594 1.2 Bord 1
4945 x Gay Paree CB.V561 7.7 Muziekstuk 1
4946 x Gem Stove Co. CB.V14 6.8 Harnas 1
4947 x Gem Taxi Co. CB.V23 8.8 Auto 1
4948 x General Sherman CB.V449 9.3 Boom 1
4949 x Get along little dogies CB.V11 9.4 Lied Tekst 1
4950 x Ghoul Drool CB.V102 8.6 Kan 1
4951 x Gilded Derby CB.V123 1.5 Restaurant 1
4952 x Give Comics CB.V572 2.3 Aanplakbiljet 1
4953 x Glasgow CB.V213 1.1 Stad 1
4954 x Glendale CB.V120 16.2 Stad 1
4955 x Gloomgruntle CB.V387 5.2 Kasteel 1
4956 x Gloucester CB.V514 9.8 Stad 1
4957 x Go CB.V105 6.2 Bord 1
4958 x Go CB.V201 1.7 Stoplicht 1
4959 x Gold CB.V268 1.1 Boek 1
4960 x Golden Fleeceville CB.V624 20.7 Fictieve Plek 1
4961 x Goose Egg County CB.V364 4.2 Gebied 1
4962 x Goosetown CB.V416 6.6 Stad 1
4963 x Gopher Git CB.V25 5.7 Dynamiet 1
4964 x Gore in the Gully CB.V199 2.5 Film 1
4965 x Grand Jete CB.V595 10.2 Dans 1
4966 x Greasyhead Kid CB.V615 6.3 Lied Tekst 1
4967 x Great Caesar! CB.V523 2.1 Gezegde 2
4968 x Great Scott CB.V70 14.7 Gezegde 5
4969 x Groaner Building CB.V46 13.7 Gebouw 1
4970 x Gross CB.V588 4.6 Doos 1
4971 x Guard CB.V369 10.7 Hoed 1
4972 x Guggenstein Gallery CB.V626 9.6 Bedrijf 1
4973 x Guiana CB.V629 16.6 Land 1
4974 x Gulf of Guinea CB.V477 5.8 Gebied 1
4975 x Gully-Jumper CB.V360 4.7 Helikopter 1
4976 x Gyro Gearloose Inventor of Anything CB.V428 5.4 Bord 1
4977 x HU-3-9720 CB.V616 9.8 Telefoonnummer 1
4978 x Hag's Tooth CB.V593 1.1 Rots 1
4979 x Haiti CB.V213 1.1 Land 1
4980 x Halifax CB.V493 6.2 Stad 1
4981 x Hand Writing Analysis CB.V655 8.1 Boek 1
4982 x Hate Mints CB.V102 8.6 Bak 1
4983 x Hats CB.V64 1.6 Raam 1
4984 x Help keep the park clean CB.V8 7.6 Afvalbak 1
4985 x Hemet CB.V327 4.4 Autobus 1
4986 x Hep CB.V437 3.6 Muziekstijl 1
4987 x Hep Cat CB.V312 2.8 Muziekstijl 1
4988 x Hesperus II CB.V94 1.3 Schip 1
4989 x Hi De! Di De! Hi Do! CB.V484 2.3 Lied Tekst 1
4990 x Hi-Fi CB.V353 10.1 Doos 1
4991 x Highrock Dam CB.V519 6.10 Dam 1
4992 x Hipso Jivo CB.V577 9.5 Eiland 1
4993 x Historie of Golde CB.V268 1.1 Boek 1
4994 x Hogtown CB.V199 6.5 Stad 1
4995 x Hollywood CB.V47 5.6 Stad 4
4996 x Hollywood CB.V157 9.5 Straatnaam 1
4997 x Honker Archipelago CB.V593 5.3 Gebied 1
4998 x Horseshoe Valley CB.V178 1.5 Gebied 1
4999 x Hos Co. No. 6 1/2 CB.V73 4.3 Gebouw 1
5000 x Hot Springs CB.V157 3.1 Bord 1
5001 x House + Lot CB.V579 4.3 Aanplakbiljet 1
5002 x House Store CB.V541 7.3 Deur 1
5003 x Human Cannon Ball CB.V148 19.7 Kanon 1
5004 x I've been Shanghaied! CB.V450 5.8 Gezegde 1
5005 x Ice Cream Malts CB.V582 3.4 Raam 1
5006 x Icy Pass CB.V302 4.8 Gebied 1
5007 x Idaho CB.V304 7.1 Staat 3
5008 x Idle Dandies CB.V211 6.3 Club 1
5009 x India CB.V235 4.4 Land 3
5010 x Indiana CB.V304 6.7 Staat 1
5011 x Ink CB.V11 6.2 Fles 1
5012 x Inn CB.V186 9.1 Gebouw 1
5013 x Insulators CB.V540 2.8 Doos 1
5014 x Inventions CB.V574 2.6 Bord 1
5015 x Iraq CB.V348 7.4 Stad 1
5016 x Italy CB.V587 11.1 Land 1
5017 x Jackie + Pattie CB.V582 3.7 Muur 1
5018 x Japan CB.V31 7.2 Land 1
5019 x Jari CB.V613 6.3 Bron 1
5020 x Jeep CB.V31 6.4 Auto 1
5021 x Jeff the realtor CB.V157 3.1 Bord 1
5022 x Jersey CB.V603 9.3 Gebied 1
5023 x Jewel Club of Duckburg CB.V479 1.2 Club 1
5024 x Jive CB.V595 6.1 Dans 1
5025 x Jobs Wanted CB.V353 2.8 Aanplakbiljet 1
5026 x Jocko CB.V357 1.6 Footbalspeler 1
5027 x Joe CB.V579 4.3 Wetsdienaar 1
5028 x Joe & Carol CB.V582 3.5 Aanplakbiljet 1
5029 x John B. Cause CB.V638 3.4 Collectant 1
5030 x Jolly Roger CB.V233 5.8 Schip 1
5031 x Josie CB.V158 5.2 Buurjongen 1
5032 x Joy Killer CB.V102 11.5 Kan 1
5033 x Jumping Jack CB.V603 7.7 Gezegde 1
5034 x June Moon Lagoon CB.V158 3.1 Zwembad 1
5035 x Jungle Jump CB.V595 5.1 Dans 1
5036 x Junior Chickadees CB.V557 1.4 Club 1
5037 x Junior Woodchucks CB.V543 4.4 Club 1
5038 x Jupiter CB.V384 3.2 Hemellichaam 1
5039 x Just too Finicky CB.V298 7.1 Gezegde 1
5040 x K.O.R.N. TV CB.V207 2.2 TV Station 1
5041 x K2 CB.V282 15.3 Vliegtuig 1
5042 x Kaffir de Gaffir CB.V641 1.1 Mijn 1
5043 x Kalgoorlie CB.V611 6.6 Stad 1
5044 x Kansas CB.V629 23.8 Staat 1
5045 x Keep Away CB.V228 26.6 Bord 1
5046 x Keep Out CB.V569 8.1 Deur 1
5047 x Keep of the grass CB.V52 6.8 Bord 1
5048 x Killmotor Hill CB.V165 1.1 Berg 1
5049 x Klondike CB.V321 1.4 Stad 2
5050 x Kokomo CB.V349 1.3 Stad 1
5051 x LHTR RFY $00 CB.V579 4.3 Aanplakbiljet 1
5052 x Lackawanna CB.V180 10.1 Stad 1
5053 x Laredo CB.V391 13.1 Stad 1
5054 x Late News CB.V102 12.8 Krant 1
5055 x Lazy B CB.V109 1.2 Ranch 1
5056 x Learn how to live!!! CB.V199 1.1 Aanplakbiljet 1
5057 x Let Sam build your dam CB.V51 4.5 Vrachauto 1
5058 x Lifeguard CB.V4 1.2 T-Shirt 1
5059 x Lightest Africa CB.V120 6.8 Wegwijzer 1
5060 x Ligurian Sea CB.V268 6.6 Zee 1
5061 x Like the Dickens CB.V65 26.5 Gezegde 1
5062 x Limbo CB.V387 2.6 Dans 1
5063 x Lime CB.V29 3.6 Zak 1
5064 x Little Booneheads CB.V161 2.5 Club 1
5065 x Little Whiz Toy Treadmill CB.V72 5.3 Speelgoed 1
5066 x Little women CB.V1 16.2 Boek 1
5067 x Livery Stable CB.V39 1.3 Winkel 1
5068 x Lobster Newburg CB.V76 6.4 Eten 1
5069 x Lockstep CB.V635 12.5 Mars 1
5070 x London CB.V399 1.4 Stad 2
5071 x Lonely Rock Lighthouse CB.V55 7.5 Vuurtoren 1
5072 x Loon Beach CB.V493 4.6 Stand 1
5073 x Los Angeles CB.V157 20.2 Stad 1
5074 x Lost Turk Goldmine CB.V66 1.4 Goudmijn 1
5075 x Lots Ranches 1087 CB.V579 4.3 Aanplakbiljet 1
5076 x Magazines CB.V26 3.1 Kast 1
5077 x Mail CB.V242 1.1 Aanplakbiljet 1
5078 x Mail CB.V353 3.1 Brievenbus 1
5079 x Main 1200 CB.V398 1.7 Adres 1
5080 x Mambo CB.V327 4.4 Muziek 1
5081 x Man-eater Stadium CB.V57 25.1 Gebouw 1
5082 x Mandy CB.V635 14.4 Boerin 1
5083 x Map CB.V124 7.3 Kaart 2
5084 x Map of U.S.A. CB.V304 6.2 Kaart 1
5085 x Mars CB.V179 1.2 Hemellichaam 2
5086 x Mass Duckicide CB.V617 8.8 Ramp 1
5087 x Matches CB.V164 6.1 Doos 1
5088 x Mazuma CB.V210 1.6 Berg 1
5089 x McDuck Mountain CB.V262 1.1 Berg 1
5090 x McDuck Paving Contractor CB.V584 1.7 Auto 1
5091 x McDuck Paving Contractor CB.V584 1.7 Bedrijf 1
5092 x McMallard CB.V552 3.7 Park 1
5093 x Meat Sausage CB.V513 1.5 Raam 1
5094 x Mexico CB.V14 6.4 Land 3
5095 x Mickey Mackerals CB.V652 11.7 Gezegde 1
5096 x Mike CB.V579 4.3 Wetsdienaar 1
5097 x Milky Way CB.V501 1.2 Hemellichaam 2
5098 x Millpond CB.V161 1.1 Meer 1
5099 x Mistletoe Ball CB.V576 9.5 Spandoek 1
5100 x Mode JGE CB.V502 10.6 Magazine 1
5101 x Model Kit CB.V65 1.2 Doos 1
5102 x Money Bin CB.V624 2.4 Gebouw 1
5103 x Money Chart CB.V164 3.7 Schilderij 1
5104 x Moneyville CB.V495 7.2 Fictieve Plek 3
5105 x Monterey CB.V157 17.8 Stad 1
5106 x Moon CB.V134 5.7 Hemellichaam 1
5107 x Motor Vehicle Pink Slip CB.V528 7.4 Papieren Vel 1
5108 x Mudflats CB.V316 8.8 Gebied 1
5109 x Mudhen Pond CB.V543 2.2 Meer 1
5110 x My first Dollar CB.V154 9.1 Schilderij 1
5111 x Mynah Bird CB.V241 8.8 Dier soort 1
5112 x N.B.S. Inc. CB.V502 3.7 Bedrijf 1
5113 x New Mexico CB.V66 3.2 Staat 1
5114 x New York CB.V120 16.1 Stad 2
5115 x News CB.V502 10.5 Bord 1
5116 x News CB.V234 1.4 Kiosk 1
5117 x News Reel Co CB.V502 3.7 Bedrijf 1
5118 x Niagara CB.V146 11.8 Waterval 2
5119 x No 3 Welder CB.V471 5.8 Apparaat 1
5120 x Nome CB.V638 1.1 Stad 1
5121 x Noplace CB.V199 6.5 Stad 1
5122 x Normalcy CB.V519 7.8 Realiteit 1
5123 x North America CB.V136 13.3 Continent 1
5124 x North America CB.V136 13.3 Gebied 1
5125 x North Star CB.V471 2.7 Hemellichaam 1
5126 x Northern Hotel CB.V130 9.7 Hotel 1
5127 x Northwest Territory CB.V394 12.6 Staat 1
5128 x Nowhere CB.V608 11.5 Jungle 1
5129 x Numbers 1-100 CB.V154 8.2 Boek 1
5130 x OSO Safe Co CB.V228 7.8 Kluis 1
5131 x Oahu CB.V221 25.2 Eiland 1
5132 x Oak Street CB.V40 10.9 Straat 1
5133 x Oats CB.V153 1.5 Emmer 1
5134 x Ohio CB.V33 4.3 Rivier 1
5135 x Ohio CB.V188 25.3 Staat 1
5136 x Old songs CB.V233 4.8 Boek 1
5137 x Olde Swami Knows all Sees all CB.V481 1.7 Aanplakbiljet 1
5138 x Olympus CB.V612 2.7 Berg 1
5139 x One Whistle CB.V226 2.7 Gebouw 1
5140 x One dozen Whizo Egg Beaters CB.V12 1.1 Doos 1
5141 x Opera Ballet CB.V52 6.7 Aanplakbiljet 1
5142 x Oregon CB.V188 25.7 Staat 1
5143 x Orinoco CB.V188 8.3 Rivier 1
5144 x Oscar CB.V282 22.1 Prijs 1
5145 x P-47 CB.V10 21.3 Vliegtuig 1
5146 x PUTV CB.V507 7.3 TV Station 1
5147 x Pacific CB.V382 15.5 Zee 1
5148 x Panama CB.V619 7.3 Land 1
5149 x Panama Canal CB.V619 7.3 Kanaal 1
5150 x Pangani CB.V553 14.1 Rivier 1
5151 x Pango Pango CB.V336 8.7 Stad 1
5152 x Panthers CB.V437 3.5 Footbal Team 1
5153 x Park Hill CB.V52 9.3 Gebied 1
5154 x Pat. applied for CB.V455 2.8 Slee 1
5155 x Peanutville CB.V241 9.3 Stad 1
5156 x Peas CB.V2 7.1 Bord 1
5157 x Pecos CB.V265 8.2 Rivier 1
5158 x Peeweegahland CB.V338 20.1 Gebied 1
5159 x Pep Tonic CB.V217 3.5 Drank 1
5160 x Pepper CB.V1 4.4 Bus 1
5161 x Perthshire CB.V473 3.2 Gebied 1
5162 x Pet CB.V248 2.4 Raam 1
5163 x Philadelphia CB.V297 6.3 Stad 1
5164 x Pig Av. CB.V431 1.5 Straatnaam 1
5165 x Pike's Peak CB.V650 16.6 Berg 1
5166 x Pills CB.V217 3.4 Doos 1
5167 x Pilot CB.V624 8.7 Stoel 1
5168 x Pittsboig CB.V1 50.6 Stad 1
5169 x Pizen Rock Mountains CB.V34 2.2 Gebied 1
5170 x Pizen Valey CB.V352 1.1 Gebied 1
5171 x Plaza CB.V646 3.2 Schoonheidssalon 1
5172 x Plushwood Oaks CB.V582 18.5 Pilaar 1
5173 x Plymouth Rock CB.V618 4.5 Gebied 1
5174 x Polar Gulf CB.V541 8.3 Zee 1
5175 x Police CB.V532 4.5 Vrachauto 1
5176 x Police Station Precinct 1313 CB.V8 8.1 Bord 1
5177 x Poligro CB.V515 2.3 Steen 1
5178 x Pony Express CB.V618 6.4 Bedrijf 1
5179 x Postal Union CB.V26 3.7 Bedrijf 1
5180 x Potion Number Seven CB.V593 9.3 Drankje 1
5181 x Potion Number Six CB.V593 7.6 Drankje 1
5182 x Potomac River CB.V347 1.1 Rivier 1
5183 x Primrose Valley CB.V579 6.7 Aanplakbiljet 1
5184 x Primrose Valley CB.V579 1.1 Gebied 1
5185 x Primrose Valley CB.V579 2.6 Kaart 1
5186 x Primrose Valley Ranches $50 CB.V579 6.7 Aanplakbiljet 1
5187 x Prize CB.V177 6.8 Zak 1
5188 x Prune Seed CB.V2 9.3 Doos 1
5189 x Pudge CB.V158 5.2 Buurjongen 1
5190 x Pure XXX Grade CB.V588 4.7 Doos 1
5191 x Puzzles CB.V76 3.6 Doos 1
5192 x Quackby CB.V198 2.2 Straatnaam 1
5193 x Quackby 73 CB.V198 2.2 Adres 1
5194 x Quackby Park CB.V635 1.2 Park 1
5195 x R.R. CB.V317 4.1 Trein 1
5196 x R.R. Line CB.V317 7.2 Kaart 1
5197 x Ranger HDQS CB.V570 10.5 Bord 1
5198 x Rare Coins CB.V228 32.3 Boek 1
5199 x Red Ant Hollow CB.V116 8.7 Gebied 1
5200 x Red Monday CB.V428 1.1 Dag 1
5201 x Red-Hot Six-Guns at Rustlers' Roost CB.V183 1.6 Film 1
5202 x Rentals CB.V8 9.2 Raam 1
5203 x Rigor Snortis CB.V651 14.4 Ziekte 1
5204 x Rio CB.V26 9.8 Stad 1
5205 x Rio Grande CB.V30 1.1 Rivier 2
5206 x Rippan Taro CB.V577 15.1 Eiland 1
5207 x Ripper Rocks CB.V565 3.7 Rots 1
5208 x Ritz CB.V646 3.2 Schoonheidssalon 1
5209 x Rockies CB.V140 1.5 Gebergte 1
5210 x Rocks CB.V100 1.2 Boek 1
5211 x Rocky Mountains CB.V418 2.3 Berg 1
5212 x Rome CB.V88 7.8 Stad 4
5213 x Rubber CB.V120 17.4 Kist 1
5214 x Ruff 'n' Ruff Hiking Club CB.V144 5.1 Club 1
5215 x Ruff 'n' Tuff Hiking Club CB.V144 5.1 Club 1
5216 x S+D Railroad CB.V517 6.6 Bedrijf 1
5217 x S.A. CB.V244 4.5 Continent 1
5218 x Sacramento CB.V157 23.1 Rivier 1
5219 x Sacramento CB.V157 19.4 Stad 2
5220 x Salt Lake City CB.V26 17.2 Stad 1
5221 x San Antone CB.V65 21.4 Stad 1
5222 x San Diego CB.V157 13.1 Stad 2
5223 x San Folsom CB.V635 12.5 Gevangenis 1
5224 x San Jacinto CB.V351 1.1 Stad 1
5225 x San Jaoquin Valley CB.V157 21.2 Gebied 1
5226 x San Quentin CB.V619 8.8 Gevangenis 1
5227 x San Squintin CB.V611 17.1 Gevangenis 1
5228 x Sandflea Beach CB.V37 1.4 Strand 1
5229 x Save Our Trees CB.V570 1.3 Schilderij 1
5230 x School of Hocus Pocus CB.V154 7.1 Diploma 1
5231 x Science of Flipism CB.V199 7.7 Boek 1
5232 x Scotchman's tip CB.V650 8.2 Gezegde 1
5233 x Scotland CB.V168 11.6 Land 2
5234 x Scotland Yard CB.V529 1.5 Organisatie 1
5235 x Scrooge McDuck S.S. Lines CB.V154 1.2 Schip 1
5236 x Scroogeville CB.V120 17.3 Plantage 1
5237 x Sea Witch CB.V579 6.3 Schip 1
5238 x Seacake CB.V651 12.2 Bord 1
5239 x Seaside Park CB.V562 5.3 Park 1
5240 x Sec 10 CB.V444 9.6 Bord 1
5241 x Secret Service CB.V140 6.7 Organisatie 1
5242 x Seeds CB.V2 1.1 Zak 1
5243 x Set No 2 CB.V387 3.6 Muur 1
5244 x Shaky-Jell CB.V100 2.7 Toetje 1
5245 x Shame on You CB.V570 1.5 Schilderij 1
5246 x Sherman Tank CB.V519 3.6 Tank 2
5247 x Shipping Co CB.V577 6.5 Gebouw 1
5248 x Shoeless Pashly CB.V353 14.5 T-Shirt 1
5249 x Shop CB.V516 1.2 Deur 1
5250 x Shop CB.V163 4.1 Gebouw 1
5251 x Shop Chops CB.V513 1.5 Raam 1
5252 x Shy Heroin CB.V15 10.5 Stad 1
5253 x Siam CB.V353 13.4 Land 1
5254 x Siberia CB.V369 3.6 Staat 1
5255 x Sidewinder Siding CB.V653 21.4 Gebied 1
5256 x Sierra Grade CB.V317 5.2 Gebied 1
5257 x Simoleon CB.V45 5.3 Munt 1
5258 x Simoleons CB.V367 6.2 Munt 1
5259 x Sing Sing CB.V635 11.4 Gevangenis 1
5260 x Sitka CB.V382 5.5 Stad 1
5261 x Ski Barn CB.V105 3.1 Iglo 1
5262 x Skidoo Street CB.V574 4.6 Straatnaam 1
5263 x Skull Rocks CB.V240 10.5 Rots 1
5264 x Slip him a Mickey Finn CB.V50 1.5 Gezegde 1
5265 x Slobby + Blobby CB.V582 3.5 Muur 1
5266 x Snake River R.R. CB.V559 10.5 Wagon 1
5267 x Sneeze Powder CB.V555 4.5 Bus 1
5268 x Solid Corn CB.V233 4.8 Boek 1
5269 x Somewhere CB.V534 8.3 Wegwijzer 1
5270 x Song of Hiawatha CB.V338 9.3 Gedicht 1
5271 x Soso Mountains CB.V171 1.3 Gebergte 1
5272 x South Africa CB.V479 3.2 Land 1
5273 x South America CB.V479 3.2 Land 1
5274 x South Carolina CB.V304 6.2 Staat 1
5275 x South Duckburg CB.V239 8.6 Gebied 2
5276 x South Side Park CB.V484 5.4 Park 1
5277 x Sox CB.V235 8.1 Zak 1
5278 x Sparta CB.V607 6.3 Stad 1
5279 x Spice CB.V125 8.1 Bus 1
5280 x Sputnik CB.V400 2.1 Raket 1
5281 x Squaresville CB.V523 3.7 Fictieve Plek 1
5282 x Squirrelville CB.V591 3.3 Fictieve Plek 1
5283 x St. Mary's CB.V552 4.7 Kerk 1
5284 x St. Vitus Dance CB.V647 9.1 Ziekte 1
5285 x Stable CB.V579 6.1 Gebouw 1
5286 x Stamps CB.V200 2.6 Bord 1
5287 x Store CB.V579 5.8 Gebouw 2
5288 x Storksville CB.V485 14.4 Fictieve Plek 1
5289 x Stuffed Fish CB.V4 7.5 Raam 1
5290 x Successville CB.V468 2.1 Stad 1
5291 x Sugar Plum Fairy CB.V372 8.1 Dans 1
5292 x Sun CB.V391 14.5 Hemellichaam 1
5293 x Sundae CB.V230 1.4 Aanplakbiljet 1
5294 x Sutter's Fort CB.V157 23.1 Fort 1
5295 x Sydney CB.V70 6.8 Stad 2
5296 x Tablets CB.V217 3.4 Doos 1
5297 x Talltree CB.V445 8.8 Stad 1
5298 x Taxi CB.V57 5.3 Auto 2
5299 x Tennessee CB.V304 5.5 Staat 1
5300 x Teresa + Mr. In-between CB.V582 3.5 Muur 1
5301 x Terrorville CB.V610 10.7 Fictieve Plek 1
5302 x Texas CB.V7 1.2 Staat 6
5303 x The Three Store CB.V300 8.1 Winkel 1
5304 x Thoid Avenue CB.V104 1.6 Straatnaam 1
5305 x Thrushwhistle Glen CB.V116 1.4 Gebied 1
5306 x Tickets CB.V244 3.4 Bord 1
5307 x Tickets CB.V227 1.7 Bureau 1
5308 x Timbuktu CB.V287 6.8 Land 1
5309 x To Daisy from Donald CB.V52 2.6 Horloge 1
5310 x To visit Davey Jones Foist CB.V1 42.1 Gezegde 1
5311 x Tomatos CB.V2 7.2 Bord 1
5312 x Tools CB.V353 3.4 Raam 1
5313 x Tops CB.V105 7.2 Doos 1
5314 x Toys CB.V76 3.6 Doos 1
5315 x Transvaal CB.V611 2.4 Gebied 1
5316 x Trash CB.V449 12.2 Vuilnisbak 1
5317 x Treasure Island CB.V110 7.2 Boek 1
5318 x Tripe CB.V502 10.6 Magazine 1
5319 x Truth Over All CB.V148 26.1 Bord 1
5320 x Tuesday tatting Circle CB.V108 9.8 Club 1
5321 x Tule Lake CB.V351 1.1 Kamp 1
5322 x Tuleburg River CB.V313 1.2 Rivier 1
5323 x Tutor Corps CB.V564 5.5 Tas 1
5324 x Twist CB.V564 6.2 Dans 1
5325 x Tyrol CB.V568 1.2 Gebied 1
5326 x U.S. CB.V151 7.3 Land 1
5327 x U.S. Army CB.V33 3.11 Tas 1
5328 x U.S.A CB.V112 20.3 Land 1
5329 x U.S.A. CB.V70 25.5 Land 5
5330 x United Nations CB.V616 9.4 Organisatie 1
5331 x United States's Mail CB.V360 1.5 Bedrijf 1
5332 x Upper Mongoldia CB.V423 6.7 Land 1
5333 x VIP-1 CB.V588 1.1 Nummerbord 1
5334 x Valentine CB.V200 8.7 Brief 1
5335 x Vampire State Building CB.V228 13.3 Gebouw 1
5336 x Vaudeville CB.V277 10.8 Theater 1
5337 x Vermont CB.V144 2.4 Straatnaam 1
5338 x Vesuvius CB.V544 2.5 Berg 1
5339 x Vesuvius Airline CB.V553 8.5 Vliegtuigmaatschappij 1
5340 x Vine CB.V157 9.5 Straatnaam 1
5341 x Volga CB.V307 3.1 Rivier 1
5342 x Waha-Go-Gaga CB.V125 1.1 Kamp 1
5343 x Wall Street CB.V614 9.5 Straatnaam 1
5344 x Wanted $1000 reward CB.V8 7.7 Bord 1
5345 x War and Peace CB.V38 1.1 Boek 1
5346 x Ward and Roebuck CB.V112 10.5 Cementmolen 1
5347 x Warden 13 CB.V42 4.7 Ster 1
5348 x Warehouse Co. CB.V592 6.4 Gebouw 1
5349 x Washington CB.V341 1.1 Staat 1
5350 x Watchman CB.V82 5.6 Hoed 1
5351 x Watusi CB.V635 12.5 Dans 1
5352 x Webfoot CB.V357 1.1 Stad 1
5353 x Webfoot County CB.V163 9.7 Gebied 1
5354 x Webfoot Tech CB.V357 1.1 School 1
5355 x Whambo Jambo CB.V120 16.1 Stad 1
5356 x What the Dickens CB.V401 2.8 Gezegde 1
5357 x What the Dickens? CB.V188 19.5 Gezegde 1
5358 x Whinny! CB.V503 7.7 Lied Tekst 1
5359 x Who-Dun-It CB.V529 1.1 Boek 1
5360 x Wigs Masks Costumes CB.V179 5.1 Raam 1
5361 x Wildwood Canyon CB.V465 1.7 Gebied 1
5362 x Wilshire CB.V144 2.4 Straatnaam 1
5363 x Windjammer CB.V1 8.2 Schip Type 2
5364 x Wire CB.V540 2.8 Katrol 1
5365 x Wistfull Union CB.V76 2.5 Bedrijf 1
5366 x Witch Raven CB.V329 1.3 Mijn 1
5367 x Woodchuck CB.V266 5.1 Club 2
5368 x Wooden Shoe Stomp CB.V615 8.5 Dans 1
5369 x Y-A-K-S's Radio CB.V130 4.7 Radiostation 1
5370 x Ye olde Ski Shoppe CB.V13 3.6 Trui 1
5371 x Ye're bein' Shanghaied CB.V610 1.1 Gezegde 1
5372 x Yellowrado River Water Derby CB.V536 2.1 Wedstrijd 1
5373 x Yellowstone Rock Club CB.V559 3.7 Club 1
5374 x Your weight 1c CB.V222 1.5 Bord 1
5375 x Yukon CB.V319 17.7 Rivier 4
5376 x Yuletide CB.V449 15.7 Gebied 1
5377 x Zephyr CB.V209 6.8 Wind 1
5378 x Zoo CB.V455 8.1 Bord 1
5379 x Zooville CB.V620 20.6 Fictieve Plek 1
5380 x Zuyder Zee CB.V399 2.2 Zee 1